Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to be a uniter not a divider. Upon his election the Democrats enjoyed two full years of complete control of the government, including a 60 seat super majority in the United States Senate. The Republicans could have taken a two year leave of absence on the beach’s of the French Riviera and still had as much influence in Washington D.C. during 2009 and 2010.
Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Harry Reid conducted business without giving the minority Republicans a voice in our government’s proceedings. Obama delegated much of his leadership to the two top Democrats. When asked about the lack of bipartisanship Obama said - to paraphrase - “We get to decide because we won!” Those two years were squandered on the “Obomination” known as the Obama Health Care Bill.
In 2008 gas prices averaged $1.87 per gallon. Obama put a moratorium on offshore drilling and put much of the U.S. oil reserves off-limits for drilling and exploration. Obama also stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have been a boon to both Canada and the U.S. His radical administration led by Ken Salazar continues to shackle domestic oil, gas, and coal producers with regulations and denied permits while giving loans of American tax money to Brazilian offshore drillers and Obama’s friend, investor George Soros. After three years of Obama, gas prices are predicted to rise to at least $5.00 per gallon in 2012! Obama is the president of the over 100% increase in energy costs! Our money is squandered on pie in the sky green energy failures! Incredibly, Obama's new solution for energy is Algae!
In 2008 the federal deficit increased by $1 trillion. In 2009 Obama added a staggering $1.9 trillion of debt in one year! In 2010, pedal to the metal Obama poured on another $1.7 trillion of debt. Today the gross national debt exceeds an unimaginable figure, $15.5 trillion! Obama is the president of the 400%; the 400% increase in debt on our children!
Over a year ago, the bipartisan commission, Simpson – Bowles, offered a plan to save the nation from the out of control spending. Politicians on both sides of the isle embraced the plan but Obama rejected it and increased wasteful government spending.
Nearly a year ago, the Navy Seals killed Osama Bin laden. Obama had the perfect opportunity to declare victory and leave Afghanistan. Instead he escalated our presence in Afghanistan and invaded Libya while simultaneously attacking cities in Africa with drones. (Where are the leftwing war protesters? Where is code pink and Cindy Sheehan? Where is the media? Where is the sucky Palm Beach Post?)
Yesterday, two more young American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by a fanatical Muslim terrorist posing as an ally soldier. What was Obama’s response? Obama apologized to the Afghans! Bring our troops home Mr. President!
Not even the worldwide economic melt down can keep this man from spending our money and having some fun. While people in Syria are slaughtered and our soldiers die in Afghanistan, president Obama parties with Mick Jaggar and other celebrities in D.C. Not to be outdone, Michele and the daughters enjoyed their 16th vacation in three years, a skiing trip in Colorado!
Not even the worldwide economic melt down can keep this man from spending our money and having some fun. While people in Syria are slaughtered and our soldiers die in Afghanistan, president Obama parties with Mick Jaggar and other celebrities in D.C. Not to be outdone, Michele and the daughters enjoyed their 16th vacation in three years, a skiing trip in Colorado!
Obama’s lack of experience, inability to lead and atrocious work ethic has led to him being the president of the over 100%.
More than 100% increase in gas prices!
More than 100% increase in the national debit!
More than 100% increase in his personal vacation, golfing and party time on the taxpayers tab as our citizens suffer and brave troops die!
Elbert Hubbard: “Failure: A man who has blundered but is not able to cash in on the experience.”