Thursday, April 5, 2012



            The White House announced that tomorrow, on 4/6/2012 they would hold a forum on Women and the Economy. That is like PETA holding a seminar on how to field dress a deer! Obama runs the most anti-women administration in modern history.

            Ron Suskind, a Pulitzer Prize winning author, wrote in his book Confidence Men the following: “The Obama Administration is hostile environment for women even though they occupy many of the senior positions in the West Wing.”
            If that leads you to believe that Suskind is some right-winger, you would be wrong. Previously, he published 3 books critical of George Bush and has won a Pulitzer Prize. The Pulitzer is almost never awarded by the liberal organization to a conservative, further proof that Suskind is not from the right.  
The following is from Wikipedia:
Some critics of the Pulitzer Prize have accused the organization of favoring those who support liberal causes or oppose conservative causes. Syndicated columnist L. Brent Bozell said that the Pulitzer Prize has a "liberal legacy", particularly in its prize for commentary.[10] He pointed to a 31-year period in which only five conservatives won prizes for commentary. The claim is also supported by a statement from the 2010 Pulitzer Prize winner for commentary, Kathleen Parker: "It's only because I'm a conservative basher that I'm now recognized."[11]

21 Pulitzers are awarded each year. That means that in 31 years (21x31= 651) and 651 prizes awarded only 5 conservatives won! That is astounding! The media no longer tries to hide liberal bias, but come on!
The Democrat dominated media including the propagandists working at the Palm Beach Post loved Suskind until he wrote Confidence Men. In the fall of 2011, after his book was released, the left turned on Suskind with a vengeance. He was vilified on MSNBC’S “Morning Joe Show” by an angry red-faced left-winger, Mika Brzezinski.
Despite the push back by Obama’s liberal Democrat media apologists, Suskind’s accusation of Obama’s misogynous behavior was supported by numerous media sources.
The liberal “Washington Post” quoted Anita Dunn – a self proclaimed admirer of mass murderer and communist dictator China’s Chairman Mao- as saying this about the Obama White House, “This Place would be in court for a hostile work place. Because it actually fits all the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace for women.”

Cristina Romer was quoted in the book:
I felt like a piece of meat.”
Also quoted in Suskind’s book, a top female advisor:
“The president has a real woman problem. The idea of the boy’s club being just Larry and Rahm isn’t fair, Obama is just as responsible.”
            When asked how he felt about the leftwing Democrat media’s attempt to destroy him in order to protect the Democrat president, Suskind responded: “It’s not so much about the substance of the book, It’s simply tactical.  (they) Must kill the book.”
This is a standard tactic of the left. They can’t defend the indefensible so the strategy is; don’t debate facts, just mock, ridicule and assassinate the character of your opposition, Saul Alinsky tactics?

This is prevalent on late night shows like Letterman, which brings us to the king of misogyny, Bill Maher and his million-dollar donation to the Democrat party. Obama ignored the complaints from mistreated Democrat women who work at the White House and has decided to keep the dirty, Mahered money. Apparently, Obama condones and possibly agrees with Bill Maher’s misogyny. Is Barrack Obama a misogynist president? If not, then how could he keep Maher’s money? Is this why the president flies separately making his wife and daughters travel on a different flight and at great expense to the taxpayers? Does Obama prefer the good old boys to women, even his own family?
Even the liberal CNN Network recognizes misogynists Bill Maher’s vile, venomous hate of women, how can Barrack Obama not?
See the following link:

Bill Maher is such a vile, glob of human excrement that he even used the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin as a prop to set up yet another anti-woman joke. See the following link:

When Bill Maher looks into the eyes of a woman like Michele Bachman and recognizes a functioning brain and recognizes a very successful woman, an intelligent woman, he freaks out. He normally is only exposed to -in his own words- bimbos, boobs and dumb twats.
That’s why Bill Maher only likes Democrat women like Arianna Huffington, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Nancy Pelosi and every other woman dumb enough to register as a Democrat or watch his pathetic show.
If Maher thinks Michele Bachman is scary- despite the fact that he has called her a MILF- I hope he doesn’t look in a mirror, Bill Maher is one homely bastard. Every time I see a picture of him I feel like I’m wearing 3-D glasses; that huge, wide proboscis might take my eye out! I don’t know how the man can talk with that thing hanging on his upper lip.

(Disclaimer: Read the following at your own discretion. This is not my normal style but is an attempt to show Bill Maher and his fans how it feels to be a victim of un-intellectual attacks and misogyny.)


10)         In filming his 3-D movie, director James Cameron used Maher’s massive nose as a mold for the movie prop, the bow of the Titanic.

9)         In the morning, after a frisky night, old Arianna Huffington uses the snoring Maher’s massive nostrils to blow dry her wigs.

8)         When the parties over, Maher’s wealth Hollywood comrades get their home vacuumed for free by telling Maher that the cocaine spilled on the carpet.

7)         One date with Bill Maher solved Sandra Flukes birth control needs, she now hates men.

6)         Because of his donkey face, Maher is often mistaken for the mascot of the Democrat Party, a buck toothed jackass.

5)        Dyson vacuum company studied the volume and sucking power of Bill Maher’s cyclopean nostrils to design the Dyson vacuum. 

4)         Maher agreed to be towed face down and backwards by the feet behind a BP clean up vessel to gather the spill with his humongous nostrils, but Maher backed out when Steadman told him that the black gold was oil, not Oprah’s twat.

3)        The immense expanse of Maher’s sinuses is the perfect place to dispose of toxic nuclear waste and Rosie O’Donnell’s used tampons.

2)         After a dozen men banged her over and over and over again, Bill Maher slithered out from between his mother’s legs. She cried, “Oh my God, Twins!” Bill’s first words were, “Mom, it’s just me and my nose, you dumb twat!”

1)         The dumb whore didn’t know who the father was but years later went on the Jerry Springer Show. Jerry used three clues to identify Bill Maher’s biological father as Pinocchio. 
1) They both are pathological liars, 
2) they both have prodigious noses that continue to grow, and 
3) they are both dickless puppets that entertain an immature audience.

Me: “To understand the life of a pig, you have to get down in the mud.”


That’s why the Bill Maher and the Palm Beach Post sucks!