Thursday, April 4, 2013



Most people would agree that one need not be a good athlete to be a good president. The purpose of this post is not to mock President Obama, it is to show that the messianic image that Obama's worshippers in the mainstream media portray of this man is out of touch with reality and transcends politics. Also I hope to show the hypocrisy and double standard that the press shows by treating liberal Democrats much differently than conservatives.
We have all heard the Democrats claim that Obama is the most intelligent president to ever hold office. We have heard what a fit and athletic president we have and the stories of his skill at basketball even though he was cut from his high school team. 

Click these links and then you decide if the media is accurate or creating a mythical president.

Obama shooting hoops.

That was brutal! At least the little kids have some game.

Obama Bowling.

He put it in the gutter, just like the economy.

Obama playing Baseball.

That was just sad.

Obama golfing.

He was just tearing up the links!
I have never seen a grown man so bad at everything he tries!

The only thing Obama is worse at than sports is being president!

As far as the most intelligent president, view this link:

Those gaffes were prior to 2009, click below to see more recent idiocracy that the media won't report. Obama makes Sarah Palin look like a genius!

Now it is clear why Obama picked Biden for Vice President, he didn't want to be the dumbest person in at the White House.

Imagine what late night comedians would do with this material if that were George Bush! Maybe Leno will go to Fox where he won't be censored by the lefties at NBC, then he could provide much needed equal opportunity parodies and humor.

The myth of Obama's prowess in everything he attempts is just more proof of what propaganda we face from the Democrats and their allies in the lame stream media!

That's Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Heywood Hale Broun: "Sports do not build character . They reveal it."

Wednesday, April 3, 2013



4/3/2013, Jennifer Sorentrue, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer posted a report entitled “Federal cuts eliminate meals for elderly poor, buses for Head Start”.
         Apparently, Palm Beach Commissioners have voted 5-2 to cut programs in four areas. Ms. Sorentrue reports that the county receives $36 million per year from the Feds. But due to the Obama mandated sequester, $2 million must be cut. That leaves a federal payment to Palm Beach County of over $34 million for 2013. Where is that $34 million being spent by PBC? As usual the reporters of the Palm Beach Post ask few questions of the Democrat dominated leadership of Palm Beach County.
Should the elderly poor and our young children be the first people cut from the $34 million Federal payment, the first to be thrown under the government bus of waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money? Or is this another example of the Democrat Parties strategy to blame any reduction in government spending on mean spirited conservatives who desire to starve children, push granny over the cliff, cause cancer to flourish and pollute the Earths air and water?  
I have no doubt that if a real reporter existed at the Post and conducted an audit of all the expenditures by Palm Beach County there would be an uprising of the middle class citizens against local government waste.
We can surmise what is likely occurring here at home by examine what politicians in Washington, D.C have done with our tax money.  
The following is from Sen. Tom Coburn’s Wastebook 2012. These examples are only a few of the eye popping top 100 examples of government waste that totals over $19 BILLION. 
Google Coburn’s Wastebook to see the extraordinary waste that is typical of big government. I added LOL to my favorites, what moron could even conceive of these programs?
“Examples of wasteful spending highlighted in “Wastebook 2012” include:
• Tax loopholes for the National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) – professional sports leagues that generate billions of dollars annually in profits ($91 million in taxes)
• Moroccan pottery classes (part of a $27 million grant from U.S. Agency for International Development)”  (LOL)
• “Efforts to promote caviar consumption and production ($300,000)
• Robotic squirrel named “RoboSquirrel” (part of a $325,000 grant from the National Science Foundation)” (LOL)
• “Promotion of specialty shampoo and other beauty products for cats and dogs ($505,000)
• Corporate welfare for the world’s largest snack food producer, PepsiCo Inc. ($1.3 million)
• Government-funded study on how golfers might benefit from using their imagination, envisioning the hole is bigger than it actually is ($350,000)” (LOL)
• “Prom Week,” a video game that allows taxpayers to relive prom night ($516,000)” (LOL)
• Oklahoma’s layover boondoggle, a scarcely used airport in Oklahoma receiving nearly half-a-million in taxpayer dollars only to transfer funds elsewhere in the state ($450,000)
• The 2012 Alabama Watermelon Queen tour paid for in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “to promote the consumption of Alabama’s watermelon through appearances of the Alabama Watermelon Queen at various events and locations” ($25,000)”
You can read or print Coburn's entire "Wastebook 2012" free of charge by clicking the above link.

Bob Woodward has confirmed that the mandated sequester was devised by President Obama and Jack Lew. Obama has allowed the doors of the White House to be closed to the public, blaming his mandated cuts. While hundreds of kids, including many underprivileged inner city children who saved money and raised funds to travel by bus to D.C. during Spring break and hoping to visit the home of our first black president are locked out, the Obama family concluded their fourth vacation of 2013

The following is a report from USA Today:
“In the first three months of the year, members of the first family have been on three vacations, averaging a vacation a month. And now it's being reported that the first daughters are on a spring break vacation in the Bahamas.”

It is reported that the Obama’s 2012-2013 Hawaii trip alone cost $7 million.

Today, reported the following:
“If we assume the estimates are probably quite low, then it’s likely the bill for the combined vacations is more than $20 million,’’ said the Dossier’s Keith Koffler.”

While Obama few to Palm City, Fl. for golf lessons with Tiger Woods, the Michelle and her girls flew north for another snow skiing adventure and then the kids took a jaunt to the Bahamas for Spring break!
 To add insult to injury, buffoon vice president Joe Biden cost the taxpayer $500,000 per night by visiting Paris! Surely, Biden has replaced Jerry Lewis as the Francophone's favorite American idiot and clown!

How many elderly poor would all that taxpayer money feed? How many bus trips for the Head Start kids could be made? How many White House tours conducted? Apparently, the Obama family and the media overseers of government are telling the nation; Let them eat cake!”

Despite Ms. Sorentrue’s report about spending cuts, don’t count on anybody at “The Palm Beach Post” holding Palm Beach County Democrats accountable for government waste or fraud.

That’s why the Palm Beach Post sucks!

Epicurus; “Nothing is enough to the man for whom enough is to little.”