Wednesday, January 9, 2013



Hillary’s worldwide tour finally came to an end and yesterday she emerged from medical quarantine. Is she ready to put on her big girl pantsuit and testify before Congress about the Benghazi terror attack? Has she had enough time to fine-tune the talking points and lies or will she once again simply say, “I don’t recall.”

Do informed people really believe that after 4 months of dodging responsibility that mere days before her testimony about Benghazi and through divine intervention Hillary suffered THE IMMACULATE CONCUSSION?

Left wingers claim that skeptics of the legitimacy of Hillary’s injury are cynical conspiracy theorists. After all, why would any Democrat lie or try to hide the truth? That concept is absurd!

To settle the debate we have sent the crack investigative reporters from WHY THE PALM BEACH POST SUCKS to find the truth. The following is their report:

WTPBPS:         “I’m here with Dr. Fraud U. Launt who is the personal physician for members of the D.N.C. Dr. Launt, are you the one who diagnosed Hillary?”

Dr. Fraud U. Launt:         Yes, you are correct. I have been working piece meal for the Democrat Party since Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky problem. Mostly I diagnose any problem, physical or emotional, that a Democrat might have and write a doctors note to excuse that person from an unpleasant, event such as providing testimony under oath.”

Dr. Fraud U. Launt

WTPBPS:         What were your findings Dr. Launt?”

Dr. Fraud U. Launt:         Please, call me Fraud.”

WTPBPS:         Very well Dr. Fraud.”

Dr. Fraud:         “Hillary’s case was difficult. We needed to give her a note of excusal without stigmatizing her health and thus jeopardizing her impending presidential run in 2016. The first thing that I thought of when I received the assignment was “what a tough old bird that Hillary is”. That brought to mind the Dura Mater! Dura Mater is Latin for “hard mother” and describes the tough outer cover… the membrane actually… that covers the brain and is between the skull and the brain. When blood accumulates between the skull and the Dura Mater it is outside the brain but under the skull… you have a epidural hematoma. I decided an epidural hematoma would be the perfect excuse for Hillary’s excusal note… hard to detect and a hard to disprove malady… shown as a small speck on her CT scan… treatment could be as simple as an aspirin a day, or in her case even a placebo.”

WTPBPS:         “Why all the fabrication? Why not just let her testify, Dr. Fraud?”

Dr. Fraud:         Obviously she would have to tell the truth or commit perjury. If she tells the truth we will have another impeachment on our hands.”

WTPBPS:         Perjury was no problem for Bill Clinton even in face of irrefutable DNA evidence and he is more influential and powerful today than ever. The media and the Democrats love him and continue to reward leftwing liars. Look at Dan Rather, Stephanie Cutter, Eric Holder, and Hillary’s four incompetent state department officials who received promotions… I could list 50 Democrat politicians and journalist whose careers have excelled after being exposed as corrupt liars.”

Dr. Fraud:         Yes, but completely avoiding any responsibility with the help of our comrades in the press is a much easier course of action.”
WTPBPS:         “What is your training and background Dr. Fraud?”

Dr. Fraud:         In the late 1970’s I studied in East Germany at the Joseph Goebbels School of Medical Reporting. After the fall of communism and the Berlin Wall, I defected to the West and was hired by THE NEW YORK TIMES. As I mentioned I helped the Clintons in the 1990’s. I was the advisor that told both Hillary and Bill to simply reply “I don’t recall” which they did under oath nearly 250 times during Clinton’s scandal ridden and corrupt administration!

WTPBPS:         “How did you pull that off? How could such a corrupt administration survive impeachment and then today why do Bill and Hillary Clinton receive so much respect and hold such influence with the Democrat Party and the press?”

Dr. Fraud:         That is only possible with media complicity. The media are cheerleaders not overseers.”

WTPBPS:         “Complicity! That is an understatement! The media has functioned as an active branch of the Democrat Party! The fourth estate is in the tank for the Democrats!”

Dr. Fraud:         I would not dispute that fact. I have done work for NBC and since 2008 I have been working full time for the D.N.C. in anticipation of the problems that the Obama Administration might face as they fundamentally transform America from Capitalism to a totalitarian socialist government. The American main stream media has always been most helpful to us on the left.”

WTPBPS:         Are you the only physician that works with the progressives to protect the left-wingers while diagnosing conservatives as dangerous and deranged?”

Dr. Fraud:         Oh my no! The volume of work would overwhelm me! I have several colleagues.

Dr. Dee Ception was trained in Cuba and she does excellent work for the Party.” 
Dr. Swen Dell from Sweden a solid socialist propagandist, and                 

Dr. Guy L. Full just to name a few.”

For twenty years, Hillary Clinton has been an indomitable, Republican bashing, wrecking ball to the benefit of the Democrat Party. Since 1992 she has swung her full weight, a pear shaped dynamo stuffed into her skintight, spandex, purple pants suite, face grinning, her image popping up in every Capital Hill photo-op like a political version of “Where’s Waldo”! Her wild eyed face might be spotted in any political crowd- as the first lady, then as the N.Y. Senator, later a Democrat presidential candidate, now in the Oval Office, Obama’s Cabinet and as the head of the State Department. Hillary is everywhere!

Lately, with the blood of four dead Americans on her hands, and facing the task of repeating and supporting the obvious cover up lie (the pre-election Obama story about a spontaneous Muslim protest incited by the anti-Muslim video as the cause of the Benghazi murders), Hillary decided to get the hell out of town. Eric Holder and his corrupt Department of Justice dutifully represented the increasingly totalitarian policies of the Obama Administration by denying the imprisoned American citizen who made the anti-Muslim video first amendment protection; Hillary wanted no part of this malfeasance.
Immediately after the 9/11/2012 terror attack on our embassy, Hillary fled the country to avoid questions about the State Department’s role and her responsibility for embassy security. People demand to know why numerous requests for better security by the victims in Libya were ignored and why for seven hours during the terror attack help was denied as the four Americans died.  
Hillary was cunning enough to hideout overseas, Susan Rice was not so clever. Obama sent his stooge, UN Ambassador Rice, across the major TV networks to spread the administrations “cover lie” that the attack was not a terror attack. The lie was seen as necessary and Rice’s credibility and reputation was sacrificed to delay until after the election the truth that Obama and Biden’s claim that Al Qaeda has been crippled as another campaign lie. The campaign decided that Obama’s foreign policy and military agenda should not be impugned so close to the 2012 presidential election so Rice’s career was sacrificed, just another pawn to fall on the sword for King Obama.

As late as November, Hillary claimed she could not testify about Benghazi because she was busy overseas on a wine tasting tour of Australia! Hillary made herself unavailable.

It is reported that after finally returning to America, Hillary fell and bumped her head. She again disappeared creating a new game of “Where in the World is Hillary Clinton”. Her doctors told her to stay home and rest as everyone except the press wondered what was going on! Finally the story about a blood clot emerged from the smoke screen. (Does anyone remember Dick Cheney being figuratively crucified by the press as he sat pale and weak holding a box which was apparently some type of external heart pacemaker and the fun the late night talk shows had with that? Or when that fat, MSNBC slob Ed Schultz wanted to rip out Cheney’s heart stomp on it and stuff it back in his chest? Cheney took the heat while deathly ill; Hillary is a coward.)  

During those four months of hiding out, including her global jaunts at taxpayer expense, a former U.S. Marine named Jon Hammer was being tortured and chained like an animal in a Mexican prison; under the control of Mexican drug cartels. Jon Hammers parents begged the State Department to help their son. Hillary was to busy hiding. Jay Carney when asked about Jon Hammer said he didn’t even know about the situation. This was yet another proven administration lie and the media do nothing!
Give thanks that America still has one network that will report the truth to our citizens. Without Fox News Jon Hammer would rot in the Hell Hole called Mexico. I did not see his plight reported until Fox made it a huge issue! The Marine is from my area, South Florida, and apparently the Palm Beach Post does not consider this travesty worth comment! The Palm Beach Post Sucks!
View the heart breaking video at the following link:

As you see, Jay Carney’s lying is pathological.

The following is from the Northern Colorado Gazette and describes Hillary Clinton’s global jaunts even as the Middle East burns, Jon Hammer is tortured and relatives of the dead Americans killed in Libya beg for answerers:


The Clinton’s are among the most corrupt politicians in history. With 4 more years to go, I predict that Barrack Obama will take that title.

For a recap of the Clinton Corruption this is from THE Progressive Review online:
Check for accuracy.
“The FIRST, FIRST LADY to come under criminal investigation
The FIRST, FIRST LADY to almost be indicted according to one of the special prosecutors
NUMBER of Hillary Clinton fundraisers convicted of, or pleading no contest to, crime: 5
NUMBER OF TIMES that Hillary Clinton, providing testimony to Congress, said that she didn't remember, didn't know, or something similar: 250
NUMBER OF CLOSE BUSINESS partners of Hillary Clinton who ended up in prison: 3. The Clintons' two partners in Whitewater were convicted of 24 counts of fraud and conspiracy. Hillary Clinton's partner and mentor at the Rose law firm, Webster Hubbell, pleaded guilty to federal mail fraud and tax evasion charges, including defrauding former clients and former partners out of more than $480,000. Hillary Clinton was mentioned 35 times in the indictment.
IN THE 1980s, Hillary Clinton made a $44,000 profit on a $2,000 investment in a cellular phone franchise deal took advantage of the FCC's preference for locals, minorities and women. The franchise was almost immediately flipped to the cellular giant, McCaw.
HILLARY CLINTON AND HER HUSBAND set up a resort land scam known as Whitewater in which the unwitting bought third-rate property 50 miles from the nearest grocery store and, thanks to the sleazy financing, about half the purchasers, many of them seniors, lost their property.
IN 1993 HILLARY CLINTON and David Watkins moved to oust the White House travel office in favor of World Wide Travel, Clinton's source of $1 million in fly-now-pay-later campaign trips that essentially financed the last stages of the campaign without the bother of reporting a de facto contribution. The White House fired seven long-term employees for alleged mismanagement and kickbacks. The director, Billy Dale, charged with embezzlement, was acquitted in less than two hours by the jury.
HRC'S 1994 HEALTH CARE PLAN, according to one account, included fines of up to $5,000 for refusing to join the government-mandated health plan, $5,000 for failing to pay premiums on time, 15 years to doctors who received "anything of value" in exchange for helping patients short-circuit the bureaucracy, $10,000 a day for faulty physician paperwork, $50,000 for unauthorized patient treatment, and $100,000 a day for drug companies that messed up federal filings.
TWO MONTHS after commencing the Whitewater scheme, Hillary Clinton invested $1,000 in cattle futures. Within a few days she had a $5,000 profit. Before bailing out she earns nearly $100,000 on her investment. Many years later, several economists will calculate that the chances of earning such returns legally were one in 250 million.
IN 1996, Hillary Clinton's Rose law firm billing records, sought for two years by congressional investigators and the special prosecutor were found in the back room of the personal residence at the White House. Clinton said she had no idea how they got there.
DRUG DEALER Jorge Cabrera gave enough to the Democrats to have his picture taken with both Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. . . Cabrera was arrested in January 1996 inside a cigar warehouse in Dade County, where more than 500 pounds of cocaine had been hidden. He and several accomplices were charged with having smuggled 3,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States through the Keys
In 2000, Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign returned $22,000 in soft money to a businesswoman linked to a Democratic campaign contribution from a drug smuggler in Havana.
IN AUGUST 2000, Hillary Clinton held a huge Hollywood fundraiser for her Senate campaign. It was very successful. The only problem was that, by a long shot, she didn't report all the money contributed: $800K by the US government's ultimate count in a settlement and $2 million according to the key contributor and convicted con Peter Paul. This is, in election law, the moral equivalent of not reporting a similar amount on your income tax. It is a form of fraud. Hillary Clinton's defense is that she didn't know about it
HILLARY CLINTON'S participation in a Whitewater related land deal became suspicious enough to trigger an investigation by the Arkansas Supreme Court.
IN 2007, A Pakistani immigrant who hosted fundraisers for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton became a target of the FBI allegations that he funneled illegal contributions to Clinton's political action committee and to Sen. Barbara Boxer's 2004 re-election campaign. Authorities say Northridge, Calif., businessman Abdul Rehman Jinnah, 56, fled the country shortly after being indicted on charges of engineering more than $50,000 in illegal donations to the Democratic committees.
HILLARY CLINTON SUPPORTED the appointment of Rudy Giuliani's buddy, Bernie Kerick, to be Secretary of Homeland Security,. Kerick subsequently withdrew and not long after was indicted.”




La Rochefoucauld: “Everybody complains of his memory, but nobody of his judgment.”

This Weeks “Must Read”

 by L. Brent Bozell and Tim Graham (Nov 13, 2007)