lists and death panel administrators await all Americans.
Let us celebrate
Memorial Day by remembering our fallen soldiers, both those killed in the line
of duty and those left to rot without medical care by corrupt administrators at
the Veterans Administration. The V.A. medical system is government run
healthcare. The Democrats and others on the left claim that the flaws with
Obamacare could be fixed by going to a single payer V.A. style government run
health care system. Liberals have never shown the ability to learn from history
and will not learn from the current tragedies inflicted on our veterans by the V.A.
Health Care System.
Below is how CNN has
reported the negligence and criminal activity at the V.A.:
CNN) – “At least 40
U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs
Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.
secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs
managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans
were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top
VA doctor and several high-level sources.”
Click the following
link for the whole story.
Under socialism and
communism, little incentive is given to workers to excel, such is the case at the
V.A. Hospitals. Doctors at the V.A. receive a salary and are paid the same
whether they treat 1 patient or 100 patients per day. The V.A. naively
attempted to provide an incentive by rewarding facilities that provided timely
care. The result of the bonus system was corrupt government employees falsifying
records to make failed performance appear to be acceptable.
Many government
workers belong to a union, the American Federation of Government Employees
(A.F.G.E.). The union is part of the reason government employees never seem to
be punished or fired. (Recall Lois Lerner of the corrupt IRS) Numerous cases of
incompetent, corrupt and unethical government employees’ receiving bonuses and
promotions have been documented. At the Arizona V.A. where as many as 40
veterans may have died waiting for care, $337,885
in bonuses were paid out in 2013 despite the fact that they were “cooking
the books” and devising the elaborate scheme and secret list that was described
by the CNN investigators.
As was the case with
“Fast and Furious”, “The Benghazi Scandal” and the IRS targeting of private
citizens opposed to the Obama Administration, Obama claims to have first become
aware of the V.A. problems by reading the newspaper.
Can anyone with a
functioning brain cell believe Obama’s claim of ignorance? With the NSA spying
on all Americans and with documented reports that refute and expose Obama’s
lies how can the Obama Administration retain even an ounce of credibility. The
lies just keep coming from this administration, the Democrats and the
mainstream media.
We know that Obama was
aware of the vast extent of the V.A. problems in 2008 when he was informed
during his transition briefings! On April 9th, 2009 in response to
the V.A. problems, President Obama gave a speech stating, “…all those who wear the nations uniform, know
this when you come home to America, America will be there for you.”
Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki was standing beside Obama when the
president made that promise. Now, 5 years later and with a string of dead
veterans in his wake, Shinseki remains on the job with the full support of our
incompetent president.
Despite a 35.2%
increase in funds since 2009, the V.A. has failed to live up to the president’s
promise. How is this tax money being spent?
We can only hope that
as our veterans die the V.A. is not conducting business like the Government Services
Administration. Remember Jeffrey Neely, another corrupt government worker who
headed the G.S.A., invoking his Fifth Amendment (like Lois Lerner), after being
caught squandering hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars.
Jeff Neely, another hard working
government administrator enjoys spending your hard earned tax dollars.
Nine months ago, a
$9.3 billion program was instituted by the V.A. to refer vets’ needing
specialists to civilian medical centers. The government employees union, the
A.F.G.E., is fighting the program. As usual, the union is putting their desire
to hire more unproductive government workers in order to collect more union
dues above the healthcare needs of wounded and sick veterans.
While American veterans
are left to die by our own government V.A. Health care system, at Guantanamo Bay 150-captured
jihadists have approximately 100 doctors, nurses and health care personnel on call
24/7 to treat the slightest medical malady. That means that the terrorists have
a patient to health care provider ratio of 1.5 to one! Our veterans who provide
the firewall between us and those jihadists, who would kill us, have a ratio of 34 to one! Each group of 34 veterans has only one health care worker (not
necessarily a doctor) to provide them with care! Only in an America controlled by the Democrats and the radical left
along with a complicit media could this insane situation exist.
Pray at Gitmo.
Play at Gitmo.
Eat Well at Gitmo.
Veterans Pray for Food and Die on the Streets Waiting For V.A. Healthcare!
P.S.: More White House corruption has been exposed. In a new book,
former Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner has just revealed that the White House asked him
to lie to the media and the American people about the underlying fiscal condition of Social Security! The
lies keep coming from the most corrupt administration in history as the media
provides a smoke screen to blind the public.
Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!
The comparison between the VA medical care and the Gitmo healthcare really brings it home - an abomination!
ReplyDeleteOur economy is in the toilet too. No longer are we the lender, we're the debtors - disgraceful!
We need conservative statesmen in all branches of our government.