Wednesday, April 18, 2012



            In 1983 the Romney’s took a family trip from Boston to Canada. Ann Romney told the story about how the family’s pet dog, Seamus, ate the families turkey dinner and “got the runs”. Rather than leave the beloved pet behind, Mitt Romney -ever the problem solver- strapped Seamus in his dog carrier to the roof rack and ingeniously devised a windshield for the front of the cage. Like a scene out of the Griswold’s National Lampoon Vacation, the family piled into a station wagon with the dog riding on the roof and set off to Canada! Awesome!
Contrast this to the Obama family’s multi-convoy of jumbo jets circumnavigating the globe on bi-monthly vacations! Ann Romney reports that the dog was happy and excited about his trip, but did mess on the car during the trip. She says Mitt calmly made a pit stop to hose off the dog, the carrier and the car before continuing the trip. The family vacation with Seamus was a great success thanks to Mitt’s ingenuity. This sounds like an all American family vacation, not a Washington DC limousine liberal’s.
            David Axelrod, senior advisor to President Obama, is obsessed with Mitt Romney’s improvised roof top dog carrier; he cant’ stop talking about it. Axelrod apparently views such a mode of dog transportation as inhuman. This point of view is understandable from an elite 1%’er like Axelrod who has primarily lived in the bubble of the Manhattan and Chicago elites.
Axelrod has probably seen doormen hand off diamond laced poodles to be driven in limos to the dog spa! A man like Axelrod has probably never seen a dog sitting in the bed of a pickup truck speeding down I-95. I’ve seen dogs of all breeds in carriers and cages or tethered with a rope, some even loose in an open pickup truck bed, fur blowing in the wind; they seem to love those rides! Normal people know that it is even quite common to see humans riding in the back of open trucks, rain and shine! These events are completely normal to us 99%’ers but not to liberal Democrats.
            Apparently, in spite of his wealth, Mitt Romney is more in touch with normal Americans than David Axelrod or President Barrack Obama. To the Democrats, the normal way to transport your pet is in a chauffeured limousine!

             In January, David Axelrod tweeted the above photo of Obama's dog, Bo, riding with President Obama in an armored limousine, with the caption "How loving owners transport their dogs."
Really David! In a chauffeured limousine! Talk about the elite 1%!

            Apparently President Barrack Hussein Obama loves dogs so much that he considers them as more than just great pets, but also as table fare. The following is an excerpt from his book “Dreams of My Father”.

“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

On Tuesday evening, Romney campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom retweeted Axelrod with the comment, "In hindsight, a chilling photo."

That’s hilarious! Obama appears to be about to snap the poor dogs neck! Is Obama taking Bo to dinner or is Bo about to become dinner?

Portuguese Water Dog Pu Pu Plater

How does PETA feel about Obama eating dogs? Bill Maher serves on the board of PETA, will the nations chief misogynist demand that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC return his $1 million donation when he learns of Obama’s fondness of fine canine cuisine?

Favorite Dog Recipes.

Wok the Dog
1 Chinese Shar Pei skinned and de-boned and cut into strips
Small green chili peppers
Plenty of rice
Heat a wok with peanut oil
Stir-fry dog meat (rare) remove set aside
Stir-fry chili’s 2 min. then add dog meat
Add 1-tablespoon soy sauce
Reduce heat add cooked white rice cover simmer for two minutes
Serve with WHAT?

Happy Family recipe
Litter of newborn pups (6-8) Chopped into Steaks
            2 tablespoons olive oil
            1 onion, sliced
            1 red bell pepper, seeded and cubed
            1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and cubed
            1 (15 ounce) can baby corn, drained
            1 tablespoon white sugar
            1 (16 ounce) package frozen stir-fry vegetables
            1 cup water
            1 tablespoon cornstarch
            1 tablespoon soy sauce

1.             Preheat an indoor grill, and coat with cooking spray. Place the dog meat strips on the grill, and cook for about 7 minutes. Allow them to cool slightly, then cut into cubes.
2.             While the dog meat is cooking, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Place the onion rings in the skillet, and cook for a few minutes. Add the red and yellow pepper, baby corn, and the stir-fry vegetables. Increase the heat to medium-high; cook and stir for about 15 minutes.
Sprinkle in the sugar and salt. Stir in the dog meat. Dissolve the cornstarch in water, and pour into the skillet along with the soy sauce. Cook and stir until the sauce thickens.

White House Approved Fast Food, Roast Greyhound!

Anthelme Brillat-Savrin: “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”

Barrack Hussein Obama! Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!

PS: Obama has also approved the slaughter of horses for human consumption! Don’t believe me? Check this link.


That’s why the Democrat Palm Beach Post sucks!

Monday, April 16, 2012



      After Hillary Rosen’s stupid anti-women comments last week, the Democrat Party and the White House tried to distance themselves from Rosen even though she is a DNC insider.
The brouhaha started when Rosen claimed that Ann Romney - the mother of 5 children who has battled cancer and M.S. while simultaneously raising her family – never worked a day in her life. The elite snob, Hillary Rosen, offended and outraged millions of stay at home women, many who also provide home schooling in an effort to keep their children from being victimized by the horrors of the public education system and the Democrat teachers unions.
President Obama and Michele Obama came out disavowing Rosen’s comments and acted as if they didn’t know Rosen. That is a lie. The following is a link showing that Rosen has been at the White House 35 times, nearly as often as Timothy Geithner who had 40 visits! Some reports claim that on at least 3 visits Rosen had face-to-face meetings with Obama. See the actual White House record:
Hilary Rosen Visited The Obama White House At Least 35 Times. (White House,)
            Moreover, Hillary Rosen is on the payroll of the Democrat National Committee. DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired her as an advisor for media appearances. See the following link from the WSJ:
  “Excerpted from The Washington Examiner: Controversial Democratic strategist and CNN contributor, Hilary Rosen, was hired by DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to coach her on media appearances.
According to a Wall Street Journal report in February, Obama advisers told Wasserman Schultz to “tone it down,” suggesting that she hire “two seasoned Democratic female pros, Anita Dunn and Hilary Rosen,” for media training, in preparation for the upcoming campaign. Wasserman Schultz willingly accepted.”
          Anita Dunn –the avowed admirer of mass murderer and Communist dictator Chairman Mao- and Hillary Rosen advise Wasserman-Schultz on media appearances. This explains why the DNC Chairwoman, Wasserman-Schultz, appeared on Bill Maher’s misogynist hate fest “Real Time”; the feminist elites despise stay at home women.
On Friday- just days after the apology tour of the Democrats - the hapless misogynist Bill Maher could not stop himself from attacking a vulnerable woman.
Maher said: “Rosen’s word choice was perhaps in artful. But what she meant to say, I think, was that Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work, no one’s denying that being a mother is a tough job — I remember that I was a handful. OK, but there is a big difference in being a mother in that tough job, and getting your ass out of the door at 7 a.m. when it’s cold, having to deal with the boss, being in a workplace, and even if you’re unhappy you can’t show it for eight hours, that is a different kind of tough thing, isn’t it?”
            Yes Bill, being a parent is much harder and the days are never just 8 short hours. Obviously your mother was a colossal failure, as a woman and a mother. She raised an angry, white, atheist, woman hating little boy who never grew up, a man-child who chuckles at his own juvenile jokes and vulgar language even as he spews them out. The fact that his HBO show is apparently a success proves that the Democrats dumbing down of America has been a success. What kind of low life woman would appear on the show or even watch Maher’s show, “Real Time”, on TV?   
            Many stay at home mothers sleep like a baby – awakened every two hours- or are up all night with a sick child. Most get their Asses out of bed at 6am 5 days a week to get the children to school. Most transport the kids to sports, doctors and dentist appointments and do not stop working until around 9pm when the kids are finally asleep, a 15 hour day. Contrast this with Bill Maher who does drugs all night and lies in bed all day, hung over. Has Bill Maher ever had a real job other than televised carnival geek? On behalf of women, let me tell Bill Maher to go to Hell. What a pathetic pig of a man. Surely if his parents are alive they must live in shame.

Obama and the DNC have accepted $1 million from the hideous misogynist even as the Democrats continue to try and deny their war on women.
See the following link from
“Today, Patrick Gaspard, executive director of the Democratic National Committee sought to distance the party from Rosen’s comments.
“Hillary Rosen is absolutely not a paid adviser to the DNC or to the Obama campaign, absolutely not,” he said.
But Republicans at the Republican National Committee, have already pulled data on payments made by the DNC to Rosen.”
“DNC has paid $120,000 to Rosen’s firm since 2011 for both a “communications consultant” and “media consultant,” tweeted Joe Pounder, the director at the RNC, “Sounds like Dunn and Rosen.”

            Not to be out down in the war on women by Maher, Rosen and Wasserman-Schultz, Obama is determined to do his part. The Obama administration is the most anti-women White House in modern history. See this link to the
According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).”

Is there any wonder why women are leaving the Democrat Party in droves? On top of being underpaid, it is reported that in the past year women held 92% of the jobs lost! The media tries to rationalize the stat by saying men lost their jobs first and now the lost jobs are from coming from woman dominated sectors. So what! Everybody is losing jobs under 3 ½ years of the Obomination Administration. Here is what Mitt Romney said:
“The other day there’s been some talk about a war on women. The real war on women has been waged by the Obama administration’s failure on the economy. Do you know what percent of the job losses in the Obama years have been casualties of women losing jobs as opposed to men?
Do you know how many women – what percent of the job losses were women? 92.3 percent of the job losses during the Obama years have been women who’ve lost those jobs. The real war on women has been the job losses as a result of the Obama economy.”
The real war on woman comes from the feminist elites, the Obama White House and the DNC headed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Tell Obama and Debbie to give $1 million back to the scum bag Bill Maher!
Support women cancel HBO TODAY!
Nothing in this blog post will ever appear in the Democrat Palm Beach Post.
Alice Miller: “If a mother respects both herself and her child from his very first day onward, she will never need to teach him respect for others.”
Maybe it’s not Bill Maher’s fault after all; maybe it’s his mothers.