Tuesday, June 19, 2012



         In typical anti-democratic fashion, the Democrat Party and the Obama Administration, by royal decree, implemented a controversial executive order to allow over 800,00 young, educated, illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. and to receive work permits. His clearly unconstitutional mandate bypassed the American people’s representatives, the United Sates Congress, and was announced on Friday afternoon.  
     The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment among American citizens between the age of 16 and 24 years of age is over four million! The unemployment rate for young blacks is 31% and for Hispanics is 20.1%! Now, President Obama has added nearly a million more jobless illegal immigrants between the age of 16 and 30yr.

Below is the report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“The number of unemployed youth in July 2011 was 4.1 million, down from 4.4 million a
year ago. The youth unemployment rate declined by 1.0 percentage point over the year to
18.1 percent in July 2011, after hitting a record high for July in 2010. Among major
demographic groups, unemployment rates were lower than a year earlier for young men
(18.3 percent) and Asians (15.3 percent), while jobless rates were little changed for
young women (17.8 percent), whites (15.9 percent), blacks (31.0 percent),
and Hispanics (20.1 percent).”

         Most Americans have heard stories of young American citizens graduating from college shackled with a lifetime, mountain of debt and then being forced to return home to live with parents due to their inability to find jobs. A new Reuters report shows that in 2007, before Obama became president, 1.2 million adult children moved back home. After 3 1/2 years of Obama rule, that number has grown to a staggering 15.8 Million! 
      How might our genius president and the Democrat Party solve this enormous problem? Would you expect Obama to grant work permits to an additional 800,000 unemployed young people who are not even U.S. citizens and are living in the country illegally? Proving that fact is stranger than fiction that is exactly what Obama did!

How will the 20.1% of all the legal Hispanic American citizens- many second and third generation immigrants who’s parents and grandparents have been working here legally and paying taxes for a hundred years- who can not find jobs react to those 800,000 illegal’s’ jumping the line and competing for their jobs?

How will the 31% of young unemployed black Americans react to immediately having even more competition and fewer job opportunities due to Barrack Obama’s political ambition? Will these groups walk mindlessly in lock step to the polls, Obama Zombies, to cast votes for the Democrats? Incredibly, the answer is probably yes!

         With the liberal Democrat media propaganda machine running at full throttle, these misguided minority groups will likely continue to vote against their own best interests. Strong leaders among them like Marco Rubio- who has a plan for a reasonable and permanent Dream Act- and Allen West-who wants more opportunity for blacks like himself, not more dependence on government- will be trashed by the left and painted as intolerant rightwing ideologues. To the left, conservative minorities are former “Democrat Party Owned Slaves” that have rebelled, runaway and are off the white, liberal plantation of the Democrat elites. They must be destroyed.
         Locally, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and editor Randy Schultz will help lead the socialist Democrat propaganda campaign to undermine the U.S. Constitution at the expense of the rights that protect American citizens. The media propagandists condone Obama’s usurpation of Congressional power denying the duly elected representatives of the American people a voice.
King Obama’s latest decree was so over the top and clearly unconstitutional- he granted a massive group of people exemption from existing federal law- that even Randy Schultz had to acknowledge the audacity of the political move before he eventually attempted to rationalize Obama’s lawlessness as justified.

 Schultz wrote the following on 6/19/2012:

Editorial Writer
In discussing President Obama’s mini-Dream Act, let’s get the political out of the way first.
Yes, the president wanted to change the message from the economy. Yes, the president wanted to preempt Republicans, notably Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who might offer election-year immigration legislation aimed at Hispanic voters. Yes, the president wanted to put Mitt Romney in a box on the immigration issue. Yes, the plan is just temporary.”

         Even Schultz admits Obama’s motive is political. The Obama Administration had two full years when the Democrats controlled the entire federal government. Now, just months before the election Obama decides to correct the great injustice. Obama did not take the lead in advancing immigration reform when he had those two years of Democrat dominance, why now merely months from the election?

Randy Schultz rationalizes Obama’s inaction in good propagandist fashion; he attempts to shield Obama from responsibility. Without questioning why Obama did not make reforms in his first two years, this is what Schultz wrote about the 2010 Congressional Dream Act Vote:

Yes, five Democratic senators voted against the Dream Act, which “failed” 55-41. But 36 Republicans voted no. The margin in the House was 216-198, but among the supporters were South Florida’s three Hispanic representatives, all Republicans.
Two Republican senators voted yes: Michael Bennett of Utah and Richard Lugar of Indiana.”

         So two Republicans voted for the Dream Act. (My research shows that Republican Lisa Murkowski also supported the act for a total of 3 Republicans) Despite the bipartisan support, the Dream Act failed, one could say that all five votes that defeated the act came from the 5 Senate Democrats! Is Obama such a weak leader that he could not sway those 5 Democrat votes if he deemed the issue to be crucial?

The following report is from “The Hill” concerning the 3 Republican supporters of the Dream Act:

Three Republicans — Sens. Robert Bennett (Utah), Dick Lugar (Ind.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) — voted to advance the legislation.

Five Democrats voted no: Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), and Jon Tester (Mont.).”

Schultz continues his distortions. In his editorial, Schultz wrote the following:

As to the larger question of whether this policy is fair to citizens, were these minors and now-young adults supposed to have stayed behind when their parents came? Why would we send back to countries they no longer know — or never knew — people who consider themselves Americans?”

The obvious legal and constitutional answer to Schultz’s question is that all illegal family members including the parents who broke the laws of the United States should return to the neighborhoods in the countries from which they came. Duh! The many relatives still living there would likely welcome most expatriates home. They have been educated courtesy of the American property owners and income taxpayers. They might become leaders of their communities in their native countries, a secondary option not available to most American citizens.They then would all have the ability to apply for legal immigration into America just as millions of other minorities have done in the past.
 I feel sorry for those young immigrants, victims of their parent’s illegal actions, but I feel even greater empathy for young American citizens who are burdened with student loan debt obligations to the U.S. government and who cannot find employment in their own country; they have no other homeland to return to.

If the Obama administration is re-elected and we endure 4 more years of their tyranny and insane policies, many desperate Americans might end up crossing illegally into South America or Mexico to seek jobs! Lets see how those foreign governments welcome us when we attempt to take their scarce jobs!

If you’re a masochist, here is a link to Randy Schultz’s complete editorial:

In closing I must again ask;

Why should young American Hispanics who’s citizen parents have paid a life time of income tax vote for the Democrat Party and Barrack Obama who is destroying their job opportunities by dumping 800,000 illegal’s into the job market?

Why should young Black American’s who’s citizen parents have paid a life time of income tax vote for the Democrat Party and Barrack Obama who is eliminating their job opportunities by dumping 800,000 bi-lingual illegal’s into their job market?

Why should any American citizen, young or old, suffering in a jobless economy support the Democrat Party and Obama as they allow illegal immigrants from all over the world to flood across our unsecured borders putting great demand on our public services and resources.

My conclusion: You must necessarily be an idiot to be a registered Democrat or an ignorant victim of their propagandists in the media.


Robert Frost: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in."