Tuesday, November 8, 2011



            Former president Bill Clinton is making the rounds promoting his new book entitled “Back to Work”. The irony of this is that a new report has just come out proving that Bill Clinton was one of the politicians most responsible for the Global Economic Collapse and the resultant loss of jobs worldwide.

It has been discovered that on April 15th 1994 Clinton’s Task Force On Fair Lending entered into the Federal Registry, a 20-page report entitled Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending. Ten federal agencies were used by Clinton to issue harrowing ultimatums to banks and mortgage lenders to start issuing loans to lower income minorities or face investigations of discrimination, adverse publicity and denial of access to the secondary mortgage market.
 This blows up the argument that a lack of regulation led to our economic situation. The fact that the federal government had regulation authority is the very tool that enabled politicians to control banker’s behavior. Bad and over regulation is what Bill Clinton conducted from the executive branch with the help of Chris Dodd from the Senate and Barney Frank from the House. They set in motion the subprime mortgage meltdown and the eventual destruction of the global economy. Of course The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and the Democrat Media has not reported any of the facts, which incriminate Democrat politicians.
 This morning, Clinton appeared on the MSNBC, Morning Joe Show. Mika and Joe lobbed the impeached president softball questions concerning the economy and did not once ask about Clinton's Task Force On Fair Lending debacle or the sexual assaults that Clinton perpetrated while governor of Arkansas and again later as president. Mika and Joe had just finished whacking the embattled Herman Cain like a cheap piƱata before Clintons appearance. They referenced Cain’s $35,000 severance payout to a mystery woman but not the $850,000 dollar legal settlement Clinton was forced to pay to Paula Jones. Nor did the inquisitive pair ask Clinton about his impeachment and the scientifically proven, DNA evidence of predatory sexual activities that he committed in the Oval Office against Monica Lewinsky.
 Indeed, the most powerful man in the world pointed his finger at the American people and lied; “I did not have sex with that woman…  and was eventually impeached, only the second president in history to be impeached and the first since Andrew Johnson in 1868! This fact alone makes Bill Clinton a historic figure. None of this was of interest to the MSNBC crowd and apparently is not an issue to any Democrat as Clinton tours the world, a disgraced man and laughing stock to everyone outside the Democrat Party.  This is not surprising as Clinton’s impeachment for committing perjury and for obstruction of justice did not come easily against the tide of a supportive leftwing Democrat press corp. In fact the mainstream media swarmed down upon each of Clinton’s victims. One by one the women came forward reporting Clinton’s acts of turpitude and were met by a hostile press. Camping outside their homes, the Democrat media painted the terrified women as Nuts and Sluts. The angry hoard of corrupt journalists defended their Democrat President with a frenzied vigor. Only after Clinton’s semen was discovered on the dress of a young, powerless and lowly, White House intern was the Chief Executive of the United States of America scrutinized. Still, the Democrat Party began the defense of “ Oh well that is Clinton’s personal life.” Discovery of the stained dress is the only reason the liar, in chief  was brought to account for his assaults on women, now the revelation of the 20-page report Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending further stains the credibility of him and his book, "Back to Work". Sexual assaults and allegations of outright rape are not a concern to the media if the perpetrator is a powerful, white, liberal, Democrat. This brings us to Herman Cain.
 Why do I bring up this old Clinton scandal news? Herman Cain is facing accusations similar to those that Clinton faced during his run for president. The misdeeds in question for both men were occurring at around the same time in the early 1990’s. The lowlifes on MSNBC completed the lynching of Herman Cain today as the reports of yet another woman came forward. She is a financially strapped woman from Obama’s hometown, Chicago and has never filed any complaint or accusation against Cain until he became a front running presidential candidate.
Will the media hound this poor woman and investigate every detail of her personal life while slandering her reputation as a nut and slut? Not a chance! The media is treating her like a celebrity and as a credible victim not a nut, not a slut. She is white and Cain is black. Clinton is Democrat and white, Cain is Republican and black. Cain has jumped the fence. He is a runaway, a black man who is off the Democrat plantation. We all know that a conservative black man who calls himself a Republican must be lynched. Asks Clarence Thomas, ask the slave master and head of the DNC Debra Wah Wah Wasserman- Schultz. Wasserman-Schultz has a noose with conservative, black, congressman Allen West’s name on it; he just needs to be caught. The hunt is on and Marco Rubio, another fence hopper, is also in the crosshairs; a hispanic conservative runaway. With the help of the corrupt press it's only matter of time before these conservative Americans are destroyed.

 Is there any wonder why minorities that oppose the Democrats just keep their mouths shut? 
The DNA of an out of control government and the far left lunatics is all over this global economic crises. Bill Clinton, the national media and the Democrat party are a stain on our freedom and democracy.

I Almost Forgot! The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Clint Eastwood:    “The less you mess around with people, the better off people are.”