Thursday, October 11, 2012


The entire Obama presidency can now simply be known as the Obamagate years. The scandals continue to pileup. As the corrupt Obama Administration continues to lie, more American civilians die.
Border patrol agent Brian Terry and thousands of Mexicans were killed by Eric Holder’s attempt to undermine the 2nd Amendment by instituting and attempting to cover-up his “Fast and Furious” gun running scam. Now the Obama Administration, led by Hillary Clinton’s State Department, has attempted to blame on a YouTube video a well planned and well organized 9/11 terror attack by Al Qaida that murdered our Libyan Ambassador Mr. Stevens and his three former navy seal bodyguards. 

Joe Biden coined a campaign slogan that he chanted over and over as he campaigned across America; “Osama is dead and GM is alive!” Many rioters in the Middle East, that Obama claimed were enraged by a video, were heard chanting “Obama, Obama! We are a billion Osama’s!” Did any of you media morons’ pickup on that little coincidence? No, of course not!
Hillary has the blood of these Americans on her hands. In August despite the protests of the Ambassador and security officials, Hillary's Department of State ordered the withdrawal of two security teams from Benghazi. Days prior to the attack Ambasador Stevens was begging the State Department to provide additional security. CNN discovered Mr. Stevens diary that documented his requests and concerns! It is reported that the three remaining American bodyguards were not even permitted to carry loaded weapons because that was offensive to the Muslims. So the Americans were downsized and then virtually disarmed by Hillary's State Department! Then, after the 9/11 slaughters, on September 14th , both Hillary and Obama went on TV to apologize to the fanatical Islamic terrorist’s! They both proclaimed that the U.S. Government had nothing to do with the obscure anti-Muslim, YouTube video that they claimed incited the violence! The amateurish video, which mocked Islam, was used as an excuse to deflect attention from Hillary’s inept State Department’s security policies and Obama’s failed Middle East foreign policy; they did not want to admit the fact that the United States yet again fell victim to a successful, deadly terrorist attack. How stupid do they think we are?

More than a week after the terrorist attack, Hillary publicly admitted that the attack was not a spontaneous uprising caused by a video. That did not deter Obama. On 9/25/2012 Barrack and Michelle Obama appeared as guests on "The View". Joy Behar asked Obama ( to paraphrase Behar); Hillary said it was a terrorist attack, was it?. The president, who described himself as "eye candy" to the ladies of the view, lied and said "we still don't know"! Then later that day on 9/25/2012, Obama addressed the U.N. and again lied when he announced to the world leaders that it was a crude and disgusting video that had incited the violence! Obama snubbed world leaders attending that U.N. conference to instead appear on "The View". 

Susan Rice, ambassador to the United Nations and employed by Hillary’s State Department, went on five talk shows and claimed the video was "in fact" to blame. Jay Carney and numerous Obama officials as well as Obama’s lap dog mainstream media continued the ridiculous lies for 8 days, even while the president of Libya declared the attack as a well planned and well organized terror attack.

Susan Rice should be fired immediately or reveal the Intelligence personnel who told her the attack was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video, not an Al Qaida terror attack. Jay Carney should be put on the road with Barnum and Bailey as a circus "Carney clown" where his talents as a stooge and pathetic little geek would be well suited. Hillary Clinton should apologize to the victim’s families and then resign and retire in shame, joining Bill Clinton in the Democrat scandal, Hall of Shame. An American filmmaker has been jailed on bogus charges, not protected under the 1st Amendment of our constitution. Obviously the Constitution of the United States is a meaningless scrap of paper to the Obama Administration and most of the mainstream media.

Tuesday, on the eve of a Congressional investigation, we now hear from the State Department that it never linked the attack and death of four Americans in Libya to the anti-Muslim movie. If this is true Susan Rice, Hillary and Obama were all lying to the press and the American people for weeks! Most Muslims never would have even known about the film if the Obama Administration had not promoted it as a cover story for a terrorist attack. The false cover story caused Muslims to find the provocative film on the internet inciting further violence- unrelated to Al Qaida's embassy attack- across the Middle East and Africa!
 The Obama administration claimed that a protest outside the American consulate in Benghazi in retaliation to the anti-Islam film "The Innocence of Muslims" was co-opted by violent extremists. However, The State Department now confesses there was no protest at all before the attack!

Don’t you wonder why the media has had little curiosity- other than the Fox News reporters- concerning this massive cover-up? Are the idiots at the Palm Beach Post even aware of this incident? Are any in the media critical of the reports that Obama went to bed knowing that our Libyan Ambassador was missing and possibly dead? Or that the following day, after the tragedy was revealed, Obama went to the west coast to fund raise and weeks later, as mentioned earlier, snubbed world leaders to appear on "The View" while continuing to blame the murders on a video? 

Below is a chronology of the attack that the State Department finally reported to the American people weeks after the incident.
Sept. 10-11, 2012:
Stevens arrived in Benghazi and held meetings on Sept. 10. He spends the night, and for the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. holds meetings inside the compound. There are four buildings in the compound. Five diplomatic security officers are present, along with four members of a local militia deployed by Libya's government to provide added security.
Around 8:30 p.m.
Stevens finishes his final meeting of the day and escorts a Turkish diplomat outside the main entrance of the consulate. The situation is calm. There are no protests.
Around 9:40 p.m.
Agents hear loud noises, gunfire and explosions near the front gate. A barracks at the entrance housing the local militiamen is burnt down. Agents viewing cameras see large groups of armed men flowing into the compound. Alarm is sounded. Telephone calls are made to the embassy in Tripoli, officials in Washington, the Libyan authorities and a U.S. quick reaction force located at a second compound a little over a mile away.

Grabbing weapons:
One agent, armed with a sidearm and an M4 submachine gun, takes Stevens and computer specialist Sean Smith to a safe room inside one of the compound's two main residences. It has a heavy metal grill and several locks, medical supplies and water, and windows that can be opened only from the inside. The other agents equip themselves with long guns, body armor, helmets and ammunition at other buildings. Two try to make it to the building with Stevens. They are met by armed men and are forced to retreat.
Attackers breach the compound:
Attackers penetrate Stevens' building and try to break the grill locks for the safe room, but cannot gain access. They dump cans of diesel fuel in the building, light furniture on fire and set aflame part of the exterior of the building. Two of the remaining four agents are in the compound's other residence. Attackers penetrate that building, but the agents barricade themselves in and the attackers can't reach them. Attackers try to enter the tactical operations center, where the last two agents are located. They smash up the door but cannot enter the building.
Americans trapped:
Meanwhile, Stevens' building rapidly fills up with thick diesel smoke and burning fumes from the furniture. Inside, visibility is less than 3 feet. Unable to breathe, the Americans go to a bathroom and open a window, but still can't get enough air. They decide to leave the building. The agent goes first, flopping out onto a patio enclosed by sandbags. He takes immediate fire, including probably rocket-propelled grenades. Stevens and Smith don't come out of the building. The agent, suffering severely from smoke inhalation, goes in and out of the building several times to look for them. He then climbs a ladder to the roof of the building and collapses. He radios the other agents to alert them to the situation there.
The other four agents are able to reunite and take an armored vehicle to Stevens' building. They reach the collapsed agent and try to set up a perimeter. They take turns going into the building, searching on hands and knees for the missing Americans. Smith is pulled out, dead. Stevens cannot be found.
A six-person quick reaction security team arrives from their compound across town. About 60 Libyan militiamen accompany them. They attempt to secure a perimeter around Stevens' building, and take turns going inside. Taking fire, Libyan forces determine they can't hold the perimeter. A decision is made to evacuate the compound and return with everyone to the reaction force's compound.
Agents pile into an armored vehicle, with Smith's body, and leave through the main gate. They face immediate fire. Crowds and groups of men block two different routes to the security compound. Heavy traffic means they are traveling only about 15 mph, and trying not to attract attention. On a narrow street they reach a group of men who signal for them to enter a compound. They sense an attack and speed away, taking heavy fire from AK-47 machine guns at a distance of only 2 feet, and hand grenades thrown against and under the car. Two tires are blown out.
They speed past another crowd of men and onto a main street and across a grassy median into opposing traffic. The agents drive against traffic, eventually reaching their compound. Security gets into firing positions around the compound and on the roof. They take more gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades intermittently for several hours.
More reinforcements:
In the night, a team of reinforcements from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli arrives on a chartered aircraft at the Benghazi airport and reaches the security compound.
Around 4 a.m.:
The compound's building is hit by mortar fire. The roof is hit and two security personnel are killed. One agent involved in the attack from the beginning is severely wounded. The men decide to evacuate the city entirely. They spend the next hours securing the annex and moving a large convoy of vehicles to the airport. They evacuate on two flights.

It is reported that Ambassador Stevens suffered an agonizing and slow death after enduring much torture, which included being sodomized, by the animals that pose as followers of Islam. Obama, his media butt boys and Hillary Clinton bow down to, apologize to, and rationalize the motives of the evil beings that are the radical, fanatical, Islamic terrorists, but in four weeks the American people will elect new, strong, pro-American leaders that represent the values of the American people, not the sick leftist mentality of a new world ordered, moral equivalence or the guilt riddled, insanity of Barrack Hussein Obama and his radical Administration. We can only hope that the damage the Democrats have done is not irreparable. Our country has been driven to the brink of financial destruction, vote the bums out!.


John Clarke: “He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.”

This week “must read”:
“HARD MEASURES” by Jose A. Rodriguez, Jr.

ISBN 978-1-4516-6347-1