Florida is considered
a major swing state in the upcoming presidential election. The Palm Beach Post
will use all of its resources and power to get Obama and Democrat Party
politicians elected to office.
minions for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Democrat Party, disguised as
journalist at the Palm Beach Post, have begun their 2012 election campaign
onslaught against conservatives; Republicans, Independents and Tea Partiers.
Gov. Rick Scott’s
dismal but rising approval ratings apparently didn’t go unnoticed by the
editors of the Palm Beach Post as they scrambled to denigrate Scott. Two
front-page reports and all three editorials in Sunday’s paper were hit pieces
on the Governor.
the front page, Laura Green –Washington Bureau minion for the Post- submitted a
report entitled “States’ rebellion in DNA
of nation”. She quotes governor of Florida, Rick Scott, as saying; “I don’t believe it (Obamacare) will ever be the law of the land”. She follows Scott’s quote with the
following comment; “The incendiary language,
the split-off of 26 states legally challenging the law, and the outright
rebellion of some top state officials have drawn parallels to the Civil War”.
So according to Ms. Green, if one disagrees with Obama and believes Obamacare
will not become federal law, one is using incendiary language and creating the
conditions for a new civil war.
on page one, a report by John Kennedy –Capital Bureau minion for the Post-
entitled “Scott ad blitz not swaying
Floridians”. Mr. Kennedy reports that “Scott’s
weak polling bolsters Obama supporter’s hopes”. Oddly, Kennedy then reports
that Scott’s poor approval ratings have risen and among Republicans is 72%
positive. In another random act of professional journalism, Kennedy accurately
reports that under Scott Florida’s unemployment rate has fallen to a three-year
low; due to the Republican governors pro-business initiatives. Scott is also
given credit for his $1 billion investment in Florida schools. The following is
a poll done by Associated Industries of Florida showing the popularity of
Scott’s policies:
“Poll results show people like Rick Scott's
policies, but not Rick Scott
According to poll results released Monday
by Associated Industries of Florida, three out of every four Floridians support
Gov. Rick Scott’s position on such policies as as property tax relief,
public employee pension reform, drug testing for welfare applicants and the
elimination of teacher tenure.
The Governor also scored a job approval rating of 45
percent. But overall, only 37 percent of those polled have a
favorable opinion of the governor.
On property
taxes, 79 percent of those polled favored passage of $200 million in
property tax relief and tax cuts for small businesses pushed by Scott. Support
spans across political affiliations with 85 percent of Republicans, 80 percent
of Independents, 74 percent of Democrats and 72 percent of Ticket-splitters in
favor of property tax relief.
On pension
reform, 76 percent of respondents supported a new law requiring state
workers to contribute to their own retirement accounts.”
What a concept!)
“Asked about drug
testing people applying for welfare, 74 percent of respondents were in favor,
including 58 percent who strongly favored this policy.
Poll results also indicate that
73 percent of Floridians favor ending the practice of granting teachers tenure.”
Despite Kennedy’s claim
of weak overall approval among Floridians, Scott’s approval in the polls is on
the rise. Those editorial writers of the Palm Beach Post will not stand idly by
while a Republican receives credit for his success. Sunday, Randy Schultz
headed a multipronged attack with anti-Scott editorials.
Democrat mouthpiece and P.B.P. minion Andrew Marra wrote on the editorial page
under OUR VIEWS, his piece entitled “Scott railroaded the state”. At issue is Gov. Scotts’ issuing of an
executive order permitting random drug testing of all state workers. Judge
Ursula Ungaro ruled that there was no evidence of a drug use problem at the
covered agencies and thus testing was an unwarranted intrusion on individual’s
fourth amendment interests.
have shown that 74% of Floridians agree with drug testing fellow citizens who
ask for their hard earned tax dollars. Nationwide, countless employers require
random drug testing of employees. If workers don’t like it they are free to
leave, just as a government employee is free to resign; there is no forced testing. Why would Judge Ungaro find this
testing constitutional for some (private sector) but not for others (public
sector)? Either it’s Ok for every citizen or taboo for all. Laws should be
applied equally to law-abiding citizens who have not lost their rights.
Government workers are
employed by the private citizens of the country and are paid to serve them.
Government workers cannot be deemed superior or given more constitutional
protections under our law than the people they serve. Once again, why should those public service employees, who work for and
serve the citizens of the private sector, have more rights and protections than
the workers who pay their salaries?
Marra reports that
drug tests have been upheld for train operators Customs agents and even public school students! This
selective application of law is what divides Americans and flawed legal interpretations
by activist judges undermine the constitutional protections of all Americans.
Marra also mentions
how Florida’s law to drug test welfare recipients seems doomed. Once again, many American workers must submit to random
drug testing. Then their tax money is confiscated by the government and given
to welfare recipients who Marra believes should not be required to drug test! Mr. Marra says, “These needless tests trample Floridians’ constitutional rights…”
If this is true what about the guy who works at Home Depot, does he have fewer
rights than a welfare queen or a county code inspector? Any of these citizens
have the ability to refuse the welfare payments or quite the government or
private job if they don’t want to test; no one is being forced to test!
After Marra’s attack
on Scott and his policies, Randy Schultz, minion in chief for D.N.C. Chair,
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, unloaded a double barrel hit job on the Republicans,
the NRA and Gov. Scott. His first attack is entitled “A double-barreled standard”. In regard to Florida’s stand your
ground law, Schultz asks, “Why do
self-defense defendants deserve special protection?”
I ask Schultz; “Why
should any crime victim, who protects their very life, be prosecuted for the
act of self defense when after an investigation it is determined that the
victim acted in self defense? Why should a law abiding citizen protecting her
life become a defendant?” Self-defense is not a special protection,
it is a protection guaranteed to every law abiding citizen, their right to life
and liberty, against the criminal who would do them harm.
Shultz unloaded the
second barrel directly on Gov. Scott. The editorial is entitled; “Still firing away wildly at Cuba and
hitting Florida.” The piece is critical of Gov. Scott for not normalizing relations
and trade with Communist Cuba and for signing House Bill 959. Speaking of the
bill, Schultz says; “It is a sop to Cuban
exiles and their patrons who have frozen U.S. policy toward the island for 53
Apparently Mr. Randy
Schultz is either a proponent of communist dictators, oppression and atrocities
or simply and ignorant man. Based on the history of his leftist writing, I
believe the former is quite likely.
The following is a
link to Wikipedia that describes extensively the horrors that communism
perpetrates on its people.
The following is from
“Torture of prisoners
Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and
desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities.
They are confined to narrow cells with no sunlight called "drawers"
that have cement beds, a hole on the ground for their bodily needs, and are
infested with a multitude of rodents, roaches, and other insects.... In these
"drawers" the women remain weeks and months. When they scream in
terror due to the darkness (blackouts are common) and the heat, they are
injected sedatives that keep them half-drugged.
Political oppression
Further information: Cuban dissidents
A 2009 report by Human Rights Watch
concluded that "Raúl Castro has kept Cuba’s repressive machinery firmly in
place...since being handed power by his brother Fidel Castro."[25] The report found that "[s]cores of
political prisoners arrested under Fidel continue to languish in prison, and
Raúl has used draconian laws and sham trials to incarcerate scores more who
have dared to exercise their fundamental rights.
Political abuse of psychiatry
Although Cuba has been politically connected to
the Soviet Union since the United States broke off relations with Cuba shortly
after the president Fidel Castro
came to power in 1959, few considerable allegations regarding the political
abuse of psychiatry in this country emerged before the late 1980s.[24]:74 Americas Watch and Amnesty
International published reports alluding to cases of possible
unwarranted hospitalization and ill-treatment of political prisoners.[24]:75
Forced labor camps and abuse of prisoners
In 1986 a "Tribunal on Cuba" was held
in Paris to present
testimonies by former prisoners of Cuba's penal system to the international
media. The gathering was sponsored by Resistance international and The
Coalition of Committees for the Rights of Man in Cuba. The testimonies
presented at the tribunal, before an international panel, alleged a pattern of
torture in Cuba's prisons and "hard labor camps". These included
beatings, biological experiments in diet restrictions, violent interrogations
and extremely unsanitary conditions. The jury concurred with allegations of
arbitrary arrests; sentencing by court martial with neither public audience nor
defense; periods in hard labour camps without sufficient food, clothes and
medical care; and the arrests of children over nine years old.[23]
Political executions
Latin American historian Thomas E. Skidmore says
there had been 550 executions in the first six months of 1959.[20] British historian Hugh Thomas,
in his study Cuba or the pursuit of freedom[21] stated that "perhaps" 5,000
executions had taken place by 1970,[20]
while The World Handbook of Political and Social Indicators ascertained
that there had been 2,113 political executions between the years of 1958-67.[20]
Permission from the government is required to
move to another home due to the lack of private property rights. Jobs are also
subject to state control, often people's occupations are handpicked by Raul
Castro himself via postal mail. Jobs are based on school grades and general
reputation of the person.”
Is it any wonder why a Cuban’s still set
themself adrift on an inflated inner tube in shark infested open, ocean to
escape the horrors of communism?
Randy Schultz has never seen the reports of boats loaded with desperate
destitute young Cubans
drifting ashore in his home state.
The propagandist, Schultz,
describes the Cuban exile community as; “The
exiles, Cuba’s monied class, resettled, learned the language and moved back up
from working-class jobs.”
If Schultz was referring
to the original first wave of refugees, 56 years ago, most would no longer be
alive today. Even a successful 30yr old arriving in 1959 would now be 83yrs
old! And over the following 53yr period, why would so many living in the utopian, nirvana, of communist Cuba die at sea tying to escape?
Is Schultz an over privileged moron?
Has he never traveled to Little Havana or Miami? I fail to see so many 1%’ers
in the streets there!
Maybe it’s the fact that many Cuban’s worked
their way back up that raises Schultz’s ire. Don’t’ they know about
welfare and the big nanny state?
As usual Randy Schultz
and the Palm Beach Post are wrong. The exiles weren’t only the 1%’ers of Batista’s
regime. Over 10% of the entire
population of Cuba fled the country and the other 90% are held prisoner.
Even many of the Cuban Communist elites have defected from the hell of Castro’s
The following link is from Florida
International University describing more of Dictator Fidel Castro and the
Communist Cuban government regime’s worldwide atrocities and attacks on
If you think that Cuba
has reformed, you’re wrong again. Just two months ago I met middle aged Cuban
man in a class I took. He escaped Castor’s Hench men just a couple of years
ago. He is writing a book about his 7 years of torture in a Cuban prison and
then 3 years in a hard labor camp. His
crime was having written negative opinions of the Cuban government. He was
a small man who looked 20 years older than his age of 40’ish. He walked with a
limp and his joints and bones were ruined. He said he almost died and was
released only because of his poor health. Suffering from malnutrition and a
number of illnesses, he was nursed to back to health in Miami. When he spoke of
his treatment by the communists, rage welled up in his face and eyes and his
body trembled.
This is not the refugee that I met, but is a representation of his treatment.
He claims that after
making it to America and regaining reasonable health, he started his book
project. People that he believes are communists, living in Miami, Florida ransacked
and burned his office and all his research materials. He was forced to start
from scratch but now his manuscript is complete and he is going to publish it.
It was quite an experience to meet a victim of communism and Fidel Castro.
would love to be able to visit the beautiful Island of Cuba. But I would never
think of it until the communists are vanquished. If I were to lie on a
beautiful Cuban beach knowing that native Cubans are banned from enjoying it,
or to know that Cuban people not far away are dying in dungeons as I enjoyed
their land; I would not be able to look at myself in a mirror.
Apparently, Randy Schultz has no problem with ruthless
dictators who oppress and torture political opponents
as long as they are of the communist
variety. The Democrat’s Congressional Progressive Caucus agrees with
Schultz; many members have visited Castro and returned with glowing praise for
the regime.
says; “Further, and more important, the
bill could punish Florida more than it would punish Cuba.”
Mr. Schultz doesn’t
have a concept of punishment as described by Cuban refugees. Schultz is an elitist. A man living in a
progressive bubble of entitlement who attacks many things that freedom and
liberty provide to the American people.
My Cuban, political
prisoner acquaintance has first hand knowledge of the type of propaganda Randy
Schultz practices. He told me he cannot believe the complacency of Americans
and how much they have to lose by drifting down the path of socialism to the
final destination, communisms. He told me he couldn’t understand the naivety of
the leftist media- newspapers and TV-, which he believes are in danger of losing freedom of speech.
Apparently the poor
man has not figured out that most of the
media-just like the Democrat Party- are part of the progressive movement, FORWARD, toward socialism and
Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!
Mao Tse-Tung: “Communism
is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.”