The Obamacare law demands that all
insurance companies drop policies that do not provide the coverage that the ACA
requires! Don’t believe the Democrats that have begun to blame the Insurance Companies if your policy is not being renewed! The Obamacare law is forcing insurance companies to drop millions of happy customers!
The media is reporting
that Obama has known for at least 3 1/2 years and possibly for 5 years that 67% of us would not be allowed to keep our health coverage and doctor. Obama and his media allies have been intentionally perpetuating
the lie that our coverage will not change if we like our plan to help re-elect the messiah.
President Obama
repeated over, and over and over again that the ACA, “Obamacare” would not force people into the exchange and that people may
keep their current healthcare plans and doctors. We now know that Obama
lied and knew he was lying to America! The president
repeated the lie incessantly prior to the 2012 election and blamed
Republicans- specifically Mitt Romney- for practicing scare tactics when Romney tried to warn the low information voters –mostly Democrats- about the
truth of Obamacare.
Today, an NBC NEWS investigation has found that
as early as 2009 President Obama knew that up to 67% of Americans would lose
their plans and their private physicians! NBC says Obama knew he was “misleading”
NBC called Obama’s assertions as misleading statements! Honest people recognize Obama’s assertions as blatant, intentional Lies!
NBC called Obama’s assertions as misleading statements! Honest people recognize Obama’s assertions as blatant, intentional Lies!
Click the following link to watch Obama lie time
and time again over a period of 5 years!
Now check out the NBC report! NBC has been
Obama’s leading network cheerleader and NBC reporters have protected Obama from his critics; and
yet today, they have committed an astounding random act of professional
journalism. Could this be a new trend of media honesty?
See NBC’s
report as cited in ‘USA Today”;
W.H. knew plans would be canceled under ACA
Melanie Eversley, USA TODAY 5:27 a.m.
EDT October 29, 2013
Up to 75% of those with individual
insurance will have policies cancelled, experts say.”
“Millions of Americans are getting their
health insurance cancelled under the Affordable Care Act and the Obama administration has known for about three years
that this would happen, NBC News is reporting.”
The following link is the entire USA TODAY story;
the pro-Obama tide be turning on the most dishonest and corrupt president in modern
The government’s hilarious website failure and
fiasco is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the horror of Obamacare.
People are being floored by
the high premiums and huge deductibles that are being forced upon them and
their families.
The Director of the UCLA Center for Health
Policy Research said;
“This is when the actual sticker shock comes into play for people,”
said Gerald Kominski, director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
“There are winners and losers under the Affordable Care Act.”
As usual, apparently the losers are the
middle-class! The following is from;
“LA Times:
Middle-class Californians feeling surprised, dismayed by higher ObamaCare costs
“Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she
had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc.
She got a rude surprise this month when the company said it would cancel her
policy at the end of this year. Her current plan does not conform with the new
federal rules, which require more generous levels of coverage.
Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for
replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a
month. She and her husband don’t qualify for federal premium subsidies because
they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.
“It doesn’t seem right to make the middle class
pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else,” said
Harris, who is three months pregnant. “This increase is simply not affordable.”
Ms. Harris’s cost jumped from $98 to $238 per month! This is
happening to millions of people across America! The following estimates of
Obamacare were reported at!
“There have been many different studies done over the past few years to
model what premium increases are likely to be under Obamacare’s new rules. The
majority staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee worked with two
Senate committee staffs to compile over 30 of them to make a list of projected
premium increases by state:
Source: “The Price of Obamacare’s Broken Promises,”
report by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Majority Staff, Senate Committee
on Finance Minority Staff, and Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor
& Pensions Minority Staff, March 2013.”
Must we all move to N.Y. or Vermont to avoid higher cost!
wonder what the sucky “Palm Beach Post” thinks of this ACA train wreck?
note; I no longer have much access to “The Palm Beach
Post” since they made their online edition a subscription service, (Who would be dumb enough to pay money for
that leftist rag? Not I!) however, occasionally I find a copy in a
recycling bin. If it has not been torn to shreds by my angry neighbors I
confiscate it. Such was the case on 10/27/2013.
an editorial published by the "discredited Post writer" Rhonda Swan, I
discovered her predictable support for the disastrous ACA; Swan loves everything Obama, especially Obamacare.
of this blog might remember Rhonda Swan as the African-American writer who
first endorsed a red-neck, sheriff and Republican congressional candidate over incumbent Rep. Col. Allen West. Swan later supported
and defended a racist, white, rich-kid, Democrat candidate, Patrick Murphy. She rationalized away what has been described as the most vile and overtly racist political attack in recent memory which was aired by Murphy's wealthy family.
The despicable Democrat ad depicted African-American war hero Col. Allen West
beating white women, the elderly and stealing money as he smiled displaying a big, sparkling, gold,
“ghetto grill” front tooth.
you missed the Democrats racist attack on West, click this link;
Does anyone believe that if any white Republican ran that ad against any black Democrat that the "Palm Beach Post" and Rhonda Swan would endorse the white guy?
I agree with West, combine dishonesty, duplicity, hypocrisy, a lack of ethics and you will understand Democrats like Swan and her white, elitist, bosses at the “Palm Beach Post”.
I agree with West, combine dishonesty, duplicity, hypocrisy, a lack of ethics and you will understand Democrats like Swan and her white, elitist, bosses at the “Palm Beach Post”.
is an excerpt from Swan’s Editorial;
Despite problems, don’t delay Affordable Care Act”
“By Rhonda Swan
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Even though shutting down the government to defund or delay the
Affordable Care Act cost the economy $24 billion and 120,000 jobs, some
lawmakers are still making that fight.”
how out of touch with reality Swan and the editors of the Post are, the day
after her editorial, the Obama administration decided to delay the mandate for
up to six weeks. Isn’t that what Republicans had asked for before the Democrats
shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion?
Here is that breaking news; “UPDATE: NBC News reports the Obama administration will delay
the Obamacare individual mandate by as long as six weeks following the
glitch-ridden rollout of the health care law’s website,
Click this link for the report;
Williams used the term “Slide” the deadline? That is the perfect verb to use concerning
such a sleazy piece of legislation!
Swan like most low information
Democrats is apparently unaware that the House Republicans made multiple compromises; the last offer by Republicans was
to simply delay mandates and to have Obamacare apply to all Americans equally, including our
servants in Congress and our President. That reasonable position is supported by a vast majority
of Americans.
President Obama stated bluntly that he would not be reasonable and would not negotiate! So despite your zombie like support for the DNC Ms. Swan, the $24 billion cost resides squarely with Obama, Harry Reid and the Democrat Party!
President Obama stated bluntly that he would not be reasonable and would not negotiate! So despite your zombie like support for the DNC Ms. Swan, the $24 billion cost resides squarely with Obama, Harry Reid and the Democrat Party!
That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!
a surgically implanted teleprompter wired directly to his brain might not be
enough to prevent Obama’s mouth from releasing embarrassing gaffs or prevent his pathological lying!
Here is some of what our President claims he did not know;
How “Fast and Furious” weapons went
untracked to Mexican drug lords resulting in the deaths of Americans and hundreds of Mexicans.
Why Americans in Benghazi were under
protected and then abandoned and left to die.
3) That the NSA was bugging our allies phones.
3) That the NSA was bugging our allies phones.
That the IRS was targeting conservatives groups and people for over 2 1/2 years.
That the ACA website was not tested and would not be ready on-time.
That the Justice Department used subpoenas against conservative reporters and others working on stories critical of his administration.
Why millions of dollars went to Obama
cronies at Solyndra even after the company was identified as a failure.
8) Why the cover-story of riots caused by a YouTube video was blamed for what was an obvious organized terror attack in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11and just a month prior to the 2012 presidential election.
9) Where he and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were on that night 9/11/12.
8) Why the cover-story of riots caused by a YouTube video was blamed for what was an obvious organized terror attack in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11and just a month prior to the 2012 presidential election.
9) Where he and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were on that night 9/11/12.
smartest man on earth is either a pathological liar or actually the dumbest
Democrat in America!
understand the type of people who now control the Democrat party and the mainstream
media you must contemplate the following quote by another radical, progressive,
Democrat, President Woodrow Wilson.
Wilson; “A man is justified in lying to
protect the honor of a woman or to promote public policy.”
reason progressives are so dangerous is not that they have winning ideas, it’s that
they play by a different set of rules. These people are not like us. To them
unethical conduct and lying is honorable as long as the lies promote their policies
and political goals. Truth and honesty be damned, hail Saul Alinsky!