The State Department bought $70,000 dollars worth of the decade old Obama biography, “Dreams from My Father”! Why you ask? Well to give out as Christmas gifts and stock up public libraries of course! Yes this is Fun Friday, but I’m not joking.
Similar book sale scams have made Obama a multi-millionaire with unions, corporations and large donors buying his book by the thousands. One would think that our generous millionaire President sitting on a billion dollar campaign slush fund would donate his books, isn’t that what a gift is? Even a piddling $70,000 is too much for this greedy man to pass up. You, the take payer have paid Obama for his generous gift to society! Could we expect anything less, a liberal’s definition of charity is when they give away someone else’s hard-earned money.
Once again the taxpayer is shafted by being forced to pay their own President for his book to be given as a gift to all the eager recipients. Surely visions of sugarplums dance in our vacuous heads! How did we elect this man! I feel dizzy!
Pay for your propaganda dump with your own money Mr. Obama!
The reports of the Obama Administrations corrupt and wasteful activities are raining down so fast and furious that I can’t even keep track of it all! My head is spinning! By the time I pick up a report on one scandal, three more surface. Like baitfish swimming in a circular ball most of the turpitude will go unnoticed, untouched due to the utter magnitude of the pernicious activities. Of course most of the corruption is not reported in the Democrat mainstream media. That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks! They protect the Messiah, their leader Obama. Open-minded, intelligent, truth seeking citizens can find this information with a bit of effort and hopefully will not let this veiled corruption stand.
Obama’s administration is chalk full of rich, white, elites from academia, mega corporations and Wall Street. (See my previous blog “Wall Street Crooks Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.” The Occupiers obviously don’t have a clue about this or they would mass outside of the White House. If Bush still lived there and the Republicans controlled the obstructionist Senate, union organizers and George Soros would have organized the useful idiots in D.C. not on Wall Street. Of this, I have no doubt!
The insidious extent and reach of the Federal Government’s tentacles into the fabric of American society is easy to find. Fannie, Freddie, Sallie Mae, the green industry farce and big union payoffs disguised as an auto industry rescue plan to name a few. Big government meddling can be traced to the root of nearly each issue or concern to the Occupiers. Both Parties are to blame but only one party espouses even larger government and more meddling; the Democrat Party.
Much of the current social injustice, inequities and failed economy can easily be traced back to big government interfering in the private sector economy. The already gargantuan government is now our largest growing industry and employer as the corruption reaches a pinnacle. Do the Occupiers even know where government money comes from? Is it possible they don’t’ know that it’s their money and futures being wasted and currently being used to buy political power for the left as Obama campaigns and fund raises daily, touring in his giant million dollar Canadian built buses?
Bam, bam, bam, bam, and bam; scandals come out of the Justice Department, the State Department, HUD, the Energy Department and the EPA daily. To those who pay attention, scandals and reports of waste, fraud and mismanagement fly in our face constantly! The Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Fisker, Black Panther Voter Intimidation, persecution of political opponents like Gibson Guitar and favoritism of ally corporations as government picks winners and losers rather than the free market forces.
We are the 53%! We carry the load, do the work and pay taxes while the 48% who pay no taxes demand more entitlements and rail against the 1%; the idle mega rich. Ironically elements of the 1%, George Soros et. al., use the non-tax paying useful idiots to increase their personal wealth and entrench their power as they further erode the shrinking middle class. They pull up the ladder of opportunity behind them, the chance for anyone to climb to the top is being removed. Once the 51% middle class is forced into government dependency, we will have a Cuban style society of the elites ruling the masses, everyone equally poor with little hope of economic or social escape. How’s that hope and change going for you?
Since nothing I have discussed here will be found in the pages of the Palm Beach Post; THE PALM BEACH POST SUCKS!
Obama has just revealed the existence of military, attack, drone bases in Ethiopia, Africa. Attacks are being launched across the continent apparently with out Congressional approval. Three years into Obama’s rule, we have fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya at enormous cost. I believe Obama is the most hawkish and corrupt president in my lifetime. I wonder, where is Code Pink?
John F. Kennedy: “Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.”
America, we have it all!