Were the offices of Democrat
leader Cummings and Democrat Sen. Whitehouse part of the conspiracy to obstruct
We now know why Lois Lerner
exercised her right not incriminate herself by pleading the fifth. On Monday
and Tuesday June 23rd-24th, hearings were held
investigating the abuse of power by the IRS. Despite the attempt by the Congressional
Democrats to denigrate the hearing as a farce and to obstruct justice, the
committee learned that just 10 days after finding out about a pending criminal
investigation by Congress, Lois Lerner’s’ computer mysteriously crashed and
then was later illegally destroyed (“recycled”).
The result was two and a third
years of e-mails critical to the investigation and during the time that IRS
agents were caught targeting conservative 501c3 groups were destroyed.
If you believe that Lerner’s
crashed computer was just a coincidence, then understand that 6 other key IRS
employees also had their computers suddenly crash losing their e-mails as well.
An MIT trained statistician estimates that the odds of Lerner’s hard drive
crashing just 10 days after learning of the pending investigation is 1,000 to
one! The odds of all 7 hard drives
crashing during that same time frame has been calculated to be 1 chance in 3.1
million! If you are a low-information Democrat or a leftist, university-trained
journalist, you probably still think all of these events occurring simultaneously
are quite possible. But even you must still wonder why the government destroyed
the hard drives that contained evidence subpoenaed by Congress.
If like Obama, you
still can not find a smidgen of corruption and no cover-up involving IRS
administrators, then understand that yesterday
there was also testimony that the
IRS broke federal law by not reporting the loss of data –the emails- to the
government archivist.
The following
is testimony of U.S. archivist David Ferriero from Tuesday’s hearing concerning
the IRS’s illegal activity;
agency didn’t “follow” the law.
The IRS should have notified the IRS as soon as it realized the records were
“Federal agencies are responsible for
preventing the unauthorized disposition of federal records, including their unlawful or accidental destruction, deletion,
alteration, or removal from federal custody.
When an agency becomes aware of an
incident of unauthorized destruction, they must report the incident to us.”
I repeat, the IRS broke federal law. It is not even
in dispute!
Who will be prosecuted by Eric Holder’s DOJ?
Would a taxpayer breaking federal law get a pass
from the federal government?
US taxpayer who lost her information.
Why do the Congressional Democrats not care
about IRS corruption? Are the Democrat’s working class constituents paying
attention? Will the Democrats pay a price at the ballot box in November?
Don’t count on it; most Democrats only have
knowledge of pop-culture news and current events. They form political opinion
based on anti-Republican jokes they hear from late night comedians and the
opinions of Hollywood celebs.
the hearing Rep. Gowdy demonstrated how Jay Carney and other staffers in the
White House have become involved in the IRS cover-up. Gowdy showed how Carney
was the source of the lie that a few rogue agents in Cincinnati were the only
ones abusing power.
Watch Trey Gowdy destroy the incompetent IRS
commissioner. Click this link:
demonstrates how to speak with forked tongue.
Only Republicans on
the committee seemed to care about finding the facts as the Democrats spent all
their time apologizing to the witnesses for the tough questions that the
Republicans posed.
In 1972, President Nixon
and his close aides ordered the harassment of political opponents, activist
groups and political figures by abusing the power of the FBI, CIA, and the I.R.S.
In 1972, a bipartisan committee led by the Democrats was formed to investigate allegations
against Nixon.
In 1972, Republicans
were just as concerned about the abuse of government power against the American
people as the Democrats. The national media was liberal but still retained a
perception of ethics and professional standards.
On a bipartisan base
the corruption of the Nixon administration was eventually uncovered. In fact, the toughest and most famous phrase
from the Watergate incident came when Republican, Howard Baker, demanded to
know about the Republican President; "What
did the President know, and when did he know it?”
Republicans Lowell Weicker from Connecticut along with Edward Gurney of Florida
joined Howard Baker in grilling the witness to get to the truth. Republican John Dean stated
that there was a “cancer on the
Presidency” and whistleblower, Alexander Butterfield revealed the existence
of the secret Nixon tapes. These men displayed honor, honesty and patriotism by putting the
Constitutional rights of Americans above political party, personal power or
Fast forward to 2014, is there an honorable Democrat in Congress today?
Is there an unbiased and honest investigative journalist alive today or
has that breed become extinct, forced from the profession by venomous leftists?
in 1972, the media the Democrats and the Republicans all
about stopping the abuse of power by the Nixon Administration. The Watergate scandal
resulted in the indictment, trial, conviction, and incarceration of 43 people!
at the IRS will be held accountable?
been a registered independent since Bush 43 spent and grew government like a
drunken Democrat. But in 1972, I was a registered Democrat. If the Republicans
had been as partisan and dishonest in the Watergate hearings as the Democrats
were yesterday at the IRS hearings, I believe that people would have left the
Republican Party in droves.
Democrats no longer have a smidgen of
credibility! In 2014, how can any citizen be proud to be identified as a
Democrat? Since at least 2010, only the Republicans and Independents have had any
interest in protecting the average American from government abuse! An honest
and unbiased national media no longer exists. The liberal “media-academia-political complex”
controls our culture and herds the low information, pop-culture Democrats like well-trained
media did its job in 1972.
When the abuse of power was discovered and
investigated by the US Congress the Nixon administration's resistance to its
probes led to what the media labeled a constitutional crisis. The
following is how Wikipedia reports the medias role in getting to the truth
concerning “Watergate;
“Role of the media
The connection between the break-in and the re-election committee was
highlighted by media coverage — in particular, investigative coverage by The Washington Post,
Time, and The New York Times. The coverage dramatically
increased publicity and consequent political repercussions. Relying heavily
upon anonymous sources, Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered
information suggesting that knowledge of the break-in, and attempts to cover it
up, led deeply into the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and the White
Today’s media only barely cover any of the Obama
scandals. They are more likely to recite White House talking points to defend
the Democrat Party than to conduct investigative journalism. Journalists that
have been persecuted by the government –James Rosen, Cheryl Atkinson et.al- are
pariahs to the mainstream media, not heroes.
Wikipedia described the rabid network coverage of
Watergate in 1972;
three major networks of the time agreed to take turns covering the hearings
live, each network thus maintaining coverage of the hearings every third day,
starting with ABC on
May 17 and ending with NBC on
August 7. An estimated 85% of Americans with television sets tuned into at
least one portion of the hearings.”
one only finds news coverage critical of Obama on radio and cable TV.
scandal after scandal Obama claims to have learned about every discrepancy,
problem or scandal concerning his administration from media reports. Obama acts
as if he is not President and Commander in Chief and ultimately responsible!
Fast and Furious
VA Scandal
IRS Targeting
Destruction and loss of evidence by the federal government
Drone assassinations of American citizens
Reset button for Russia leading to Ukraine invasion.
Bergdahl traded for high-level terrorist leaders
Red lines in Syria not enforced/ loss of worldwide
Fall of Iraq to ISIS
free independent media that protects our Constitutional rights no longer exists
in America.
why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!