Friday, August 17, 2012



Obama’s close allies, Dan Burton and “from the gutter” Stephanie Cutter, ran ads accusing Mitt Romney of causing the death of a woman and committing felonies and tax fraud. Just when you think the Democrat Party cannot sink any lower, an ad by the wealthy developer and father of white, Democrat candidate Patrick Murphy ran an overtly racist ad depicting black congressman Allen West beating white women and stealing from a black family. What makes the add worse is that West is shown smiling as if enjoying the mugging. Is this how the overtly racist, wealth, white, Democrat Patrick Murphy and his clan view black people, as a thieving, violent race that takes pleasure in committing violence?

See the video by clicking this link:


Not to be out done, Vice President Joe Biden speaking to a predominately black audience said that Paul Ryan and Romney would put you-all back in chains. See the video by clicking this link:


With all this hate from the left, is it any surprise that the New Black Panther Party is calling for an “Army of black militants” to go to the suburbs, pull white people out of their homes, skin them alive, kill them and then kill all their babies?

The following is from

After news broke Wednesday of the New Black Panthers calling for the killing of white babies (see that here), more shocking audio from the group’s radio program has now surfaced. In the organization’s radio opening for August 13, they play a shocking segment from Khalid Muhammad, a former spokesman for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. In it, he advocates extreme violence against white people in general, and specifically gays, lesbians, babies, and women:”

Need more? This is from the Tampa chapter of the Panthers. reports the latest call to arms by the Black Panthers to create an inner city military to skin white people alive!

“Michelle Williams, New Black Panthers chief of staff threatens the upcoming RNC convention in Tampa FL”

This video is from

         The evidence is overwhelming; the political left espouses hate and violence. Will Eric Holder ignore the threats of the radical hate groups of the Democrats the way he did when the Black Panthers disrupted the election in Philadelphia in 2008? You betcha! Obama and Holder are promoters of divisive, dirty, Chicago style politics. The Democrats intentionally pit groups of Americans against one another. Hope and change has become divide and conquer! The Democrats must use chaos to distract the public’s attention from Barrack Obama’s failed presidency and the economic suffering his policies has caused America.

Is the Black Panther Party simply following President Obama’s directive? Obama called for the organization of a civilian army as large as the U.S. military. Do the Black Panthers believe they are acting on the behalf of Obama? Do they believe their threats are helping President Obama?
Click the following link to see Obama’s directive:

Not only does our attorney general, Eric Holder, seem acquiescent to the hate and threats of the radical left, listen to the Attorney General admit that he will use the law selectively “for my people” but then he denies that he applies the law with racial or political preference:

         Over a year ago reported on the divisiveness of the Obama Administration. See the Following:
June 23, 2011
The widening racial divide of the Obama era
Ed Lasky
John James

But it has been Obama's statist policies -- his mania for social and economic engineering -- that have stoked the racial divisions. His policies -- be it the affirmative action policies that are laced throughout the laws passed under him (including ObamaCare), the policies of departments such as the Department of Justice, rules and regulations that have proliferated under his Presidency, his massive shifting of savings among groups -- have hardened the divides.  There has been a great deal of favoritism exhibited by this administration, some visible but a lot invisible,  or that certainly fly under the radar screen and remain unvisited by mainstream media outlets (see, for example, Racial Spoils in Obama's America). Obama has tipped his hand that his policies would work to benefit African-Americans.”

         All of this hate from the Democrat left is not limited to the political arena. We are paying tens of thousands of dollars to have the leftist universities corrupt the minds of our youth with hate!
See the following link:

College professors at N.C. State teach racism:

Remember the incident with Cambridge Professor Dr. Gates, and how Obama with little information immediately concluded that the incident of mistaken identity was racially motivated police stupidity?

            The Democrats are so intolerant that the personal opinion of private citizens can lead to violence. Fast food CEO, Mr. Cathy, voiced his opinion concerning marriage and the left organized a nationwide boycott of Chick-Fil-A. This latest hate fest resulted in yet another act of violence this time from a militant in the gay community.
See the AP report below:

“By Ben Nuckols and Eric Tucker
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A man who volunteered at a gay community center had a backpack full of Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and a box of ammunition when he said, "I don't like your politics" and shot a security guard at the headquarters of a conservative lobbying group, authorities said Thursday.”
            The evidence is so overwhelming that the lies and distortions spread by the mainstream media cannot cover-up the truth; violence, threats and intimidation come mostly from the Democrat Party and the political left. The Black Panthers, the Occupy Wall-Streeters, the union thugs, the  anti-American leftist media and now even the gay community stir the pot of hate and violence in our nation. The media will not denouncing the hate crimes of the radical left, they will simply wait and hope that a conservative soon commits violence.
 Don’t count on the media or The Palm Beach Post to report the truth! George Bennett reported on the racist ad running in support of Democrat Pat Murphy and seemed to conclude that if the NAACP was not offended that the ad was not racist. George, you know the NAACP only defends liberal black people; to them Allen West is off the Democrat plantation and thus not a legitimate black man. To the Democrat’s, evil only comes from conservatives like American hero Col. Allen West not the leftists pictured below.


Where are all those violent Tea-Party people hiding? Don’t pout news editors; give the Democrats more time to attack the decent law-abiding citizens. Hopefully nothing else will happen and in November we can send the violent Chicago thugs back to the bloody streets of the Windy City and the open arms of Rahm Emanuel. Their skills of community organizing through the use of threats and hate will be better appreciated there. 

That’s why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

George Bernard Shaw: They hate not only their enemies but everyone who does not share their hatred.”

 This week must read: “INJUSTICE” Exposing the racial agenda of the Obama justice department.         By J. Christian Adams
ISBN 978-1-59698-277-2

Wednesday, August 15, 2012



         On Sunday, Aug. 8th, 2012 Randy Schultz wrote the following;
 “To believe that President Obama at heart is a leftwing radical who wants to undermine the capitalist system and weaken America’s defense against terrorism is to ignore his support of the $700 billion financial bailout…”

What? Is Schultz saying that Obama’s support of a government bailout of private corporations funded with taxpayer dollars is proof that he is a capitalist not a socialist? That’s an amazing statement! Is it possible that America’s education system can produce editors of major American newspapers who don’t even know the definition of capitalism? Surely a 5th grade homeschooled child has a better concept of private enterprise than does Randy Schultz.

I looked up the word capitalism. The following is from The American Heritage Dictionary;
Capitalism… n 1. An economic system characterized by freedom of the market with increasing concentration of private and corporate ownership of production and distribution…”

The key words in the definition are private and corporate ownership. The banks were not the only corporations to whom Obama gave our tax money. GM was given $26 billion taxpayer dollars to cover the legacy costs and benefits demanded by the UAW unions. Obama reward his major political supporter the union bosses at the expense of the GM stock and bondholders who received only pennies on their investment dollars! The government and the unions became owner of GM! That is not capitalism that is socialism if not outright communistic activity Mr. Schultz.
To that misuse of public funds, toss in a dozen failed and insane “green” ventures scams like Solyndra, Evergreen Solar and SpectraWatt and you have the reason for Obama’s failed presidency. His socialist administration squandered our hard-earned taxpayer dollars, money that could have been spent on infrastructure and job development and has bankrupted the country bring us to the edge of the fiscal cliff.
To cover these scandals with a smoke screen, the media including the Post has reported what a great success GM’s government bailout has been. Those rosy scenarios, the stories of GM paying back the bailout money are directly from the Obama administration and GM talking points; lies of the left, eagerly repeated by corrupt Democrat journalists.
The following is the truth about GM and can be easily cross referenced with a little research.

“By Dave Boyer
The Washington Times
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Obama administration released a report Wednesday showing that taxpayers probably will lose $14 billion of the $80 billion that the government loaned to General Motors, Chrysler, auto lenders and suppliers.
The White House said taxpayers still could lose $1.9 billion on Chrysler; GM has repaid $23.1 billion of the $49.5 billion it received. Ford did not seek government help.”

See the following link to learn how registered Democrats and many journalists who report the GM payback of our tax dollars are dumber than 3rd graders!

This nation is at a crossroad. Do we take the Democrat path of enormous cradle to grave nanny state government with a ballooning federal deficit that will lead to the insolvency of Medicare and Social Security? Will we accept the inevitable result; rationed, socialized medicine? Or do we go back to a smaller government that unleashes the wealth generating private sector of business that will provide more jobs and personal freedom as well as a requirement for personal responsibility?

The most revealing comment that clearly shows that the Democrat Party is a socialist party was made by Congressional Progressive Caucus member Congresswoman Maxine Waters. She admits that her goal is to have the government takeover corporate America. Humor is added to the actual video but her statement is unedited. 
Click the following link:

Is that the America you envision? Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as VP gives voters a distinct choice; the two tickets present starkly different paths. The choice in November will be between being governed by Capitalists or Socialists.

The lame stream media will use all it’s resources to help the Democrat socialists win in November. Most Americans know that the media elites cannot be trusted to report the truth. Many reporters no longer even pretend to be unbiased. The only question that remains is whether journalists like Randy Schultz- who vote over 90% for the Democrat Party- are mind-numbed robots, brain washed and churned out by our leftist Universities; or instead are clever propagandists that slant and lie intentionally. What do you think, are they liars or are they simply uninformed and ignorant people living in a bubble of isolation, constantly surrounded by fellow leftists with no exposure to conservative points of view?

Listen to DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz refuse to tell the truth about Paul Ryan’s budget plan that preserves Medicare as is for all seniors over 55. Wolf Blitzer cannot get her to admit the truth. Is Wasserman-Schultz the complete idiot that she appears to be or just another unethical, lying, vile Democrat leader?

I believe Debbie is both vile and stupid but at least she has an excuse to mislead us, it’s her job as the current corrupt leader of the Democrat Party. Randy Schultz’s job is to be a professional journalist and report the truth. I once did not believe that the any editor of a major newspaper could possibly be an uninformed and ignorant person. I concluded that Randy Schultz must have been intentionally misinforming his readers to support the Democrat Party. Now, just when I thought I had the editor of the editorial page pegged as a very clever propagandist who shills for the Democrats, Schultz exposes himself as a complete idiot by not understanding a concept as basic as free market capitalism! Obviously he did not read last week’s book recommendation “Free to Choose” by Milton Friedman.

That’s why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Samuel Johnson: “Ignorance, when voluntary, is criminal.”

This Week Must Read: “COMPASSION VERSUS GUILT” by Thomas Sowell