From 2000 to 2004, before becoming president, Barrack Obama gave $10,772 to charity on income of over $1.2 million. That is less than 1%! Obama loves to redistribute the wealth as long as it is not Obama’s wealth. In typical fashion, the Democrat left, loves to give away other peoples money but greedily, bitterly clings to their own fortunes. Vice President Biden’s stinginess makes the Obama family appear to be preeminent philanthropists. The Biden’s gave a whopping three tenths of one percent (0.3%) to charity over the past decade!
The Democrat media is relishing a misspeak by Romney, taking a statement he made and repeating a piece of it out of context. They claim he admitted to not caring about the poor. Forest Gump's Momma said it best, "Stupid is as stupid does." I say "Greedy is as greedy does." The Obamas and Bidens are greedy the Romneys are not.
It is reported that Mitt Romney has given 19.4% of his income to charity. This means that both Obama and Romney are powerful, wealth men but one is generous and the other very greedy. Romney believes citizens can best decide how their own money is spent; Obama is willing to confiscate the earnings of successful citizens and eliminate all tax deductibility for charitable donations. He believes that the massive, wasteful, federal government can best decide how a citizen’s money is spent.
It is reported that Mitt Romney has given 19.4% of his income to charity. This means that both Obama and Romney are powerful, wealth men but one is generous and the other very greedy. Romney believes citizens can best decide how their own money is spent; Obama is willing to confiscate the earnings of successful citizens and eliminate all tax deductibility for charitable donations. He believes that the massive, wasteful, federal government can best decide how a citizen’s money is spent.
Obama’s greed and hording of personal wealth alone should outrage all Americans and the media; his rewarding of political allies and crony capitalists with our tax dollars while squandering the countries financial resources and bankrupting the nation should have the Wall Street Occupiers at his doorstep. Obama is the 1% president!
The violence of the radical Occupy Wall Street Movement has escalated. Their rhetoric and violence continues from sea to shining sea. Protesters carry posters and chant hateful slogans across the nation, from Washington, D.C. to Oakland, California. In Washington they used a brick to smash in the face of a police officer. They have destroyed millions of dollars of public and private property across the country and have raped and injured law-abiding citizens.
The mainstream media (like the Democrat rag “The Palm Beach Post”) ignores or down plays the hate and destruction perpetuated by the class warfare slackers. Obama’s speeches are full of social justice rhetoric pitting groups of Americans against one another; dividing not uniting our nation and further inciting civil unrest.
Alan Bennett: "We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but people wouldn't obey the rules."
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