Christmas Eve in 2009 the Democrat Party gave all Americans a wonderful
present. With visions of sugarplums dancing in their vacant heads, the
mindless Democrats told America that they
needed to pass the 2000+ page Affordable Care Act (LOL!) in order to
find out what was in it!
As if opening a box of
crackerjacks, the child like members of the Democrat Party excitedly voted
unanimously to pass legislation that would affect every American citizen even
though they admitted they had no idea what the law required. Surely the well-crafted,
secret prize awaiting them and all of America would be a truly wonderful gift once
The Democrats were
sure that every American would soon rejoice and embrace the new healthcare law.
In celebration, Nancy Pelosi marched side by side with other Congressional Democrats
who were also suffering from “utopian derangement syndrome” (does
the ACA cover that malady?).
envisions free Botox injections and has an Obamagasm!
Together these delusional Democrats climbed
the steps, marching euphorically through the Capital; Pelosi was literally
hugging a huge, and cartoonish, MASSIVE, speaker’s gavel! The smiles on Democrats
faces reassured low information viewers of MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC that
Democrats always know what is best for the citizens even if the majority of
Americans are to stupid to agree with them. Democrat propagandists that control
the media were gushing with praise for the Democrats as tingling thighs
quivered on every major network.
The ACA, that would later become known as Obamacare, passed in the
Senate by a vote of 60–39 on December 24, 2009. EVERY Democrat, joined by two independents, voted for
NO Republicans voted for the
monstrosity that is now known as Obamacare!
Because Obamacare was a
purely partisan bill I suggest it forever be dubbed “DEMOCARE”! This name is appropriate for four reasons:
1# The ACA will eventually demolish (Demo) one of the most advanced
and high tech healthcare systems on the planet.
2# Democrats are the only
major party that supported the flawed legislation and then Democrats totally
botched its implementation.
3# We must never forget
that the Democrats are the only ones responsible for “Democare”
even after Obama is a distant memory as the worst president in history!
4# Only Democrat
politicians and Democrats in the media repeated over and over Obama’s lies that you could keep your plan
and your doctor period!
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"Oh my god! No botox coverage! I should have read the damn bill!" |
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Low information "young knuckle headed" Democrats sign up for Democare. |
With a $3000 deductable Sandra Fluke's birth control won't be paid for! That's unacceptable!
Before Democare, nearly everyone agreed that our healthcare system
needed reform and improvement. But the American people made the grave error of
giving the Democrat Party absolute power and control of every branch of federal
government. Without credible opposition the Democrats rammed the massive ACA
down our throats and implemented the destructive,
unaffordable legislation that has left even more people uninsured, more people
underinsured, more people unable to pay the higher premiums and millions unable
to retain or find full time jobs.
What the Democrats did to healthcare was equivalent to taking a
perfectly good automobile that only needed a tune-up and putting it into a recycling
compactor, crushing it and then trying to remake a vehicle out of a cube of
Soon we will all have
expensive healthcare insurance with far fewer doctors, less medical care
options and lower quality healthcare? Well at least we will be insured, right? RIIIGGGHHTT!
A friend went to his
doctor. The doctor told him that he once had four healthcare professionals and
two clerical workers in his office. Now he needs four clerical workers and
receives lower reimbursement for his services. Thus the Doc had to cut back to
two healthcare providers to pay for 2 more clerical workers needed to handle
the new regulations.
Doctors and Hospitals
are bracing for the avalanche of time wasting paperwork that always comes with
big government intrusion. Healthcare providers that participate in Medicare or
Medicaid have had to follow a coding procedure known as the International
Classification of Diseases or the ICD-9.
The ICD-9 consists of 17,000 medical codes.
Beginning in October 2014 the government will institute new
coding, the ICD-10, which will require more than 140,000 codes!
Dr. James Madara is
CEO of the American Medical Association. In a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen
Sebelius, Dr. Madara claims that it will cost a small practice up to $226,000
to comply with all the government mandated requirements under Democare!
When will all these big government progressives learn? When
will The Palm Beach Post recognize that government is not a solution!
Government is the problem!
That’s why The Palm Beach Post sucks!
Just as Alex Sink paid the price in Fl. District -13, pray
that in November, the chickens will come home to roost on all the lying
Congressional Democrats that supported Democare! Tell them that even if they
like their job, they can’t keep their job!
Ronald Reagan: "I hope you're all Republicans."
-speaking to surgeons as he entered the operating room following a 1981
assassination attempt
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