Thursday, March 15, 2012



10)            After leaving Occupy Wall Street, I discovered that the tin foil wrapped around my head was removable and I didn’t die!

9)            I got sober, moved out of my parent’s basement, and found a job.           

8)            I saw Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s face when I was sober.                       

7)            I messed up my car by trying to run it on algae. Thanks’ a lot Obama!

6)            I saw Democrat Barney Frank’s face when I was sober.

5)            I didn’t want to see another Democrat’s face while sober, but I discovered I couldn’t by booze with Obama’s food stamps.
4)            My cable service dropped MSNBC and after a few days I became able to think logically.           

3)            My girl friend couldn’t get free birth control so I decided to get an insurance policy covered procedure, a sex change operation.           

2)            After my sex change operation, Democrat misogynist Bill Maher’s hatred of women offends me.                                   

1)            My sex change meds were unaffordable, but the Catholics treatment of Sandra Fluke showed me how to make a hormone; don’t give her free birth control pills.


Press:            Hey Bill, do you have a minute?”

Bill Maher:            “Make it quick! My bitch just ran off with Michael Moore!”

Press:            Why are you always angry, a bad childhood experience?”

Bill Maher:            “From kindergarten to grade 12, girls said I looked like a piece of shit and everyone called me B.M. or MR. B.M. Little Billy B.M. get the picture!”

Press:            “That explains a lot! Where did your date Cara go?”

B.M.:            That fat assed, four eyed, anorexic, slut ran off with Moore! Good riddance! The bulimic bitch reeks of vomit and she has more hardware in her face and body than aisle 9 at Home Depot!”

Press:            “Maybe she got tired of your misogynist tirades. Have you thought about hiring a dating service to help you find a masochist woman who might enjoy your company?”

B.M.:            I volunteer down at the New York Kennel Club. They got an unlimited supply of smelly twat, fat ass bitches. I take one home for an overnight and after kicking the shit out of it I pretend it’s Michele Bachman as I viciously rape the slut!”

Press:            Is it true that HBO is losing subscribers by the thousands and your guests like David Axelrod are canceling guest appearances?”

B.M.:            Axelrod’s’ a cowardly, fat ass slut! See I treat men and women the same. I'm no misogynist! The Republicans can’t touch me, the media loves me, my best friend is that old twat Ariana Huffington! I own HBO they won’t mess with me! I don’t like you or your dumbass questions! Your times up bitch have a friggin nice night, you little bitch!”


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Images courtesy Bing Free Images

       Let me start by saying, I support Bill Maher's first amendment right to make an ass of himself with pubescent, preteen hate speech. I support the right of his self loathing viewers to watch the immature hate fest and to degrade themselves; but I do not have to subscribe, and I will not buy HBO programming. 

Bill Maher, the vile, lowlife, guttersnipe who is employed by HBO has announced his $1 million contribution to Barack Obama. Barrack Obama the President and chief hypocrite of our nation - the man who abhors super PAC money- accepted the male supremacists gift then paraded his young daughters out as props to illustrate his support of women. 
The comedy escalated when Obama phoned Sandra Fluke, the 30yr old feminist and professional political activist, who is demanding free birth control pills from Georgetown University. In a show of support, the president sympathized with the poor woman - who claims she requires over $3,000 dollars worth of pills to keep from becoming pregnant - after she came under attack by Rush Limbaugh. Meanwhile the champion of women’s rights, Obama, reaffirmed his intent to keep the $1 million donation made by the countries most notorious misogynist, Bill Maher! LOL!
Obama’s reputation already tainted by his association with a slew of avowed socialist, communists (Jones and Dunn), Alinsky radicals and domestic terrorist’s such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn is now beyond repair. The 2012 election approaches and Obama’s approval rating is dropping faster than Bill Maher can drop foul demeaning epitaphs; slut, whore, dumb twat, cunt, bitch and F-bombs on defenseless women and handicapped children.
View the following link at your own risk then ask yourself if you wish to be associated with anyone who would voluntarily watch Bill Maher’s violent and hate filled show, “Real Time”.

What ShePac documented in that link is mild stuff. In a previous post I provided a link to Maher and his guest’s talking about viciously and violently raping Michele Bachman and Rick Santorum. I cancelled my subscription to HBO on Friday. The thought of even a penny of my money going to support a revolting, opprobrious, lower form of humanity such as Bill Maher is unconscionable. If you agree and have HBO, CANCEL HBO TODAY!

Bill Maher has been hired by the Democrat party as a fundraiser! Bill Maher is not the only bucket of slime occupying the Democrat Party. David Letterman claimed A-Rod was getting Sarah Palin’s daughter pregnant during a Yankees game. How would Obama and Michele feel about that being said about Malia on national TV?
The list of vile Democrats is long, Ed Schultz, Keith Oberman, Jon Stewart, Laurence O’Donnell, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, Maxine Waters, Anthony Weiner, on and on, etc. etc. Rush Limbaugh admitted to making a huge mistake when he lowered himself to the level of Bill Maher and the Democrat Party. Limbaugh made inappropriate comments concerning Sandra Fluke. That was wrong and not befitting of someone from the political Right. His attempt at humor was misguided when he stated that if the government makes the public pay for Sandra Fluke’s birth control, then she should give the public something in return. He suggested that she post sex video on-line and said Fluke would then be a prostitute and slut. Limbaugh has sincerely apologized for his mistake and vile comments.
Now compare Rush’s out of character behavior with the way that misogynist Bill Maher has unapologetically degraded women for years. His dreadful HBO show is a hate fest against women and young children. The media ignores Maher but is going after Limbaugh like hungry wolves on a crippled deer. 


Sunday, March 11, 2012 on page one of The Palm Beach Post, staff writer Lona O’Connor wrote an article entitled Events reviving battle of the sexes. As expected, Ms. O’Connor’s report concerning the Obama Administrations’ mandate on the Catholic Church to provide birth control through its insurance policies was distorted into the great Obama lie and scare tactic; that women’s rights to birth control is being attacked. Several local women and political activists are interviewed and quoted in the article to help advance Obama’s false accusations and to attack opponents of Obamacare.
Ms. O’Connor should be given credit for at least framing the issue honestly before beginning the muddling and distortions; the Obama campaigns political talking points. In an unusual Palm Beach Post random act of professional journalism, Ms. O’Connor wrote; “In recent statements regarding the Obama’s Administration mandate that all employers including church-affiliated institutions provide birth control through medical insurance, the bishops said it is not a question of women’s rights, but a matter of the church’s moral conscience, to deny certain types of health insurance coverage to women employees, whether Catholic or not.” This truthful explanation of the controversial issue is usually avoided at all costs by the Democrat propagandists and Obama minions who edit the Palm Beach Post.
Even Bill Maher fan and head of the Democrat National Committee Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is quoted as saying “Contraception is a debate that was settled before I was born.” Another random act of Democrat honesty! The only controversy about this issue involves the unconstitutional Federal Government mandate that the Catholic Church go against their conscience and religious beliefs. I thought Democrats believed in the separation of church and state.  

Kirsten Powers a Democrat feminist has stepped forward at great personal peril to condemn Maher and other hate mongers on the political left. Powers recognizes that Democrat misogynists get a pass from Lona O’Connor, Randy Schultz and the dominant Democrat press. Ms. Powers proves that not all women on the left are corrupt hypocrites who mindlessly follow Democrat leader Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Wasserman-Schultz appeared as a guest on Bill Maher’s heinous show and somehow avoided being called a slut, cunt, whore or twat and was not threatened with a violent rape. Maher reserves those honors for conservatives and people of faith, something that Ms. Powers recognizes.  
Kirsten asks; “But if Limbaugh’s actions demand a boycott—and they do—then what about the army of swine on the left?” The following is a link to her article that appeared on the leftist Daily Beast.

I fear that Ms. Powers reward for being fair minded will be a vicious attack by the left as she is Mahered by the intolerant, radicals in the same manner that Juan Williams was victimized.

            So, Barrack Obama has further tainted his public image for a $1 million dollar Bill Maher blood money donation. The un-vetted Senator from Illinois continues to be coddled and protected by the Democrat mass media but actions speak louder than words and the voters are beginning to understand the soul of the enigma, Barrack Obama. President Obama’s character has come into focus to an ever-increasing majority of Americans. Barack Obama’s presidency has been a colossal failure. He is not worthy of re-election. 

Lona and Randy, if you go after Rush Limbaugh that’s fine, he’s a big boy. But tell the truth and go after those on your side as well. Go after the Democrats and the left when they are wrong! I know you won’t because your goal is to spread propaganda and that’s why,

The Palm Beach Post Sucks!