Tuesday, December 27, 2011



            The Palm Beach Post ran a headline story on 12/23/2011 entitled “House GOP accepts tax deal”. The authors, Calmes and Steinhauer, claim, “House Republicans… caved under the political rubble that accumulated over the week.” The political rubble was a pile of lies and distortions, the handiwork of Democrat talking points being repeated incessantly by Democrat shills like Calmes and Steinhauer.
Offering an alternate plan that included the approval of the Keystone oil pipeline and a full year of tax relief, the Republicans attempt to compromise was turned against them by a corrupt and dishonest media. The Republicans proposed that the payroll tax cut to be extended for one year; the Democrats wanted only a two-month extension.
At the crux of this issue is the Social Security payroll tax. The Post reported that on Jan. 1st 2012, the Social Security tax is scheduled to increase from 4.2% to 6.2% without government action, a 2% increase. The Democrats chose to analyze the effect of this change by examining an average annual wage of $50,000. They began making claims that the change would amount to as much as$40 a week increase for Middle Americans.
The Post reported that  “… the president was flanked by 16 people who had responded to a White House campaign soliciting responses to it’s website, Twitter and Facebook about what they would sacrifice if their take home pay was reduced by $40 a week, the average tax break for a family making $50,000 per year."
I decided to check. A 2% increase applied to Joe’s $50,000 wage would amount to a $1,000 dollar annual tax increase. I was able to calculate this tax “in my head” as I’m sure so could many 5th graders.
50,000 X .02 = 1,000. Further 5th grade ciphering revealed that the real weekly increase would be roughly $19.23. The Democrat numbers misrepresented the facts by over 100%. No wonder this administration has destroyed the economy in less than three years. Check the 5th grade math, 50,000 X .02 = 1,000 per year divided by 52 weeks = $19.23 per week! Duh! The Democrat plan is for only 2 months that is a total of 8 weeks X 19.23 or $153.84 total. The Republican plan 12 X 19.23 = $999.96 total savings to the middle class! I’m using 5th grade math and an accountant might find slightly differing results but only morons and propagandists could come up with these Obama / Palm Beach Post numbers!  The Republican plan would have put significantly more money into the middle class, 999.96 vs. 153.84! Yet another Democrat lie exposed! This tax break is insignificant en-light of our vast economic problems, but like 5th graders on a play ground, the Democrat bullies, to gain political points, taunt their opponents as the sniveling cowards in the media cheer them on.
The Palm Beach Post, on page 8A quotes Obama, “But anyone who knows how to stretch a budget knows that at the end of the week or the end of the month, $40 can make all the difference in the world.” It is hysterical to have Obama talk about stretching a budget as he prepares to board his 747, part of a convoy of government, taxpayer aircraft and military escort jets, to travel half way around the world to meet his family of three who’s 757 convoy of taxpayer jets preceded him to our 57th state (according to Obama), Hawaii (which is located in Asia, according to Obama).

Has anyone ever seen Obama’s grades or work performed at Harvard? His Gumpian rise from awkward high school boy raised by white middle class grandparents to Harvard Law professor to community organizer (What?) to Senator to President is unrealistic for a man who wouldn’t pass a 5th grade exam!
In Obama land, compromise means all or nothing; the definition of compromise is when opponents do what the Democrats want or face defamation by the media. I have already proven the blatant lie, that Republicans want to raise taxes on the middle class and only lower taxes on the wealthy, but that perception is only made possible by dishonest journalist like Randy Schultz. To the medias delight, the Democrat politicians repeated the same, tired, old, blasé socialist, class warfare strategy of Obama’s lies pitting the 1% vs. the 99%. As usual, the Democrat, pro Obama media echoed the lies without providing the opposing Republican view.
In a separate Palm Beach Post editorial written by Randy Schultz, “Chaos in the (Animal) House”, the Republican position was ridiculed and misrepresented. The Republican attempt to add the desperately needed job and revenue producing pipe line, in Schultz’s opinion, was “described as following, “After loading up a spending bill with silliness, House Republicans made one of the dumbest political stands in recent memory.” The Keystone pipeline, a significant energy and economic stimulating project, in Schultz’s opinion is silly and Obama’s opposition, his kowtowing to the environmentalists, goes unchallenged even as he flies unnecessary, multiple, convoys of jets over Al Gores pacific coast mansion at a staggering cost to the taxpayer and leaving a carbon foot print that Bigfoot would admire, Schultz remains a cheerleader of the Democrat Party. Apparently nothing that this president can do may be criticized in the Post. The deception perpetrated by the Palm Beach Post is evident to anyone with an education above the fifth grade level.
The Republicans wanted to provide Joe Six-pack with 600% more in tax savings than the Democrats! The Democrat plan offers a $154 dollar savings and the Republican plan provides nearly $1,000 to Average Joe’s check! The Palm Beach Posts lies cannot be allowed to pass as journalism.

The Palm Beach Post propaganda, by lies and distortion, was successful in burying the GOP under the political rubble that accumulated over the week. Much of the fault is the Republicans inability to expose the media propaganda. The Republicans should replace John Boehner with Allen West. West has the guts to challenge the despicable Democrat-Media juggernaut and demand the truth. Americans are not stupid, they are just kept ignorant by people misusing power; the Randy Schultz’s of the world.
Any child incapable of mastering 5th grade assignments should be put on a career path to journalism or community organizing.


EUGENE V. DEBS:     Cowardly politicians, members of congress, and misrepresentatives of the masses.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



            The Department of Justice intervention into the voter registration rules in 14 states combined with the Administration’s obstruction of law enforcement activity involving illegal immigration is alarming. Attorney General, Eric Holder’s attempt to restrict or prevent Arizona from enforcing existing immigration laws in conjunction with his attempt to weaken the ability of numerous states to protect the integrity of our free election process are clear indications of the beginning of a Democrat attempt to corrupt our national election in 2012.
In the past, the administrations chief law enforcement official, Eric Holder, refused to prosecute thugs who were caught on video obstructing the entrance to polling places. The armed men dressed in Para-military style outfit’s intimidated and threatened voters with weapons! Holder’s refusal to bring charges and his disdain for our election laws caused at least one outraged Justice Department Official to resign in protest! Now Attorney General Holder is threatening 14 states with prosecution for voting laws that he deems to strict! The Democrat attempt to create chaos is obvious but not surprising from the most divisive administration in history.

 The Palm Beach Post ran a story by Dara Kam entitled “Voters groups sue state over new election law”. The lengthy, rambling article seemed sympathetic to the views of the opponents of Florida’s voting law. Not many specific details about the actual language of what the new law requires was defined, but the main goal seems to be that Florida’s new law makes it harder to commit voter fraud and if caught, increases the penalties! The progressives suing the state believe that the protection from graft of our most important right, voting rights, would somehow prevent thousands of Floridians from participating. Good! I agree! The thousands of people denied will be the ineligible, non-citizens! 
The leftwing litigants are critical of the laws “hefty fines, criminal penalties and administrative requirements”. For any person or organization that would corrupt America’s elections, no fine is high enough! Examine the turpitude of ACORNS voter registration and election activities! Each fraudulent vote cast cancels out an opposing legal vote, thus denying American citizens the right to choose their leaders. Holder opposes Florida’s law as well as 13 other states.
The left claims that somehow thousands of Floridians would be unable to vote because registration groups are abandoning sign-up efforts. What? Voter registration is free and can be done by individuals! Since 1995, registration can be done in numerous ways, on-line, through the mail, at public libraries, at public schools, at social service centers and at the drivers licensing centers. The process is so easy and open that 16yr olds can register 2 years in advance, before becoming eligible to vote at age 18! Voter registration is easy and can be done in minutes. Forms are available in English and foreign language. Any idiot that finds this process difficult or cannot find one of the numerous registration locations should immediately find a group to help them. They then should join the hoard of fellow morons and register as a Democrat.

Holder is not only trying to weaken election law, he is trying to protect illegal immigrants. Holder who lied to Congress about the government’s role in the FAST AND FURIUOS scandal, the DOJ’S operation that flooded the Mexico, Arizona border area with illegally obtained high-powered weapons has obstructed law officials in Arizona.
An AP report entitled “Justice Dept. report slams Ariz. Sheriff” ran in the Post. Beleaguered Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, who’s responsible for protecting the citizens of Arizona against the assault of well armed drug lords and criminals that Holder helped arm with operation Fast and Furious is being targeted by the government. Arpaio, with little federal help, has attempted to quell the violence. Obama has rewarded Arpaio’s bravery with the accusations of discrimination against Latinos.
Arpaio responded that the Obama Administration was launching a politically motivated attack that is endangering law abiding Arizonians of all races.
To add insult to injury, the Obama Administration’s Department of Homeland Security stripped Arpaio’s jail officers of their federal power to check whether inmates are in the country illegally. No, this is not a joke! Our own Homeland Security is preventing U.S. Law Officers from enforcing immigration laws and in the process protecting known criminals and possible terrorists from detection! Homeland Security is also restricting Apaio’s office from using a program that examines fingerprints collected at local jails to identify illegal immigrants!
Why would our government take these actions? Why are they allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the country, even criminals, and making voter fraud easier, not harder! Why?
I say connect the dots! The Democrats want to steal the 2012 election. These actions are right out of the Cloward and Pivens handbook or Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals, THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! Obama was weaned on Chicago style, Bill Ayers politics and a trained ACORN style community organizer. He has brought his Chicago team to D.C. The Democrats will do anything to win!
Read this passage from Wikipedia: “The voter registration movement was spearheaded by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward in the early 1980s in response to the Reagan administration.”
Who is Piven?
Read this passage from Wikipedia: “In the May 1966 issue of The Nation titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" advocating increased enrollment in social welfare programs in order to collapse that system and force reforms, leading to a guaranteed annual income.[5][6] This political strategy has been referred to as the "Cloward–Piven strategy".[7]”
Everyone should examine the philosophy of Cloward and Piven as well as that of Saul Alinsky. They have aligned with the leftwing of the Democrat Party. These are some of the most radical, undemocratic, intolerant activists in the world. Their style is a Marxist, Stalinist and Maoist style, “the only real power comes from the barrel of a gun” totalitarians. They have influence with past and current members of Obama’s Administration such as Cass Sunstein and Van Jones. If their ilk gains enough power, I have no doubt that freedom of speech will be terminated. Critics of these radicals, Fox News, National Review, Heritage and even Independents like me, will be silenced and persecuted. Atheist like Stalin, Mao and Hitler’s Marxist, occult Nazi regime, have murdered more people than all the wars in human history combined. I echo Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death!”
The Cloward-Piven strategy, just as every Marxist regime in history, would guarantee every citizen a poverty level annual income. The ruling class of wealthy elites will occupy the 1% and offer no upward mobility to the masses.
The leftists in the Democrat Party are nearing that social objective defined by the Cloward-Piven Strategy! Global economies have been destroyed by the housing collapse, a product of 1994 Clinton Administration housing laws and the enforcement of congressmen Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. The utopians “houses for all” scam didn’t’ work. Now Obama has tripled down on his redistribution and entitlement philosophy, bankrupting the nation for generations to come. Poverty and government dependence have flourished under 3 years of the food stamp king, Obama. Capitalism and private business the engine of wealth generation is being driven offshore.
With such results, the Democrats know that the only way to keep power is to steal the election a-la Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Like Putin, Obama has the media in his back pocket and a billion dollar political slush fund that will be used to buy off journalists and run negative adds destroying his Republican and Independent opponents. Toss in a little chaos on Election Day, a pinch of well-organized Putin style voter fraud, and the Democrats may well have the recipe to give a rotten administration four more years.
The Democrat Party has come under the control of self-serving knaves who toss crumbs to the mindless Fools who follow them. Good people need to wake up and flee the Democrat Party; it’s a shipwreck beyond repair.

Samuel Butler: “There are more Fools than Knaves in the world, else the Knaves would not have enough to live upon.”

Saturday, December 17, 2011


DIED 12 MAY 2008 (AGE 98)
Warsaw, Poland

The following story appeared in the South Florida Weekender a local, free newspaper distributed in North Palm Beach Florida and surrounding communities. The author asked that readers forward this article to honor Irena Sendler. The following is the unedited article entitled:


During WWII, Irena got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. She had an ulterior motive.
            She KNEW what the Nazi’s plans were for the Jews (being German). Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the toolbox she carried and she carried in the back of her truck a burlap sack for larger kids.
            She also had a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto. The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.
            During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out over 2,500 kids/infants.
            She was caught and the Nazi’s broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely.
Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard. After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it and reunited the family.

            Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed in foster homes or adopted. In 2007 Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was not selected. Al Gore won--- for a slide show on Global Warming. Later another politician, Barack Hussein Obama, won for his work as a community organizer for ACORN. And let’s not forget Arafat, the terrorist, he too got the award…!!
            So much for the Nobel awards…
            In MEMORIAM – 65 YEARS LATER
            I’m doing my small part by forwarding this message.
I hope you will consider doing the same…
            It is now more than 65 years since the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 Million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests, who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated!
            Now more than ever, with Iran and others claiming the HOLOCAUST to be a myth, it’s imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.  THE END

From Wikipedia: Irena Sendler (née Krzyżanowska, commonly referred to as Irena Sendlerowa in Poland; 15 February 1910 – 12 May 2008)[1] was a Polish Catholic social worker who served in the Polish Underground and the Żegota resistance organization in German-occupied Warsaw during World War II. Assisted by some two dozen other Żegota members, Sendler saved 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto, providing them with false documents, and sheltering them in individual and group children's homes outside the Ghetto.[2]

       The author of "Remember This Lady"is anonymous.
       The Nobel Peace Prize has been a joke for many years. The once honored award has become a leftwing, political, monetary reward for American Democrat politicians and globally, the lunatic left. After Obama got his Peace Prize he promptly escalated the war in Afghanistan and proceed to blow the living hell out of half the Middle East and Africa while maintaining Gitmo!
            The South Florida Weekender is a fun little publication published by a local newsman, Joe Woolley. In my opinion the mass media, Pro-Democrat, PALM BEACH POST SUCKS in comparison!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



            Jac Wilder VerSteeg of the Palm Beach Post published an editorial in the Sunday edition 12/11/11 entitled “Seek quality at ballot box”. He discusses pending lawsuits filed by parents and education activists against Florida, claiming that education is not paramount when it comes to State spending. Jac reports that in 1998 voters amended the state constitution requiring that Florida have a paramount duty to provide a high quality public education.
            Even in the face of the economic recession, Governor Rick Scott has proposed increasing the portion of the state budget dedicated to education by ONE BILLION DOLLARS. To the left, a billion taxpayer dollars is peanuts! The government pocket to them is a fathomless, infinite abyss stuffed with government money.
          Florida currently spends $6,900 per student for 190 teaching days per year. The NEA ranks Florida at 41st out of 51 (50 states + D.C.) when it comes to the amount of “public revenue per student”. Despite the lower amount spent, the Quality Counts Report ranks Florida 5th out of 51 in education results. This means that compared to the national average, Florida is providing a high quality education! This also means that the amount of money spent has no relationship to education quality. Need further proof?  New York State spends a whopping $18,126 per pupil and has a 38% failure rate of schools falling short of federal standards!  Compare N.Y. with Utah. Utah the lowest spending state has only 21% of schools failing to meet goals.
Waiting for Superman, a 2010 documentary film by director Davis Guggenheim was a devastating indictment of the public education system and mortifying exposure of the self-serving teachers unions. Michele Rhee an education activist and prominent figure in the documentary claims, “Money does not necessarily correlate with student achievement. In the last 30 years we have more than doubled the amount of spending per child… and results have gotten worse, not better.”
As usual Democrat’s assume, almost instinctively, that increased spending equates to increased quality. As if suffering from some type of genetic deficiency, the liberal mind can come to no other conclusion; government spending is the only remedy to any social problem. To the Democrat, other people’s money collected by the government and redistributed to government-favored institutions and projects is the only way of achieving social justice. History consistently shows the opposite effect and the federalization of education is yet another example.
Florida teachers should be rewarded for doing an exceptional job of educating our children efficiently. Our student achievement ranks 5th and our spending rank is 41st. In the private sector Florida’s education results would be viewed as a great achievement; to the socialist, Florida’s education system is being ripped off by not confiscating enough private sector money per student when compared to N.Y. Thus we have frivolous lawsuits brought by progressives to advance their personal, political and economic agendas, further wasting Florida’s resources and tax dollars.  
Jac Wilder VerSteeg apparently believes that lawsuits are not the proper method to make education paramount. His solution involves electing officials who will make education a priority. I agree. Where we disagree is when despite Governor Rick Scott’s desired billion dollar increase in funding, Jac apparently views Scott as not a friend of quality education; the socialist view, more money equals better education and a billion dollars of hard earned taxpayer money is simply not enough for Jac.
Until Clark Kent runs from the Palm Beach Post and dons Superman tights, and Jimmy Olsen agrees to be his campaign manager, Florida voters must keep electing more fiscally conservative leaders like Governor Scott who has given us an education rank in the top 5 nationally at a cost to the Florida taxpayer in the bottom 10.
Without massive government waste and fraud much can be accomplished in all sectors of society. The type of waste and corruption exposed by the film Waiting for Superman should not be tolerated anywhere, especially in education! Keep the education progressives in N.Y. and D.C. if that’s what the voters’ there desire! Keep them out of Florida!
We can always strive to be better, but for now I applaud Florida’s teachers for doing an outstanding job! In the private sector their success and efficiency might be rewarded by year-end bonuses. In public sector the motto of spend the budget money or lose it would apply. The tenured,  incompetent, union teachers exposed in Waiting for Superman and working in N.Y. and D.C. will likely mock the success of Florida's education system for not squeezing more cash out of the taxpayers.

Henry David Thoreau: “The more money, the less virtue.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Photo by Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
Is the Obama Administration the most corrupt or simply the most incompetent administration in our countries history?

It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is!

Eric Holder has been caught lying to Congress. Two U.S. senators, 53 U.S. congressmen, state governors, presidential candidates and thousands of American citizens are demanding the immediate resignation of the corrupt Attorney General. Obama stands behind his point man in the leftist’s war to destroy the United States Constitution.
Because the mass media, such as the Democrat Palm Beach Post, barely mentions this mega story involving Democrat corruption, many Americans have no understanding of the national atrocity! In his attempt to undermine the 2nd Amendment, our right of gun ownership, the Obama Administration forced licensed gun dealers to illegally flood the southwest border areas of the country with military grade weapons. The best customers were Mexican drug cartel. The government’s defense is that this was a sting to track the guns back to the drug lords; that is a proven lie. No method of tracking was  ever planned. The chief law enforcer in the country intended the unimpeded deluge of highly regulated weapons onto the streets! They were attempting to turn public opinion against gun ownership and not only directed the legal gun dealers to make the sales but also even sent the buyers to their stores! Gangs used these weapons to murder. As a result, Holder and Obama are accomplices in these murders committed with Fast and Furious weapons. 300 people in Mexico as well as U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry are known victims of Fast and Furious weapons that have been recovered. How many unknown victims have been slaughtered with Holders guns. How many more will be killed by all the weapons yet to be recovered.
That’s why we have gun laws in America Mr. Holder! Protect our gun rights and our free elections through law enforcement! We deserve to be free of voter intimidation by any group, including the Black Panthers and free from terror assaults by gangs with AK47S!  
If Barack Obama does not hold his administration accountable for corruption, then those acts become his personal responsibility. When the president acquiesces to criminal or incompetent behavior resulting in the murder and terrorizing of North Americans, then Obama becomes a participant. His administration works at his pleasure and under his authority. When they lie to Congress and the American people Obama must correct the situation or Obama himself becomes the prevaricator.
Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer have both admitted that when the Attorney Generals Office sent a letter on February 4th 2011 to Sen. Grassley it contained false information. That letter was a blatant lie, stating, “Guns were never allowed to walk.” Caught in the lie, when the truth about the gun scam was exposed, the D.O.J. backed off this claim.  
Holder claimed that the letter was withdrawn because of inaccurate information.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner asked Holder, “Tell me what the difference is between lying and misleading Congress in this context?”

Holder answered, “If you want to have this legal conversation, it all has to do with your state of mind, and whether or not you had the requisite intent to come up with something that can be considered perjury or a lie,” Holder said. “The information that was provided in that February 4th letter was gleaned by the people who drafted the letter after they interacted with people who they thought were in the best position to have the information.”
So, Eric Holder who is charged with enforcing the countries laws says that you can lie under oath as long as you latter say that you didn't intend to lie. I suspect that this defense will only be accepted as legitimate when used by a Democrat.
I 'm reminded of the Clinton era. Every time I see the laughing stock of the world, Bill Clinton, on TV hawking his new book and being treated like a legitimate statesman by the Democrat press corps, I can’t help recalling these phrases.
“I did not have sex with that woman!” It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is.” Etc. etc. Bill, your semen is on the chubby kids dress!
Once caught committing perjury, Clinton simply redefined the definition of sex. In Clintonese, what constitutes sex no longer includes oral sex. The presidents new definition continues to delight millions of junior high schoolers and thousands of pedophiles.
The current Obama regime, just like all the past Democrat regimes, can do no wrong in the media’s opinion. Reporters would rather spend time lynching Herman Cain with unproven rumors. Or dig up classified nasty Nancy Pelosi files on Newt Gingrich. To Pallinize and Bork any conservative is the medias highest priority. 
The mountain of proven scandals and scams of the Democrat Party are ignored at the Palm Beach Post! John Corzine just gave George Soros a billion dollars of investors’ money. Not a problem, Corzine is no Bernie Maddoff, he is a Wall Street left wing Democrat. (By the way, Wall Street Occupiers, most Wall Street fat cats are Democrats you morons!) The hypocrite, Obama, supports you because you are useful idiots for his class warfare campaign! Obama’s administration is loaded with former Wall Street Executives who have pocketed our tax dollars! Take your 99% stench and park it outside the White House where the greedy1% resides.

Yesterday Jon Corzine sat before Congress and testified that he had no idea where over a billion dollars of funds under his guardianship at MF Global had gone!  "I simply do not know where the money is." testified Corzine. Try checking George Soros' bank account you stooge!
Corzine, the former head of Goldman Sacks and Democrat Senator and Governor from New Jersey, is MF Global top executive officer.
Before Jon Corzine’s latest scandal came to light, the Obama Administration touted Corzine as the top candidate to become the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Is his skill of thievery his qualification for a position at Obama’s treasury department? My God, doesn’t Obama have enough corrupt Wall Street executives in his sleazy administration! Obama’s lack of judgment demonstrates the incompetency of Obama’s leadership and provides a glimpse into how since 2008 the nations wealth has been stolen by the government and distributed to cronies of the Democrat Party. 
        Wake up America! The PALM BEACH POST  and the mass media will never tell you the truth. Find it yourself and tell your neighbors before we get another 4 years of corrupt stooges in the White House!

        Sojourner Truth:  "The rich rob the poor and the poor rob each other."


Tuesday, November 29, 2011



Behold the wrath radical environmentalists direct against any citizen or scientist who attempts to refute or even question the dogma of the lunatic left, “that global warming is manmade”! Their visceral contempt is the response one might expect from religious zealots of ancient theosophy against any contrarian view. As early as 330BC when heretics like Aristotle first proposed that the Earth was possibly a sphere and not flat, the demigods reacted violently. Questioning pious authority was heresy and not tolerated. Dissent was a threat to their dominance and the control of their subject’s wealth, lives and behavior at all levels of society. Today the pious self-anointed demigods, like Al Gore, pronounce that the debate is over! Manmade global warming is “settled science!”  Only closed minded zealots with a religious like fanaticism, a cult, would declare that anything involving science is ever closed to investigation!
John Locke and Isaac Newton led the Age of Enlightenment around 1660. They among others promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in church and state. Enlightenment flourished until about 1790–1800 when Romanticism that emphasized emotion became a force against science. Romanticism was a backlash to the Industrial revolution. How history repeats! Romanticism a Counter-Enlightenment movement is back!
Jump forward from the 1800 era of Romanticism to the modern era of Romanticism, the year of the new Counter-Enlightenment, 2011. Behold the corrupt scientific new world order, the modern tenured scientific community currently infesting academia. They teach dogmatism molded from a smear of vanity, bad science, greed and leftist political ambition disguised as scientific investigation. Their creed is an axiom of anti-capitalist, pro socialist thought that uses environmental terrorism to experiment with social justice engineering. Disguised as scientist, the radical progressive promotes leftist agendas.
The mass media joins the Democrat Party to push a global movement led by Al Gore, radical environmentalist and the lunatic left. They refuse to examine and report the fortunes being made by the movements leaders and their political cronies as they line their pockets with American tax dollars. Al Gore’s conflict of interest is mindboggling! In the Goreian view, humanity is damaging the earth and only the leftist elites can save the planet by deciding the science-based solutions that must be impose on humanity. The largest investors in the companies and industries that will implement the green solutions are the Goreian movement leaders. Scientists that play ballwill skyrocket to the top of their discipline; those that oppose will be destroyed. The political left and their minions in the media will stifle debate eventually leading to progressive control of all aspects of business, commerce and personal, human behavior through strict environmental regulation. What we drive, how we light and heat our homes, how and what we cook to eat and even where we live will be at the bequest of our overlords, the radical environmental left.
 Without needing to converting the masses to one world religion, or defeating all opposition with military power or a one world government, the left will globally control hoards of little people by ruling their environment. As they proclaim to be saving us all from global destruction the New Romantics will rule humankind by decrees and regulation designed and imposed by the faux science of the elites.
Worldwide environmentalism practiced by a small group of lunatics could lead to untold wealth and power for the elite 1% and loss of personal and economic freedom for us the 99%! Any entity controlling access to the world’s energy supply would become omnipotent. Only monopolizing humankind's access to fresh water and food could exceed such absolute power and control of all humanity.

Science has recognized cyclical global climate change for a century. Fossils of subtropical, cold intolerant vegetation and reptilian dinosaurs such as T-Rex are found on the frozen tundra of Montana. The Little Ice Age as well of the period of Medieval Global Warming is well documented. Only recently, for obvious political motives, has the idea of manmade global warming become the faddish new issue coming out of the bastion of leftist thought, academia.
Despite Al Gores proclamation that manmade global warming is settled science, the debate over climate change is so unsettled that in 2010 seven hundred scientists and government officials participated in a meeting in Chicago. Strong scientific evidence revealing that the recent cycle of global warming has ended and a cycle of global cooling has begun over the last ten years was presented. Journalist Gene Koprowski reporting on the fourth International Conference of Climate Change 2010 in Chicago wrote the following report. Koprowski is quoting Dr. Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor Western Washington University and author of over 150 peer-reviewed papers.
Rather than global warming at a rate of about 1 (degree) Fahrenheit per decade, records of past natural cycles indicate there may be global cooling for the first few decades of the 21st century to about 2030," Easterbrook said.
He spoke of natural cycles that have been occurring since the discovery of fire and mankind's first carbon emissions, long before the invention of the wheel and the SUV.
Easterbrook and the other scientists reported on sudden and natural climate fluctuations documented in the geologic record, all before 1945. Two big climate changes occurred in the past 15,000 years, and another 60 smaller changes in the last 5,000 years.
Another presenter, James M. Taylor, an environmental policy expert and a fellow at the Heartland Institute, said that global cooling is happening now.
He pointed to data provided by the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab showing snow records from the last 10 years exceeding the records set in the 1960s and 1970s.

        Easterbrook said global temperatures rose and fell from 9 to 15 degrees in a single century or less, a natural phenomenon he called "astonishing."
 “Yes, it's warmer today than it was a century ago, but it was even warmer when Eric the Red settled on Greenland in 986.
The climate there supported the Viking way of life based upon cattle, hay, grain and herring for about 300 years, predating the Industrial Revolution.
By 1100, a colony of about 3,000 was thriving there. But then came the Little Ice Age, and by 1400, average temperatures had declined by about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, and the advancing glaciers doomed the Viking colony in Greenland.
They were doomed by global cooling.
In testimony before Congress on May 6, Britain's Lord Monckton noted, "Neither global mean surface temperature nor its rates of change in recent decades have been exceptional, unusual, inexplicable, or unprecedented."
He also advised: "There are many urgent priorities that need the attention of Congress, and it is not for me as an invited guest in your country to say what they are. Yet I can say this much: On any view, 'global warming' is not one of them."
            I did research and found literally thousands of scientists who have signed a petition stating that they disagree with the scientific conclusion that global warming is occurring and is man made. The list is so extensive that I cannot print it here. As far as I can tell, these men and women have no financial interest and indeed are belittled by the minority of their closed-minded peers who seem to benefit by joining the Warmers. The left likes to state that over 90% of climate scientists agree with man made global warming, their poll obviously doesn’t include opinions of thousands who disagree.

            Follow the money. The motive? The scientist advancing the hoax of man caused global warming is in position to gain and share in the vast wealth which will be obtained by any group who can devise a scam to control the worlds energy supplies and the type of energy approved by government. Auto companies have invested billions to produce green cars. “Government Electric” G.E. and Obama’s buddy Jeff Imelt stand to make billions by shoving expensive (CFL) mercury filled fluorescent light bulbs down our throats. Farmers love ethanol subsidies. Do we need any more evidence than the Solyndra, Fisker, Sunpower or the deals George Soros makes with foreign governments continuing to increase his personal fortune at the expense of American interests. Soros made multimillion's with Brazil’s Petrobras Oil as the Obama Administration shackled domestic oil with drilling regulations. Then Obama proudly announced America’s eagerness to become Brazil's best oil customer! Is it surprising that lobbyists for all these vested interests can find a few corrupt scientists to buy and load on board the Warmer Wagon? The foot soldiers of a corrupt media will always march in lock step supporting the political left. The Democrat media is equivalent to a fourth branch of government, why should they not  also desire more power by controlling public opinion with leftist propaganda?

It’s tiring to read editorials like Randy Schultz’s recent word upchuck entitled Climate change: No change. The only value extracted from the Schultz column was when he reminded me that Jon Huntsman believes in global warming. Any politician who believes in man caused climate change must be defeated. Such thought is not only unenlightened but puts into the hands of government a tool to gain total dominance of peoples lives, imperiling the freedom of mankind.

That’s Why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Sigmund Feud:
“The reason for so much bad science is not that talent is rare, not at all; what is rare is character.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The Federal Direct Student Loan Program


            When a sector of the American society or economy becomes dysfunctional it is likely that upon review of political history one will find that meddling by government was the cause. Government has a history of disrupting free markets resulting in a decrease of quality and a rise in costs. Evidence of such destructive, obtrusive, government activity can easily be found at the root of the housing crisis, the loss of American manufacturing, the rising cost of medical care and the banking collapse; just to name a few.

            In 1964 the highest tuition for an Ivy League education was $1,700 at Columbia University. The following is a report from the Harvard Crimson news in 1964.

“Harvard will follow the lead of other Ivy League schools when it raises its tuition in the fall of 1964. This fall three Ivy League schools are hiking tuition rates and rates may go up at the other schools by the fall of 1964. This September Cornell and Columbia will both raise tuition to $1700, which will be the highest in the League next year. Dartmouth is planning an increase in tuition to $1675 for next fall, with an additional hike of $125 scheduled for September, 1964.”
Today, an Ivy League Education will cost over $52,000 per year! How did we get here from there? No, not by inflation. This rise is more than 600% above inflation! The reason is government meddling.
On November 8, 1965, as part of Democrat, Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society Program, The Higher Education Act of 1965 (Pub. Law 89-329) was passed. The law was intended to strengthen educational resources of colleges. It increased federal money given to universities and to loans and scholarships for students. The Act also created the National Teachers Corps.
On October 17, 1979, The United States Department of Education was created by (Public Law 96-88) and signed by Democrat President Jimmy Carter.
How did political interference and the flow of taxpayer money into higher education effect tuition cost? The answer can be found in the Harvard Crimson 1988;
“In 1977, an undergraduate paid $6525 for tuition, room and board. Student tuition made up 22.8 percent of the University income. Ten years later, each student paid $16,145 for a year at Harvard, and tuition paid 26.7 percent of total University expenses.

In 1993 Democrat President Bill Clinton signed the Direct Student Loan Program who’s funding swelled to $7 billion by 2006.
In 2009, Democrat President Obama mandated that all new student loans would be issued through the Federal Direct Loan program.
What has all this Federal Government meddling done for higher education?

Financial Aid Rises, Tuition at Harvard College To Reach $52,650

 Today an equivalent education will cost a student $52,000 per year, an increase of over 900%! Inflation rose 350% during this period meaning the cost of higher education outpaced the cost of living by over 600%! Why? WHY WOULD NOT ALL THIS TAXPAYER MONEY LOWER THE COST OF A COLLEGE DEGREE?

Students are told that to succeed in life, one must have a college education. The legitimacy of the high tuition cost is not questioned, it is just accepted. The student, desiring to be a productive citizen, is then offered a “low interest rate” and enticed to enter into a lifetime of crushing indebtedness to the government.
With Medicare, most patients have no idea of the true cost of medical procedures, usually they don’t’ even ask because they don’t’ write the check. Higher education is more transparent but the results are similar. Cost skyrockets and is not questioned.
After graduation, many students begin making loan payments and are shell shocked at the amount of incurred debt. Now the indebted, jobless, undereducated, idiots, outraged by their debt, march on the banks in protest of their plight; they occupy Wall Street! These Obamanista's are the Political Left's dream citizens, government dependent Democrat voters.  

Now that the Obama Administration and the Federal Government have monopolized student loans, many graduates will leave college with enormous debt and no job prospects. Under government loans people will not have the ability to escape the crushing debt through bankruptcy protection, as they would have had with private bank loans. The result, millions of citizens instantly enslaved by their own government, people indentured to years of servitude to the politicians. The lunatic left desires, a dependent class of little people and they are creating them.

On Sunday, 11/13/2011 the editor of the Palm Beach Post, Randy Schultz, published an editorial entitled Cheer, cheer for old above average Florida. Mr. Schultz opposes splitting the University of South Florida into a 12th public university named USF Polytechnic and decries the meddling of state government.
News Flash! I agree with Randy Schultz of the Palm Beach Post!   Schultz says, “ The universities need less political interference…”. I agree and I say Abolish the Department of Education Today!

             Schultz’s lack of insight and intellectual desire to drill deeper into the issue of government intermingling with higher education leaves this Schultz reader with more questions than answers. Mr. Schultz, why no outrage at the gouging, fraud and corruption which is rampant across our nations university campuses?

In a previous post “The Heavy Price of Socialism” I discussed the scam of higher education. I wondered, “why do the media and the Wall Street Occupiers not ask the question “why did Universities increase tuitions at a rate of 900% since 1978?” That is not a misprint! The CPI rose 350% during this time period but tuition rose an astounding 900% without a peep from the media or the far left. Is the media’s silence due to the fact that they are mostly Liberal Democrats like Schultz? Could it be because the lunatic lefts agenda is to indoctrinate young minds to accept socialism as a superior form of government despite the glaring evidence that the further left we drift the worse off becomes the middle class and the greater the divide between rich and poor?

When the leftist elites pull up the ladder of opportunity, leaving the middle class without upward mobility, they alone will sit at the top mocking all the useful idiots who helped them destroy the American dream. They will have won; they will rule the penniless useful idiots that are churned out of our institutions of higher education.
With out opportunity Idiocracy reigns supreme!

Ambrose Bierce
Education: “That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



            Former president Bill Clinton is making the rounds promoting his new book entitled “Back to Work”. The irony of this is that a new report has just come out proving that Bill Clinton was one of the politicians most responsible for the Global Economic Collapse and the resultant loss of jobs worldwide.

It has been discovered that on April 15th 1994 Clinton’s Task Force On Fair Lending entered into the Federal Registry, a 20-page report entitled Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending. Ten federal agencies were used by Clinton to issue harrowing ultimatums to banks and mortgage lenders to start issuing loans to lower income minorities or face investigations of discrimination, adverse publicity and denial of access to the secondary mortgage market.
 This blows up the argument that a lack of regulation led to our economic situation. The fact that the federal government had regulation authority is the very tool that enabled politicians to control banker’s behavior. Bad and over regulation is what Bill Clinton conducted from the executive branch with the help of Chris Dodd from the Senate and Barney Frank from the House. They set in motion the subprime mortgage meltdown and the eventual destruction of the global economy. Of course The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and the Democrat Media has not reported any of the facts, which incriminate Democrat politicians.
 This morning, Clinton appeared on the MSNBC, Morning Joe Show. Mika and Joe lobbed the impeached president softball questions concerning the economy and did not once ask about Clinton's Task Force On Fair Lending debacle or the sexual assaults that Clinton perpetrated while governor of Arkansas and again later as president. Mika and Joe had just finished whacking the embattled Herman Cain like a cheap piñata before Clintons appearance. They referenced Cain’s $35,000 severance payout to a mystery woman but not the $850,000 dollar legal settlement Clinton was forced to pay to Paula Jones. Nor did the inquisitive pair ask Clinton about his impeachment and the scientifically proven, DNA evidence of predatory sexual activities that he committed in the Oval Office against Monica Lewinsky.
 Indeed, the most powerful man in the world pointed his finger at the American people and lied; “I did not have sex with that woman…  and was eventually impeached, only the second president in history to be impeached and the first since Andrew Johnson in 1868! This fact alone makes Bill Clinton a historic figure. None of this was of interest to the MSNBC crowd and apparently is not an issue to any Democrat as Clinton tours the world, a disgraced man and laughing stock to everyone outside the Democrat Party.  This is not surprising as Clinton’s impeachment for committing perjury and for obstruction of justice did not come easily against the tide of a supportive leftwing Democrat press corp. In fact the mainstream media swarmed down upon each of Clinton’s victims. One by one the women came forward reporting Clinton’s acts of turpitude and were met by a hostile press. Camping outside their homes, the Democrat media painted the terrified women as Nuts and Sluts. The angry hoard of corrupt journalists defended their Democrat President with a frenzied vigor. Only after Clinton’s semen was discovered on the dress of a young, powerless and lowly, White House intern was the Chief Executive of the United States of America scrutinized. Still, the Democrat Party began the defense of “ Oh well that is Clinton’s personal life.” Discovery of the stained dress is the only reason the liar, in chief  was brought to account for his assaults on women, now the revelation of the 20-page report Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending further stains the credibility of him and his book, "Back to Work". Sexual assaults and allegations of outright rape are not a concern to the media if the perpetrator is a powerful, white, liberal, Democrat. This brings us to Herman Cain.
 Why do I bring up this old Clinton scandal news? Herman Cain is facing accusations similar to those that Clinton faced during his run for president. The misdeeds in question for both men were occurring at around the same time in the early 1990’s. The lowlifes on MSNBC completed the lynching of Herman Cain today as the reports of yet another woman came forward. She is a financially strapped woman from Obama’s hometown, Chicago and has never filed any complaint or accusation against Cain until he became a front running presidential candidate.
Will the media hound this poor woman and investigate every detail of her personal life while slandering her reputation as a nut and slut? Not a chance! The media is treating her like a celebrity and as a credible victim not a nut, not a slut. She is white and Cain is black. Clinton is Democrat and white, Cain is Republican and black. Cain has jumped the fence. He is a runaway, a black man who is off the Democrat plantation. We all know that a conservative black man who calls himself a Republican must be lynched. Asks Clarence Thomas, ask the slave master and head of the DNC Debra Wah Wah Wasserman- Schultz. Wasserman-Schultz has a noose with conservative, black, congressman Allen West’s name on it; he just needs to be caught. The hunt is on and Marco Rubio, another fence hopper, is also in the crosshairs; a hispanic conservative runaway. With the help of the corrupt press it's only matter of time before these conservative Americans are destroyed.

 Is there any wonder why minorities that oppose the Democrats just keep their mouths shut? 
The DNA of an out of control government and the far left lunatics is all over this global economic crises. Bill Clinton, the national media and the Democrat party are a stain on our freedom and democracy.

I Almost Forgot! The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Clint Eastwood:    “The less you mess around with people, the better off people are.”