Thursday, April 26, 2012



         Sunday, April 22, 2012, the Palm Beach Post ran an article written by John Lantigua entitled “Interest Swarms Ariz. Case”. Today, Wednesday 25th April, the state of Arizona is scheduled to argue its case concerning its right to protect Arizonians by enforcing immigration laws. The federal government claims that it alone has the power to enforce immigration law, not the state of Arizona. Florida and 15 other states filed a brief in support of Arizona claiming that; “States have a preexisting authority to make arrests based on violations of federal law.”
         Not only has Eric Holder turned a blind eye to the plight of Arizonians, he has caused havoc at the border by instituting the Fast and Furious gun running scheme and then lied to cover up his involvement in the scandal. See the following link:

 To add insult to injury, the DOJ has now filed lawsuits against Arizona lawmakers for attempting to enforce existing federal immigration laws. In response, Arizona passed it’s own state laws to enforce immigration policy and to control the border in an attempt to quell the flow of illegal immigrants, the transporting of drugs, weapons, human slave trafficking and kidnappings. Arizona police have been accused of racial profiling. The following evidence shows that Eric Holder and his DOJ are the ones involved in racial profiling and racial bias.

         When Obama was elected in 2008, flagrant voter intimidation was recorded on video. New Black Panthers stood at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia brandishing weapons and yelling at white voters. King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were identified as the perpetrators on the video recording. There was no question that federal law had been violated and a felony committed. Voting Section chief Chris Coates said;If standing in front of a polling place with a stick in Black Panther clothing and talking about how you are going to keep whites from voting does not violate the intimidation prohibition in 11(b), I don’t know what does.”
Army veteran Christopher Hill gave a sworn statement stating that the Panthers attempted to block him from voting through intimidation and yelled racial slurs. Eric Holder and the DOJ refused to prosecute the Black Panthers.
         On March 1, 2011 a congressional committee questioned Holder about the DOJ’s hostility to race neutral law-enforcement. Congressman John Culberson read to Holder a statement from Bartle Bull – a long time civil rights activist who has worked for Charles Evers in Mississippi- concerning the Philadelphia incident; “It would qualify as the most blatant form of voter intimidation I have encountered in my life in political campaigns in many states, even going back to the work I did in Mississippi in the 1960’s!”
         Holder responded to Bartle Bull; “…to compare what people were subject to there to what happened in Philadelphia …to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people.”
FOR MY PEOPLE? Holder must mean black people. Is that not racist? Is he not attorney general for all Americans of every race? If Whites, Hispanics Asians or anyone’s rights are violated, does Holder not have the responsibility to protect them? Does Eric Holder believe that the laws of our country should be applied differently to whites than to minorities? Is that not racial profiling or worse, blatant racism? The answer appears to be yes.
Christian Adams resigned from Holders DOJ because of the racism and corruption that he witnessed. After leaving he wrote a book entitled “Injustice”. In his book he reports the incident of March 15th 2009 that lead to his resignation. “We sat in stunned disbelief. This was a blatant act of voter intimidation by a race-hate group that was caught on tape and seen by the whole nation, yet we were being ordered to do almost nothing about it! At that moment, it became clear to me that the people running the division under the Obama Administration were irredeemably rotted and corrupt.
This brings us to Holder’s politically motivated refusal to enforce immigrations law in Arizona, a scheme to gain political favor with the Hispanic communities in time for the up coming election. How can the media, including the Palm Beach Post, not report Holder’s documented, unconstitutional policy of race-biased law-enforcement?

Emboldened by the unwillingness of the DOJ to take no legal action against him and the Black Panthers, King Samir Shabazz took to the streets with a megaphone to spew threats and racial hatred to passing whites. He can be seen on tape ranting against an interracial couple and calling for the murder of white babies. “I hate white people! All of them! Every last iota of a cracker, I hate them! You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!”   Shabbazz currently teaches his racism and hate to elementary aged black children.
See the following video link:

Why would Eric Holder not want to do the job the American people have entrusted to him, to enforce federal law equally?  Under Eric Holder justice is not blind; she is racist. Laws are being applied differently at the DOJ based on a citizen’s color or political preferences.

The New Black Panthers issued a wanted dead or alive bounty on George Zimmerman’s head. Hit contracts and bounties are illegal. Once again, Holder has taken no action. Apparently the New Black Panthers, like the DOJ and Eric Holder, are above the law and above the constitution.
After the bounty was placed on Zimmerman, Spike Lee posted Zimmerman’s home address to help the lynch mob get him, but the idiot Lee posted the wrong address and a senior citizen couple was terrorized and forced to flee their home. Al Sharpton and members of Congress have already convicted Zimmerman of murder in the media and whipped the mobs that the unions are busing to Sanford Florida into a frenzy of hate. The media has been involved in editing -and thus falsifying- a 911 call as the prosecution-suppressed pictures of bloody injuries to Zimmerman. Is this the future of 21st century America?

Despite being elected and building an approval rating of over 73% among Whites, Barrack Hussein Obama and his administration have brought racial tensions in America to a level not seen in decades. It seems that Holder’s racial division and unequal application of the law together with Obama’s class warfare schemes are intended to create civil unrest this summer and fall leading up to the 2012 election. Could widespread riots be a diversion from Obama’s atrocious policies and failed presidency and a desperate recipe for his re-election?    

Holder’s race based law-enforcement leads us back to Arizona and the DOJ’s attack on states rights and sovereignty. Mr. Lantigua reports that The Federation for American Immigration Reform states that; “SB1070 is not only constitutional but necessary in the face of the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce the law and protect the security and interests of the American people.”
Arizona’s immigration law simply mimics existing federal law. The DOJ claims to have limited resources and thus should welcome help from the States in enforcing existing federal law not file lawsuits to stop them. But of course the Democrats and Eric Holder don’t want to stop illegal’s, they want more illegal immigration and minimal voter ID requirements for political reasons.
On page 12A of the Post, directly below Mr. Lantigua’s report, the AP reported the following; “A separate push by the National Council of La Raza seeks to register 180,000 Latinos to vote nationwide.” “The Become a Citizen Now! Campaign began in March. It is targeting foreign born residents…”
The Democrat Party knows that Latinos vote heavily for Democrats so they are willing to break federal law to increase the number of illegal’s in our country. States like Arizona that attempt to enforce existing law interfere with the Democrats unethical and lawless schemes. The Democrats and the DOJ want an open, unprotected border despite the danger to our nation and it’s citizens. Eric Holder uses the power of the Justice Department as a political weapon wielded against opponents and a shield to protect Democrat allies, no matter how corrupt.
Ted Nugent, a conservative celebrity, has said that if Obama is re-elected that he –Ted Nugent- expects that he will either be killed or imprisoned. The more I learn about this president and the radical Democrats, the more rational that statement becomes. I believe that even congressmen like Allen West and thousands of individual citizens, including myself, could be joining Ted. The media has proven that it will not be there to report injustice or to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable wielding power. The media are a cowardly bunch.

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!


Cicero: “The safety of the people shall be the highest law.”