Tuesday, December 27, 2011



            The Palm Beach Post ran a headline story on 12/23/2011 entitled “House GOP accepts tax deal”. The authors, Calmes and Steinhauer, claim, “House Republicans… caved under the political rubble that accumulated over the week.” The political rubble was a pile of lies and distortions, the handiwork of Democrat talking points being repeated incessantly by Democrat shills like Calmes and Steinhauer.
Offering an alternate plan that included the approval of the Keystone oil pipeline and a full year of tax relief, the Republicans attempt to compromise was turned against them by a corrupt and dishonest media. The Republicans proposed that the payroll tax cut to be extended for one year; the Democrats wanted only a two-month extension.
At the crux of this issue is the Social Security payroll tax. The Post reported that on Jan. 1st 2012, the Social Security tax is scheduled to increase from 4.2% to 6.2% without government action, a 2% increase. The Democrats chose to analyze the effect of this change by examining an average annual wage of $50,000. They began making claims that the change would amount to as much as$40 a week increase for Middle Americans.
The Post reported that  “… the president was flanked by 16 people who had responded to a White House campaign soliciting responses to it’s website, Twitter and Facebook about what they would sacrifice if their take home pay was reduced by $40 a week, the average tax break for a family making $50,000 per year."
I decided to check. A 2% increase applied to Joe’s $50,000 wage would amount to a $1,000 dollar annual tax increase. I was able to calculate this tax “in my head” as I’m sure so could many 5th graders.
50,000 X .02 = 1,000. Further 5th grade ciphering revealed that the real weekly increase would be roughly $19.23. The Democrat numbers misrepresented the facts by over 100%. No wonder this administration has destroyed the economy in less than three years. Check the 5th grade math, 50,000 X .02 = 1,000 per year divided by 52 weeks = $19.23 per week! Duh! The Democrat plan is for only 2 months that is a total of 8 weeks X 19.23 or $153.84 total. The Republican plan 12 X 19.23 = $999.96 total savings to the middle class! I’m using 5th grade math and an accountant might find slightly differing results but only morons and propagandists could come up with these Obama / Palm Beach Post numbers!  The Republican plan would have put significantly more money into the middle class, 999.96 vs. 153.84! Yet another Democrat lie exposed! This tax break is insignificant en-light of our vast economic problems, but like 5th graders on a play ground, the Democrat bullies, to gain political points, taunt their opponents as the sniveling cowards in the media cheer them on.
The Palm Beach Post, on page 8A quotes Obama, “But anyone who knows how to stretch a budget knows that at the end of the week or the end of the month, $40 can make all the difference in the world.” It is hysterical to have Obama talk about stretching a budget as he prepares to board his 747, part of a convoy of government, taxpayer aircraft and military escort jets, to travel half way around the world to meet his family of three who’s 757 convoy of taxpayer jets preceded him to our 57th state (according to Obama), Hawaii (which is located in Asia, according to Obama).

Has anyone ever seen Obama’s grades or work performed at Harvard? His Gumpian rise from awkward high school boy raised by white middle class grandparents to Harvard Law professor to community organizer (What?) to Senator to President is unrealistic for a man who wouldn’t pass a 5th grade exam!
In Obama land, compromise means all or nothing; the definition of compromise is when opponents do what the Democrats want or face defamation by the media. I have already proven the blatant lie, that Republicans want to raise taxes on the middle class and only lower taxes on the wealthy, but that perception is only made possible by dishonest journalist like Randy Schultz. To the medias delight, the Democrat politicians repeated the same, tired, old, blasé socialist, class warfare strategy of Obama’s lies pitting the 1% vs. the 99%. As usual, the Democrat, pro Obama media echoed the lies without providing the opposing Republican view.
In a separate Palm Beach Post editorial written by Randy Schultz, “Chaos in the (Animal) House”, the Republican position was ridiculed and misrepresented. The Republican attempt to add the desperately needed job and revenue producing pipe line, in Schultz’s opinion, was “described as following, “After loading up a spending bill with silliness, House Republicans made one of the dumbest political stands in recent memory.” The Keystone pipeline, a significant energy and economic stimulating project, in Schultz’s opinion is silly and Obama’s opposition, his kowtowing to the environmentalists, goes unchallenged even as he flies unnecessary, multiple, convoys of jets over Al Gores pacific coast mansion at a staggering cost to the taxpayer and leaving a carbon foot print that Bigfoot would admire, Schultz remains a cheerleader of the Democrat Party. Apparently nothing that this president can do may be criticized in the Post. The deception perpetrated by the Palm Beach Post is evident to anyone with an education above the fifth grade level.
The Republicans wanted to provide Joe Six-pack with 600% more in tax savings than the Democrats! The Democrat plan offers a $154 dollar savings and the Republican plan provides nearly $1,000 to Average Joe’s check! The Palm Beach Posts lies cannot be allowed to pass as journalism.

The Palm Beach Post propaganda, by lies and distortion, was successful in burying the GOP under the political rubble that accumulated over the week. Much of the fault is the Republicans inability to expose the media propaganda. The Republicans should replace John Boehner with Allen West. West has the guts to challenge the despicable Democrat-Media juggernaut and demand the truth. Americans are not stupid, they are just kept ignorant by people misusing power; the Randy Schultz’s of the world.
Any child incapable of mastering 5th grade assignments should be put on a career path to journalism or community organizing.


EUGENE V. DEBS:     Cowardly politicians, members of congress, and misrepresentatives of the masses.