This is an update to
my 2/5/2013 post. Unlike the mainstream media, I hope to be fair
and give credit when credit is due.
On occasion, when a
story has broken and can’t be ignored, when the tide flows strong against the
Democrats, “The Palm Beach Post” editors will jump in the water and go with the
flow by reporting what they can no longer hide.
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To his credit, Andrew
Mara of the Post got his feet wet today 02/11/2013 in an “Editorial: Obama ignores Constitution in killing U.S. citizens
overseas: “President Barack Obama has asserted the right to assassinate U.S. citizens on a secret kill list
who are too difficult to capture, without having to offer proof of their guilt
or their threat to public safety. No court need review his decision, and the
government need not even acknowledge its role in the killing.”
Wow! To read that in the Democrat Palm Beach Post brings renewed hope for fairness in the media!
Now that the Post acknowledges Obama’s most recent violation of our Constitution, a violation involving the murder of a 16yr. old U.S. citizen, will they lead the call for impeachment
proceedings? Don’t count on that, Obama is a Democrat.
yet another unusual random act of journalism on 02/08/2013 the Palm Beach Post
mentioned the huge, local scandal involving potential Medicare fraud and alleged
pedophilia by Democrat big wigs Palm Beach Dr. Melgen and N.J. Senator
Menendez. The problem with the report "Menendez denies trying to help his largest donor" was that only part of the scandal was
reported, the Medicare Fraud. As you can tell by the title it was mostly a piece in defense Menendez, reporting Democrat Party denials, not a probing interview.
But the fact that the scandal was at least recognized instills hope. Maybe a few honest journalist will transform the Palm Beach Rag into a legitimate news publication!
How did this reporting happen? Were
the leftist editors on vacation last week? Here is my original post written
before the Palm Beach Post’s two random acts of journalism
As usual, the editors
of “The Palm Beach Post” are dedicating their resources to attacking local and
national Republican politicians even as Democrat and Obama Administration
scandals pile up faster than dead, human bodies on the streets of Chicago, Mexico, Afghanistan, Syria, Benghazi, Egypt and Mali!
Randy Schultz used his
Sunday 2/03/2013 editorial to criticize Florida Governor Rick Scott for
moderating his positions, cynically claiming that Scott’s decisions are being
made to position him for re-election. While
Schultz continued his perpetual (free of
charge) political campaign against the Florida Republican Party and Gov. Scott
on behalf of the Democrat Party, he ignored the huge breaking local scandal
involving West Palm Beach’s mega DNC supporter Dr. Salomon Melgan, a scandal with nationwide tentacles.
The journalists of the
Post not only ignore Democrat corruption, they participate in defending the perps
by attacking anyone who opposes the
Obama administration as Jac Versteeg did by implying that the Benghazi hearings
are purely political! Nationwide, the biased media downplays incidents of
Democrat Party corruption while practically genuflecting to our Imperial
leader, King Barrack Hussein Obama. Political opponents who question our
man-child King are attacked, ridiculed and mocked by nonsensical, late night
entertainers providing low information Democrat viewers their only news source with which to form political opinion.
Here is just a sampling of the Democrat scandals
that receive little coverage, especially in the Palm Beach Post:
Issue #1: A DOJ drone
policy memo was leaked to Michael Isikoff of NBC. It decrees that despite the 5th Amendment, King Obama has authority to use drones to
assassinate people on his kill list including
American citizens without judicial process!
Issue #2: Democrat
N.J. Senator Robert Menendez was caught taking over $58,000 of unreported gifts.
The media helped cover-up Menendez’s
illegality until after his re-election!
Issue #3: Major DNC contributor,
Dr. Salomon Melgan of Palm Beach, Fl., is accused of gaining political favors
for his large financial contributions to the DNC and for providing prostitutes in the Dominican Republic- including underage
minors- to Democrat Party members!
Issue #4: The Benghazi
scandal deepens as Leon Panetta’s testimony today further depicts the Obama
Administration’s incompetence and Obama’s
lack of ability as Commander in Chief to answer “the call at 3AM” as terrorists killed four Americans!
Issue #5: The “Fast and Furious” weapons continue to take lives in Mexico as the DOJ and the media thumbs its nose at any
call for responsibility in Obama’s gun running, anti-second amendment scheme!
Issue #1
The left demanded that President Bush be tried for war crimes before
‘The Hague” because he allowed enhanced interrogation of captured
terrorists on 3 occasions. Bush
did not provide civilian trials in N.Y. for the captured foreign combatants
held at Gitmo, nor did he house the poor little jihadists in sufficient luxury
or provide them with their desired cuisine of choice; thus the evil President Bush incurred the wrath of the left and the Democrat Party. With few exceptions, it is now permissible
to the media for a Democrat President,
to make a kill list and personally select individuals to assassinate with drone
strikes as the targets along with their entire families; visitors and
unfortunate innocent neighbors are incinerated without trial! Estimates are
that over 3,000 people have been killed in this manner. The left said that by holding captured terrorists at Gitmo, Bush was creating
new generations of jihadists that hate America. Imagine what flying drones over
their heads and blowing up homes will do for the cause!
By the CNN Wire Staff
“updated 8:33 PM
EDT, Tue September 25, 2012
Stanford/NYU report -- titled "Living Under
Drones" -- offers starker figures published by The Bureau of Investigative
Journalism, an independent organization based at City University in London.
"TBIJ reports that from June
2004 through mid-September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes
killed 2,562 - 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474 - 881 were civilians,
including 176 children. TBIJ reports that these strikes also injured an
additional 1,228 - 1,362 individuals," according to the Stanford/NYU
I find it amusing to watch all
the lefties on MSNBC squirm in their seats as they stutter and equivocate,
attempting to rationalize drone assassinations as they defend Obama.
(P.S. Personally I do not condemn
these drone strikes if solid intelligence is found against foreigners in the theater of conflict and provided some type of oversight is in
place. I hold this view without hypocrisy; I would give an Independent or
Republican administration the same powers.)
Most residents of
South Florida are well aware of the pro-Democrat bias of “The Palm Beach Post”. Conservative Republicans can do no right as
Randy Schultz demonstrated in Sunday’s editorial, while Democrats can do no wrong
as long as they support a progressive left, pro-Democrat Party agenda. This
code of silence and protection apparently pertains to events even when they
occur at the very doorstep of the corrupt Palm Beach Post.
Issue #2
N.J. Senator Robert
Menendez, Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,
has been caught attempting to hide nearly $60,000 worth of private flights to
the Dominican Republic. Laughably, the Senator claims it was an oversight and
he has now reimbursed his benefactor Palm Beach resident Dr. Salomon Melgen for
over 58,000! The media knew of,
but withheld reporting this illegality until after Menendez’s successful re-election.
That malfeasance would not be considered much of a story to the Post do to the
fact that both the Doctor and the Senator are prominent Democrats. But the
scandal goes much, much deeper and possibly threatens the entire DNC including
chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who has received huge campaign donations from Melgen's allegedly dirty Medicare fraud money pot. That is why the Palm Beach Post will start
to circle the wagons to the left to protect the DNC.
Emerging FBI evidence
shows that the two Democrat fat cats were allegedly involved and participated
in sex parties and underage prostitution in the Dominican Republic. Robert
Menendez was an outspoken critic of the secret service agent scandal involving
prostitutes in Columbia.
Click the link below
to see Senator Menendez calling for the agents to be fired:
Will Senator Menendez now take his own advice and resign?
The FBI has raided and
seized Dr. Melgen’s office files in West Palm Beach, Florida. Melgan’s ties run
long and deep in the Democrat Party especially in Palm Beach County, Fl. Although the Palm Beach Post apparently has
not discovered this breaking news, our neighbors to the south at The Miami Herald are
aware of the scandals.
The following is a
report from the Miami Herald .com:
I have found almost no
coverage of this local and growing scandal concerning Palm Beach ophthalmologist
Dr. Melgen, Senator Menendez and prominent Florida Democrats in the corrupt
“Palm Beach Post”!
Here is more reporting of events that The Palm
Beach Post hopes to whitewash. The Daily Caller reports this:
“Melgen, 59,
is believed to have flown Menendez in his private jet to the Dominican Republic
on several occasions for alcohol-fueled sex parties featuring prostitutes. (RELATED: Emails show FBI investigating Sen. Bob Menendez for sleeping
with underage Dominican prostitutes)”
Click the following link for the whole story:
More details inevitably will
spill out as both Melgen and Menendez become tangled in multiple
investigations. The Senate Ethics Committee is looking into whether Menendez
accepted inappropriate gifts from Melgen and FBI agents carted away evidence
seized from Melgen’s offices. The media
is being dragged reluctantly into the fray claiming that there is no solid
evidence yet. Do they ever give such deference to conservatives? Hello Dan
Rather and company!
Update: Leon Panetta
testified about the Benghazi attack. He said Obama spent 30 min. at the
beginning of the 8-hour attack getting information and then never called for
updates and never took defensive military action as the Americans waited in-vane for help and died. In the Aftermath, CNN reporters were on scene and recovered our Ambassadors diary before Obama and Panetta sent in our military!
The Post does not only
ignore the Obama Administration's incompetence and dishonest cover story, but on Jan. 29th
2013, Democrat propagandist Jac Versteeg defined the questioning of Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton concerning her role in the Benghazi massacre as “a tribute to political egos… Republicans used the hearings to compile
video clips for use against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she runs for
president in 2016”. Imagine
how the loved ones of the dead Americans who want accountability will regard
that analysis from Versteeg!
Even after the damming, not believable testimony, and witnessing
Hillary completely lose composer by flailing her arms and screaming, “What difference does it make…” Versteeg
and the Democrat media elites defend anything she or this Democrat administration
See Hillary sporting prophylactic, military,
boot camp style eyeglasses lose her cool; click this link:
How can this person still be considered
presidential material? Her incompetence as Secretary of State should eliminate
her from contention and that un-presidential hissy fit leaves little doubt that she is not up for the call to action at 3am!
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Issue #5
The dust of the Fast and Furious settles into
the sunset, a distant memory, showing us that the long held tradition of our
media holding the government responsible for scurrilous activity no longer
exists when Democrats hold power. That is why we must investigate the issues ourselves. Find
the truth and spread it to your friends and neighbors. Hold the Government and
the Media accountable. The Palm Beach post
will not tell you the truth, to them, “The means justify the end”; the end
being socialism at best. Randy and Jac
are to busy working as a campaign organizers and propagandists for the Democrat
party. Their goal is to defeat Republicans and Independents and advance
leftist policy, not inform the public.
why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!
Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Immoral means cannot bring moral ends, for
the ends are pre-existent in the means.”
After the death of president John F. Kennedy, the worldwide
advance of Communism beyond Russia, China and Cuba accelerated into Asia,
Africa, Central and South America, as did the influence of the progressive
movement here in The United States. Our Universities and media institutions
have become re-education instruments for socialist propagandists. Their success
is evident by the 2012 election and the “dumbing” down of the American youth.
This week; Must Read: “KILLING KENNEDY” by Bill O’Reilly