Friday, June 28, 2013



The runaway train known as Obamacare is about to wreck the healthcare of millions of Americans!

1)   Young people. (high premiums or fines)
2)   Doctors (shortages, pay cuts, lack of autonomy)
3)   Seniors (rationing, give granny a pain pill)
4)   Employers (raise cost of doing business, unaffordable workers)
5)   Middle class taxpayers (workers with good insurance, kiss it goodbye)
6)   Religious institutions (do what Democrats want not your faith)
7)   Quality healthcare services (Kiss them goodbye)
8)   Makers and innovators of medical devices due to special Obamacare taxes. 


1)   Lobbyists
2)   The IRS
3)   Insurance Companies
4)   Big Government Administrators
5)   Freeloaders (mostly Democrats)
6)   Unions, Congress and Obama Administration officials who will grant themselves exemptions from the nightmare of Obamacare
7)   Crony capitalist friends and Democrat Party mega-donors to Obama who will get exemptions from Obamacare


5/10/2013, USA Today reported;
A raft of former Democratic proponents are so eager to distance themselves from Obamacare that they are looking for a scapegoat.”
Let me suggest they blame Bush. That usually works on mindless, low information Democrats.

Even the lefties at Politico have recognized the horrors of Obamacare.
Here is what was reported on;

         By ANNA PALMER and JAKE SHERMAN | 6/13/13 5:13 AM EDT
Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.”
         That’s right, even the idiots in Congress that passed Obamacare are trying to distance themselves from responsibility and get exemptions from the hideous legislation!
“The fear: Government-subsidized premiums will disappear at the end of the year under a provision in the health care law that nudges aides and lawmakers onto the government health care exchanges, which could make their benefits exorbitantly expensive.”
“Currently, aides and lawmakers receive their health care under the generous Federal Employee Health Benefits Program. The government subsidizes upward of 75 percent of the premiums for the health insurance plans.”
Let me translate! The government does not subsidize congress; YOU the taxpayer subsidize 75% of government workers premiums! Government workers whine about living with the burdens and regulations that they happily place on the very citizens that they are paid to serve! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

From the start, most Republicans and independents warned that the Affordable Care Act would be a disaster. Democrats led by Pelosi, Reid and Obama claimed we would all love Obamacare!

Despite reality, recent history shows that the Democrats, the media, and
the Hollywood/TV celebrities will persist in trying to blame Republicans for nearly all of societies problems.
Many low information Democrats will be persuaded that Republicans are
in control of Washington, D.C. and causing the hardships that America faces including Obamacare’s failure despite the fact that when the Affordable Care Act was passed, opponents (mostly Republicans) warned that it would be a disaster.
         A raft of former Democratic proponents is now eager to distance themselves from Obamacare.
         Democrat Sen. Max Baucus the author and chief sponsor of Obamacare worries that the implementation of the law will be a "train wreck."

Baucus' words were revealing: No one in the country bears more responsibility for the complexity of this law than Baucus!

How did we fall for this Democrat Utopian Scam?

         Obama took office in 2009 with the luxury of having his Democrat Party allies in control of all three branches of the federal government. Obama and the Democrats used this domination (over two years of absolute political power) to pass Obamacare into law against the wishes of the majority of Americans while putting job creation and the devastated economy on the back burner.
While cramming Obamacare down our throats, Speaker, Nancy Pelosi infamously proclaimed; "But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what is in it." Republican and Independent politicians might as well have taken a two year vacation as the Democrats implemented their irresponsible, out of control “cracker jack” style of legislative power.

In the Senate, Harry Reid passed Obamacare without a single Republican vote! Reid and President Obama, setup massive Obamacare spending as they drained $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for it!
Now America, including the low information Democrat, has discovered that the prize inside the Obamacare, “Cracker Jack Box” is a bitter pill to swallow.
Left leaning has reported that the dunderhead Democrats in Congress who passed Obamacare and then cheered Nancy Pelosi as she carried a cartoonish, oversized, speakers gavel to the Capital Building while marching arm in arm with her socialist Democrat cohorts have now raised concerns over the 2000 page monstrosity.

Rep. John Larson, a Connecticut Democrat in leadership when the law passed, said;
Listen this is simply not fair to these employees. They are federal employees.”

This is how our government views you! Low quality expensive healthcare is just fine for us little people, we taxpaying peons, but my goodness, how can we expect federal employees to settle for such inferior services?
Not to be outdone by Democrat colleague John Larson, far left Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) chimed in;
This law raises premiums, lowers the quality of care, increases taxes and jeopardizes the insurance Americans were promised they could keep”
Wyden also noted that the law would drastically increase premiums for the young.

Wyden is correct! Obamacare will negatively impact many younger Americans.
Here's a list of how young adults will be hurt by the law!
1 ) Premium increases.
Obamacare imposes age-rating rules that increase premiums for young adults. The oldest group of (non-Medicare) adults normally consumes about five times as much medical care as the youngest group. Under Obamacare, young adults will pay artificially high premiums, and older adults will pay artificially low premiums. Estimates are that the effect will be an increase of premiums for those ages 18–24 by 45 percent and those ages 25–29 by 35 percent while decreasing premiums for those ages 55–59 by 12 percent and those ages 60–64 by 13 percent.

How will all those Obama-Zombie college kids like Obamacare when they get the bill? LOL!

2) Loss of coverage.
Obamacare puts in place new rules that prohibit plans with annual limits. While limited health plans may not be ideal, some coverage is still better than none. Several colleges across the country have already stopped offering low-cost plans to students because of the new regulations. LOL! A college offering a plan that cost students $445 a year with an annual limit of $10,000 had to cancel the program because Obamacare requires a minimum cap of $100,000! That would increase student premiums to more than $2,000 for the new level of coverage!
In the 2013-2014 school year, the minimum cap is set at $500,000, and after that, no payout cap is allowed. This will obviously lead colleges to drop all coverage!

3) Feds. Takeover student loans.
Obamacare ends government subsidies to private lenders and puts the federal government in charge of originating and servicing federally backed student loans. This will guaranty rising college costs. Colleges will once again be able to increase costs, and students with easy access to low-interest loans will once again be able to pay inflated costs enticing them into stifling debt and dooming them to years of subservience to the federal government and the IRS tax collectors.

4) Less money for education.
Obamacare's massive expansion of Medicaid will be difficult to sustain on already strained state budgets. As states are forced to redirect a growing portion of their budgets to Medicaid, less funding will be available for education. The Medicaid expansion will increase state spending and only gets worse as federal contributions gradually decline.

5) Crushing Debt.
Future generations will be left footing the bill for Obamacare and its irresponsible spending. Obamacare does not reduce health insurance premiums, spending, or the deficit. The latest cost estimate for Obamacare is $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. As the national debt approaches $16 trillion and the cost of Obamacare continues to rise, younger Americans will be saddled with crushing taxes to pay for it.
The shear number of Obama Administration scandals has overwhelmed most intelligent, well-informed people. Despite Constitutional protections the lawless Obama Administration lead by Eric Holder’s corrupt Department of Justice has turned our freedom loving, Representative Republic into an Orwellian, tyrannical, big brother police state.

         It is now clear that since Obama’s election, the mainstream media provides no oversight of federal government abuses and in fact operates as a propaganda branch of the Democrat Party. Surely, Stalin’s communist puppets at Pravda would observe with great admiration at how our media leads the unwashed masses down the path to servitude of the powerful elite.

I have now learned that The National Football League and Hollywood celebrity elites will be enlisted by the Democrats to join the mainstream media as they propagandize the wonders and benefits of Obamacare. Masses of apathetic, low information Democrat voters (who constitute 50% of the national electorate) will be herded like cattle into the government controlled pens of dependency in exchange for their personal freedom, privacy and opportunity. Those opposed will be forced through fines by government to comply. The result will be low quality, expensive healthcare and the loss of privacy and freedom for all. I thought the Constitution granted freedom and liberty for all.
Concerned, informed citizens who oppose the leftist elites and their disastrous policies will be mocked, ridiculed and labeled as greedy, heartless, racist, bigot pigs by the media and the cheerleading celebrities, even as these same wealthy Democrat elites continue to exploit and intentionally keep their base constituents (the poor, undereducated and low information Democrats) in dependence, despair and hopelessness.  

           The Obamacare law is so awful that even the media and the mindless Democrat politicians who passed the law are turning against the bill. Will America finally come to it’s senses before it’s to late and demand the repeal of Obamacare? Or will the media including “The Palm Beach Post” continue to lie to the public and keep the low information Democrat voters in the government pen of dependency and control? I’m sure the cowards at The Post will always toe the party line of the Democrats.

That’s why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Ralph Bircher: “The treatment is really a cooperative effort of a trinity- the patient, the doctor and the “inner doctor.”

Must read: “The Big Picture” by Dr. Ben Carson.