The Obama Administration continues to use the 2,000 page monstrosity known as the Obama Health Care Bill to infringe on individual rights. The regime tramples the Bill of Rights and shows outright disdain for our Constitution under the guise of providing affordable healthcare for all.
Sunday, February 12th 2012 Randy Schultz editor of the editorial page of the Palm Beach Post submitted his contribution to the diversion, an editorial titled “Birth-control fight all about politics? Inconceivable”. Schultz, a thinly veiled Democrat shill and left wing propagandist used the lyrics from the “The Pill” a 1975 Loretta Lynn country western protest ballad that rails against "how men want to keep women barefoot and pregnant". Across the country Obama’s media propagandists used similar ploys in an attempt to change the issue from opposition to the constitution busting government healthcare mandates into a false claim; that an attempt is being made to take away the right of women to use contraceptives.
Last week the country was horrified by the Administration’s assault on the first amendment rights of the Catholic Church, by imposing a mandate that the Church supply contraceptives, sterilization procedures and abortion pills to people as part of their health care benefits. These services violate the religious beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
Sensing their political blunder and hearing the wave of outrage crashing across the country, the Administration’s propaganda machine downshifted and meshed gears with their allies in the mainstream Democrat media. In short order the propagandists in the Administration and their minions in the media put into motion a steamroller of Democrat spin and lies to convert the issue at hand from opposition to the continued onslaught of big government mandates on individuals and institutions into an attack on the contraceptive rights of women.
What Schultz and his ilk have the inability to understand is that the United States Constitution is a document that prevents government mandates and actions that meddle in citizen’s lives. The Constitution says that individual freedom and rights are unalienable and endowed equally on all people by their creator –a phrase that Obama leaves out of his version of the Constitution when giving speeches – and government may not infringe on these rights. These rights are declared to be inherent, natural and unalienable.
Progressives like Schultz and Obama apparently want a new constitution allowing the ruling class of elites to control individual rights and freedoms of the little people. The progressives wish to use government mandates to implement their vision of social justice. Obama has taught Constitution classes at Harvard where he finds the U.S. Constitution to be antiquated. He believes that the constitution should be a document which outlines the rights granted to each citizen by the federal government. From his own teachings, one can only surmise that Obama believes our rights should come from government, which means government could take away and alter those rights as they deem fit! Institutions will be told what is for the common good. Of course the small group who hold power; people like Anita Dunn will define what is the common good and what rights will be granted.
The following is from Wikipedia:
“Anita Dunn is a political strategist who served as White House Communications Director from April through November 2009. She is a senior partner at SKDKnickerbocker Consulting in Washington, D.C. and has recently become a contributor for NBC News / MSNBC / CNBC”.
Here is what Anita Dunn believes as reported on Wikipedia:
"The third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa — not often coupled with each other, but the two people I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point…. Mao Zedong was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over.”
The following is also from Wikipedia:
Mao himself claimed that a total of 700,000 people were executed during the years 1949–53.[38] However, because there was a policy to select "at least one landlord, and usually several, in virtually every village for public execution",[39] the number of deaths range between 2 million[39][40] and 5 million.[41][42] In addition, at least 1.5 million people,[43] perhaps as many as 4 to 6 million,[44] were sent to "reform through labour" camps where many perished.[44] Mao played a personal role in organizing the mass repressions and established a system of execution quotas,[45] which were often exceeded.[35] He defended these killings as necessary for the securing of power.[46]
Starting in 1951, Mao initiated two successive movements in an effort to rid urban areas of corruption by targeting wealthy capitalists and political opponents, known as the three-anti/five-anti campaigns. A climate of raw terror developed as workers denounced their bosses, wives turned on their husbands, and children informed on their parents; the victims often were humiliated at struggle sessions, a method designed to intimidate and terrify people to the maximum. Mao insisted that minor offenders be criticized and reformed or sent to labor camps, "while the worst among them should be shot." These campaigns took several hundred thousand additional lives, the vast majority via suicide.[47]
In section F of the same issue of the Post, Susan Salisbury reports “U.S. mulls regulating salt in processed food”. Led by Michele Obama, the government has begun going far beyond the food safety inspections performed by the F.D.A. into the realm of food nanny, nazi's. School children are having their lunch boxes examined and confiscated by school officials, not for drugs or weapons but for lack of vegetables! We are forced to fill our homes with toxic mercury laced light bulbs and to buy toilets and shower heads that don’t’ provide enough water flow to function efficiently. The consumer uses far more water by multiple flushing and longer rinse cycles. Our tax money is squandered on failed green energy companies and combustible, flaming electric cars that can only travel 40 miles and are powered by coal generated electricity - a much dirtier fossil fuel than gas- as the gasoline price under Obama's leadership has soared from $1.87 per gallon to a predicted summer high of over $5. Only megalomaniacs, dictators like Mao, Stalin, Marx or Hitler could possible believe that the government should have such oppressive control of it's citizens.
Even before it was fashionable, Mao practiced class warfare, violence, demonized political opponents and issued government mandates. He did not have the hindrance of a strong constitution to slow his social engineering. Obama, Dunn, Ayers, Van Jones et. al. and many in the media apparently admire the Chinese communist dictator as they advocate similar stifling centralized government power for America. They apparently don’t intend to let the U.S. Constitution get in their way.
I would like to offer Dunn and Randy Schultz the lyrics to a different song; one called Revolution that was written and recorded in 1968 by the Beatles.
“You say you want to change a constitution.
Well you know. We all want to change your head.
You tell me it’s the institution. Well you know.
You better free your mind instead.
But if you go carrying a picture of chairman Mao.
You ain’t going to make it with anyone, anyhow.”
That's Why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!
Aldous Huxley: "Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few."