Friday, May 4, 2012


Fun Friday Pig Out
On Friday, April 27th 2012, a report by Jennifer Sorentrue, a staff writer for the Palm Beach Post, said that the Palm Beach County Commission was considering allowing potbellied pigs to be kept as pets. She wrote;
The request came at the urging of suburban Delray Beach resident Jennifer San Filippo, who feared she might lose her 80-pound pig, Yoda, after someone complained to the county’s code enforcement office”.
         Several commissioners questioned the proposed rule change. Commissioner Karen Marcus was concerned that residents might be less likely to adopt dogs and cats from the overcrowded county animal shelters if pigs are allowed as pets.
The editors of “Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks” sent a crack team to investigate the pig dilemma. Our team was lead by animal psychic and pig psychologist, Dr. Gordo Grunter, who went to Delray to interview Yoda the pig by means of telepathic communication.

Animal Psychic, Dr. Gordo Grunter: “Yoda, how do you feel about being kept as a pet pig instead of becoming bacon?”

Yoda: “Smarter than dogs, we are. Tastier than pigs, dogs are by far.”

Gordo: “Are you saying that America should follow president Obama’s lead and eat dogs? Are you saying that we should keep pigs as pets and eat our dogs?”

Yoda: “Eat dogs you must!”

Gordo: “You might have a point, Obama said Pit Bulls are delicious and the county has an abundance of homeless pets, we should eat them. Moreover,  in November of 2011, Obama signed a law to allow the slaughter of horses for human consumption by Americans, that might solve the problem of abandoned horses.

Yoda: “Eating pork, Islam says don’t, eating horse a hungry Muslim might.”


Gordo: “Is this “man eat dog campaign” just a ploy by pigs world wide, a vast sus scrofa, swine conspiracy to keep people from eating pigs?”

Yoda: “Sharia Law, we support, no pork sausage; try some boiled mutt.”

Gordo: “Maybe you are on to something! With a good add campaign and the support of Barrack and Michelle, dogs might become an acceptable healthy food source, especially in the public school cafeteria’s.”

Yoda: “Tasty dogs are, better than pigs by far.”

Gordo: “If dogs are good enough for the president of the United States, I guess they are good enough for people worldwide! I’ll report your point of view to my boss. Thanks for your time, Mr. Yoda.”

Yoda: “May the horse be with you, and some canine pie.

After evaluating the findings of our investigative reporters and Dr. Gordo Grunter, and after careful consideration, the editorial board of “THE PALM BEACH POST SUCKS” recommends that the county commissioners allow potbellied pigs as pets and to allow county residents and restaurants to serve dog and horse meat as a substitute for pork.  All animal shelters should be encouraged to sell live dogs in order to supply the community with fresh dog meat. This proposal will solve the problem of overcrowded animal shelters and provide Palm Beach residents with healthy delicious meals at a low cost.



Art Buchwald: “This is not an easy time for humorists because the government is far funnier than we are.”

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Allen West is Correct, CPC promotes Communism


         On Sunday April 27th, 2012, the Palm Beach Post published a letter to the editor from H.L. Brand who is a resident of Montana and recently visited the West Palm Beach area. Brand read the Palm Beach Post on a daily basis during his visit. The following is his opinion of the Palm Beach Post:
 “Your criticism of U.S. Representative Allen West’s comments about communists in Congress represented journalism at it’s worst.”
Apparently Mr. Brand concluded what many intelligent people in Palm Beach County have long known. After reading numerous editions, Brand found the reporting of The Palm Beach Post to be consistently distorted and biased. He also wrote:
The knee-jerk reaction to Rep. West’s statement as demonstrated in your paper reveals much about the media, your state and liberalism’s blinders.”
            Brand was referring to the controversy surrounding Allen West’s statement that up to 81 Congressional Democrat members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are communists.
Brand asked the readers and the journalists of the Post to do a Google search of The American Socialist Party, the American Communist Party and The Congressional Progressive Caucus to discover the common thread and similarity of these groups’ ideology. 
I took Mr. Brands advice. I was amazed to find that these groups not only have a common thread but also have nearly identical goals and ideology!

See this from
The Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate - Roland BurrisBernie Sanders and Tom Udall (NM).
Communist Party on the Congressional Progressive Caucus
A 2002 report by Joelle Fishman, Chair, Political Action Committee, Communist Party USA to the Party's National Board, evaluated the Congressional Progressive Caucus[22].
Although this Caucus is not large enough to control the Congressional agenda or even to break into the media, the existence of this group of 57 members of Congress, which includes 20 members of the Congressional Black Caucus and six members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, provides an important lever that can be used to advance workers' issues and move the debate to the left in every Congressional District in the country.”
That was the Congressional Progressive Caucus.Compare that to the following description of the Communist Party.
The CPUSA Bill of Rights socialism
“The Communist Party USA emphasizes a vision of socialism as an extension of American democracy. Seeking to "build socialism in the United States based on the revolutionary traditions and struggles" of American history, the CPUSA promotes a conception of "Bill of Rights Socialism" that will "guarantee all the freedoms we have won over centuries of struggle, and also extend the Bill of Rights to include freedom from unemployment"– as well as freedom "from poverty, from illiteracy, and from discrimination and oppression."[52]
Reiterating the idea of property rights in socialist society as it is outlined in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto,[53] the Communist Party emphasizes that
"Many myths have been propagated about socialism. Contrary to right-wing claims, socialism would not take away the personal private property of workers", but "the private ownership of major industries, financial institutions, and other large corporations, and the excessive luxuries of the super-rich."[52]
Rather than making all wages entirely equal, the Communist Party USA holds that building socialism would entail "eliminating private wealth from stock speculation, from private ownership of large corporations, from the export of capital and jobs, and from the exploitation of large numbers of workers."[52]”

The CPUSA constitution and program
According to its 2001 Constitution, the party operates on the principle of democratic centralism, its highest authority being the quadrennial National Convention. Article VI, Section 3 of the 2001 Constitution lays out certain positions as non-negotiable:”
That was the Communist Party USA. 
The goals of the Communist Party USA and the Congressional Progressive Caucus are nearly identical. They envision a huge centralized government that provides equality of outcome not of opportunity. Both propose a cradle to grave nanny state that will choose the winners and losers at the cost of personal freedom and a system of wealth confiscation and redistribution. Both are clearly anti-constitutional and anti-American organizations.
 Need more evidence? The following is from Wikipedia:
The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in the United States Congress with 76 declared members, and works to advance progressive issues and positions.[1]
The CPC was founded in 1991 and now has 76 members. The Caucus is co-chaired by Representatives Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN). Of the 20 standing committees of the House in the 111th Congress, 10 were chaired by members of the CPC. Those chairmen were replaced when the Republicans took control of the House in the 112th Congress The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in the United States Congress with 76 declared members, and works to advance progressive issues and positions.[1] In addition, an array of national liberal organizations work to support the efforts of the progressive caucus, including the Institute for Policy Studies, The Nation magazine,, National Priorities Project, Jobs with Justice, Peace Action, Americans for Democratic Action, and Progressive Democrats of America. Also co-sponsoring the kickoff event were the NAACP, ACLU, Progressive Majority, League of United Latin American Citizens, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, National Council of La Raza, Hip Hop Caucus, Human Rights Campaign, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, and the National Hip Hop Political Convention.”
Research the ideology of the CPC's allies, the liberal organizations listed above.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, squawks like a duck but calls itself a swan, it’s still a duck!

The CPC and their Democrat media allies can portray the organization as they please, but, as usual, they cannot hide the truth from informed citizens.
 Even though Allen West’s accusation that progressive Democrats are socialists- if not outright communists- is valid, the left will lynch him in the media. Allen West is a runaway. He is off the liberal plantation and as a successful minority and a conservative black, he must be silenced.
Soledad O’Brien took on the task of character assassination for CNN. See the following link:

This is from the CNN interview:
 O'Brien then started reading the name of some of the CPC's members and asked incredulously if these people were Communists.
"You can call it whatever you want," answered West. "I'm talking about their beliefs. I'm calling it this: Communist, Progressive, Marxist, Socialist, Statist - which is another term that's been used - I'm looking at the ideologies, I'm looking at the things that they believe in, and if you don't think that we have to stand upon truth and be able to identify and clearly contrast the different principles and values and ideologies and principles of governance here in this country, then we're never going to get to the fact of accepting the true debate that's happening in America."
"We don't need a bureaucratic nanny state. We need to stay a Constitutional Republic. I think a lot of people need to study that and understand what it is. Can anybody argue with that?”

Palm Beach County is a Democrat stronghold for corrupt socialist politicians who are in bed with the liberal mainstream media. Allen West is a conservative black, thus off the liberal plantation and will be lynched in the pages of the Post and by the Palm Beach Democrat Party. This area is infested with successful, well-educated liberals, transplanted from the Northeast and other pockets of corruption like Chicago; where the Union/ Democrat political machine makes Karl Marx look like a capitalist. The limousine liberal hypocrites of Palm Beach County come from the same mold as Warren Buffet, a man who whines publicly that he is not taxed enough while conducting a protracted fight with the Treasury Department to avoid paying over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in delinquent taxes! See this link:

   How can any fair-minded person identify with the hypocritical and corrupt Democrat Party?

The new Obama Administration one word campaign slogan has been announced. It is FORWARD! 
See what the Washington Times reports:
Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name "Forward!" or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called "Forward (generic name of socialist publications)."
"The Obama campaign apparently didn't look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, "Forward" — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Back to Allen West's comment. Do you expect the NAACP to come to the defense of Allen West and his right to free speech? Don’t hold your breath. The NAACP proved once again that they are an organization for the advancement of only liberal colored people. They have sent the plantation house bosses after the runaway, Allen West. See what Scripps reports;
"Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) was supposed to be the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for his district chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) this past Saturday. But days before the event, the group canceled the gathering and asked West not to come back when they rescheduled. Why?" Click the following link to
"There's a certain statement he made about Communists," Jerry Gore, president of the Martin County NAACP, told Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers. "That statement alone ... we do not represent that type of atmosphere."

The NAACP and Jerry Gore believe in communist style censorship and the monolithic politically correct ideology of the left. Diversity of opinion is anathema to the Democrats and the CPC. Here is list of the intolerant communistic members of our government:

House members
All members are members of the Democratic Party or caucus with the Democratic Party. There are currently 76 declared Progressives, including 73 voting Representatives, two non-voting Delegates, and one Senator.
                Ed Pastor (AZ-4, Phoenix)
                Raúl Grijalva (AZ-7, Tucson) - Co-Chair
                Lynn Woolsey (CA-6, Santa Rosa)
                George Miller (CA-7, Richmond)
                Barbara Lee (CA-9, Oakland)
                Pete Stark (CA-13, Fremont)
                Janice Hahn (CA-36, San Pedro)
                Michael Honda (CA-15, San Jose)
                Sam Farr (CA-17, Monterey)
                Xavier Becerra (CA-31, Los Angeles)
                Judy Chu (CA-32, El Monte)
                Karen Bass (CA-33, Baldwin Hills)
                Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34, Los Angeles)
                Maxine Waters (CA-35, Inglewood)
                Laura Richardson (CA-37, Long Beach)
                Linda Sánchez (CA-39, Lakewood)
                Bob Filner (CA-51, San Diego)
                Jared Polis (CO-02, Boulder)
                Rosa DeLauro (CT-3, New Haven)
                Corrine Brown (FL-3, Jacksonville)
                Frederica Wilson (FL-17, Miami)
                Hank Johnson (GA-4, Lithonia)
                John Lewis (GA-5, Atlanta)
                Mazie Hirono (HI-2, Honolulu)
                Bobby Rush (IL-1, Chicago)
                Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-2, Chicago Heights)
                Luis Gutierrez (IL-4, Chicago)
                Danny Davis (IL-7, Chicago)
                Jan Schakowsky (IL-9, Chicago)
                André Carson (IN-7, Indianapolis)
                Dave Loebsack (IA-2, Cedar Rapids)
                Chellie Pingree (ME-1, North Haven)
                Donna Edwards (MD-4, Fort Washington)
                Elijah Cummings (MD-7, Baltimore)
                John Olver (MA-1, Amherst)
                Jim McGovern (MA-3, Worcester)
                Barney Frank (MA-4, Newton)
                John Tierney (MA-6, Salem)
                Ed Markey (MA-7, Malden)
                Mike Capuano (MA-8, Boston)
                John Conyers (MI-14, Detroit)
                Keith Ellison (MN-5, Minneapolis) - Co-Chair
                Bennie Thompson (MS-2, Bolton)
                William Lacy Clay, Jr. (MO-1, St. Louis)
                Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5, Kansas City) - Chairman, Congressional Black Caucus
                Frank Pallone (NJ-06, Long Branch)
                Rush Holt (NJ-12, Hopewell Township)
                Ben R. Luján (NM-3, Santa Fe)
                Jerry Nadler (NY-8, Manhattan)
                Yvette Clarke (NY-11, Brooklyn)
                Nydia Velázquez (NY-12, Brooklyn)
                Carolyn Maloney (NY-14, Manhattan)
                Charles Rangel (NY-15, Harlem)
                José Serrano (NY-16, Bronx)
                Maurice Hinchey (NY-22, Saugerties)
                Louise Slaughter (NY-28, Rochester)
                Mel Watt (NC-12, Charlotte)
                Marcy Kaptur (OH-9, Toledo)
                Dennis Kucinich (OH-10, Cleveland)
                Marcia Fudge (OH-11, Warrensville Heights)
                Earl Blumenauer (OR-3, Portland)
                Peter DeFazio (OR-4, Eugene)
                Bob Brady (PA-1, Philadelphia)
                Chaka Fattah (PA-2, Philadelphia)
                David Cicilline (RI-1, Providence)
                Steve Cohen (TN-9, Memphis)
                Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18, Houston)
                Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30, Dallas)
                Peter Welch (VT-At Large)
                Jim Moran (VA-8, Alexandria)
                Jim McDermott (WA-7, Seattle)
                Tammy Baldwin (WI-2, Madison)
                Gwen Moore (WI-4, Milwaukee)
                Donna M. Christensen (Virgin Islands)
                Eleanor Holmes Norton (District of Columbia)
Senate members
Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

Here is how Wikipedia describes Bernie Sanders:
“Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist,[1][2] and has praised European social democracy (though he has also criticized its contemporary "Third Way" departure). He is the first person elected to the U.S. Senate to identify as a socialist.[3] Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments, but because he does not belong to a formal political party, he appears as an independent on the ballot.”

At least Sanders is open and honest. He admits that he is a socialist. The other 75 members of the CPC agree with Sanders ideology and can call themselves what they please, but they are ideologically socialist if not communist. The old communist USSR called it self the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, but they too were communists.

Allen West has been accused of being the new McCarthy on a witch-hunt for communists. After a bit of research I have discovered the following information from Wikipedia: 

“Other authors and historians, including Arthur Herman,[114] assert that new evidence—in the form of Venona decrypted Soviet messages, Soviet espionage data now opened to the West, and newly released transcripts of closed hearings before McCarthy's subcommittee—has partially vindicated McCarthy by showing that many of his identifications of Communists were correct and that the scale of Soviet espionage activity in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s was larger than many scholars suspected.[115][116]
After reviewing evidence from Venona and other sources, historian John Earl Haynes concluded that, of 159 people identified on lists used or referenced by McCarthy, evidence was substantial that nine had aided Soviet espionage efforts. He suggested that a majority of those on the lists could legitimately have been considered security risks, but that a substantial minority could not.[117]”

In the McCarthy era, nine members of Congress have now been proven to be spies for the Communists. How many others went undetected? Why is it so far fetched that current members of congress do oppose our Constitution and desire a communistic form of government?
Because of their own statements, it’s obvious to me that many Democrats are pro-communist and anti-capitalists.
Google the comments of admiration for Fidel Castro and Mao made by members of the Obama Administration and Democrat Congressional members, the evidence is clear and irrefutable. The Democrat Party is chalk full of socialists and communists.

Consider yourself fortunate Mr. Brand, you can enjoy professional journalism as practiced in Montana and other open-minded regions of America. We residents of South Florida have no conservative option to the Palm Beach Post, a paper known to many south Floridians as The Palm Beach Pravda.
Thank you H.L. Brand for suggesting that we brainwashed Palm Beach residents do our own research to expose the bias and distortions of the pathetic excuse of a newspaper, The Palm Beach Post.

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Irvine Berlin: “The world would not be in such a snarl. If Marx had been Groucho instead of Karl.”