The Obama Administration, the most corrupt administration in our lifetime, continues to get a free pass from the equally corrupt Democrat national media including the Palm Beach Post. A slew of scandals involving the Obama Administration and people who surround the president can easily be uncovered with a bit of research, google Obama scandals. I have discovered lists compiled by numerous partisan and bipartisan sources that identify and document these scandals. The numbers range from between 75 scandals to over 300 scandals. This wide range is apparently due to the level of malfeasance that is tolerable by the various investigators before it surmounts their proscribed threshold and becomes scandalous.
Three recent high profile political improprieties broaching the scandal threshold are the Solyndra scam, the Fast and Furious debacle and most recently the assault by HHS on our first amendment rights, establishing government health care mandates on religious institutions.
A primary player who keeps appearing in numerous Democrat political scandals is Attorney General Eric Holder who is Obama’s lead man charged with administering justice. Holders name keeps appearing over and over again in many of the controversial government activities.
Eric Holder’s corruption has been documented repeatedly for many years, long before teaming with Obama. On Bill Clinton’s last day in office, Clinton granted convicted billionaire fugitive Marc Rich a presidential Pardon, an act which outraged many on both sides of the political aisle. Even ultra-liberal Democrat Henry Waxman called the act “an end run around the judicial process!” Eric Holder was Clintons’ deputy attorney general and a key player in the Marc Rich pardon for money scam.
Rich was indicted for evading over $48 million in taxes, committing 51 counts of tax fraud and for running illegal oil deals with Iran while the Iranians held American citizens hostage. Why would Clinton and Holder pardon a crook like Rich?
Later it was discovered that Rich and his wife gave $70,000 to Hillary Clinton’s successful senate campaign and $450,000 to the Clinton Library, an obvious quid pro quo exchange; obvious to everyone except the corrupt Democrat mainstream media.
Jump from 2000 to 2012; Holder is now withholding over 70,000 Fast and Furious government documents requested by Congress and concerning it's involvement in the incomprehensible, deadly game known as Fast and Furious. The Department of Justice conducted a gun running operation on our nations border. The question remains; Is it true that while Holder lied, people died? During questioning before Congress about this outrageous program and his responsibility in the death of a murdered border patrol agent who was killed with a Fast and Furious weapon, Holder whined like a impetuous child.
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, R-N.Y., asked Holder,
“How many more Border Patrol agents would have had to die as a part of Operation Fast and Furious for you to take responsibility?"
Holder bristled at the question,
"You know, I mean, really, is that the way in which you want to be seen, you want to be known? America's top legal officer whined, the Attorney General provided an unexpected juvenile response.
Towards the end of the hearing, Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, told Holder that he should resign and stated,
"You either lied or you were grossly incompetent in your actions when it came to finding out about Fast and Furious and your handling of this matter."
Labrador then attempted to expose Holder’s career long pattern of disdain for the legal system and incompetence. He showed the committee a series of statements Holder had made about the Marc Rich pardon, which drew the ire of the disgusted attorney general.
Again Holder responded in school boy fashion, retorting:
"That was among the worst things I think I've ever seen in Congress, you took a whole series of statements out of context, with no context." Wah! Wah! Wah! More whining instead of an intellectual defense of his legal position.
Most fair-minded Americans are keenly aware of the double standard that exists in the press, the unequal treatment of Democrats as opposed to Republicans and Independents. Democrats are coddled and treated with kit gloves as they get away with “Murder”, while others are persecuted and Borked by the leftist elites who control the main stream media.
Obama is notorious for his thin skinned, over-privileged, man-child, entitlement mentality. Governor Jan Brewer's mild criticism of Obama in her book cause the man-child to pout and storm off the tarmac in Arizona. IT'S ALL BUSHS' FAULT!
Holder and Obama need to grow up and stop acting like little Lord Fauntleroy. They have no idea what it is like to be accused unfairly by the vile, venomous, unethical leftist that run unbridled through the halls of the New York Times, the Palm Beach Post and nearly every major media organization in America. They have no idea what it is like to walk in Judge Clarence Thomas’, Sarah Palin’s or Judge Bork’s shoes. They are crybabies not leaders.
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