Thursday, December 13, 2012



Susan Rice has come under intense scrutiny after appearing on national T.V.  to spread false Obama Administration talking points. Obama hopes to reward Rice’s blind loyalty and lack of ethics by appointing her as Secretary of State.
We are now learning much about the U.N. ambassador’s temperament. Apparently when under pressure, Rice has a tendency to boil over. LOL! If she can’t stand the heat she should get out of the kitchen and stay out of the cabinet. LOL! OK, I’m easily amused. LOL!

Prior to the November presidential election, Vice President Joe Biden campaigned across the country proudly boasting and reciting the Democrat campaign slogan, “Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!”  Can any intelligent person deny that Biden’s slogan was inflammatory to radical Islamists and terrorists worldwide? Could a new attack on 9/11/2012 have possibly been premeditated? Gosh! That seems farfetched doesn’t it? LOL!

On 9/11/2012, the 11th anniversary of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, a “very much alive” cell of terrorists, in a well planned assault, murdered Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State must accept responsibility for lack of security! After the massacre of the nearly defenseless Americans, the buffoon, Vice President Joe Biden, finally shut his blowhole and to the relief of the Obama campaign dropped off the political radar screen.

Embarrassed by Al Qaeda’s reformation and strength across the Mid-East, Obama worried about the effect this situation might have on his pending presidential reelection. The administration decided to devise a smokescreen by blaming Middle East violence on a YouTube video. Hillary Clinton probably refused to jeopardize her career by propagating the Democrat Party lies, so Obama enlisted Susan Rice- yet another of his mind-numbed robot, Democrat Party hacks- to repeat on five national TV shows the obvious lie that the terror assault was a spontaneous uprising and riot of Muslim protesters. Their anger was reportedly caused by the obscure, anti-Muslim YouTube video. That claim was laughable; only low information voters- people comprising the Democrat party- as well as the armies of corrupt Democrat media members pretend to believe Obama’s smokescreen. Susan Rice’s intentional lies alone should disqualify her as secretary of state, but her crude, confrontational and aggressive personality makes her unacceptable as a statesman.
It is reported that as Assistant Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, Susan Rice appalled colleagues when she flipped her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a cabinet meeting. Her shouting matches and personal insults are legendary. Even a Russian foreign minister after quarreling with Rice over the Syrian situation proclaimed that her appointment as Secretary of State would make it difficult for Moscow to work with Washington.
The following is a link to a report by Dana Milbank:

Holbrooke Burned by Steamed Rice

Below is more evidence concerning Susan Rice’s temperament. The report is by Lloyd Grove in the Daily Beast:

"Susan Rice’s Personality 'Disorder'
Dec 12, 2012 7:45 AM EST

Brusque. Aggressive. Undiplomatic. The adjectives used to describe the ambassador aren’t kind. Lloyd Grove on Susan Rice’s polarizing temperament—and why that may matter more than Benghazi."

Even after the Libyan president and CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus both identified the Benghazi attackers as well organized terrorists, Obama went before the U.N. and repeated his ridiculous fairy tale. Now, Obama apologists claim that intelligence agencies removed the reference to Al Qaeda so that the terrorists would not know that we were on to them and we recognize their proclivity to try to commit terror! LOL! Democrats and Obama’s media allies actually are pushing this childlike, juvenile and beyond belief prevarication! Has the American electorate been dumbed down to this level?
Obama said if they want to go after Susan Rice, they should go after me! Will the media take up the Presidents challenge? Don’t count on it!

Nov. 22nd 2012 Jac Versteeg published in “The Palm Beach Post” an editorial titled: “Obama could doom second term by stonewalling on Benghazi”.   
Versteeg wrote, President Obama ought to be pestered until his administration provides both a full account of what happened and a plan to better protect diplomats.”
WOW! Reading criticism of Barrack Hussein Obama in the Democrat Rag, The Palm Beach Post was as startling as walking into a room to find a dog playing the piano! What the Hell!
Will Jac Versteeg lead the charge of investigative reporters and pester his beloved Democrat President until the truth comes out? I can guarantee you that will not happen anywhere in the mainstream media!
What Versteeg wrote later in his piece is evidence. Just when one thinks there may be an unbiased and professional journalist at the Post, the immature, Democrat cheerleader, Jac Versteeg, had to toss in his obligatory trashing of Republicans. Versteeg pondered the GOP’s opposition to Susan Rice’s appointment as secretary of State by writing:
“The fact that Sens. McCain and Graham never expressed similar qualms about Condoleezza Rice misleading the country on Iraq further undermines their credibility.”  Versteeg ignores all the evidence that shows that Condoleezza Rice believed what nearly all the Democrat’s, Republican’s and Independent’s in Congress believed in 2002; that Saddam Hussein had WMD’S. Condoleezza was giving the widely held and bi-partisan opinion at that time. In contrast Susan Rice was intentionally lying or is a completely incompetent puppet and mindless mouthpiece for her bosses.
Condoleezza Rice is a class act and a statesman. As you have learned, Susan Rice is confrontational and crude. Maybe this is why the guttersnipe has gained favor with the Administration that relies on Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod style lowlife Chicago politician and union thug techniques.

Jac Versteeg probably knows the facts but continues to publish dishonest, pro-Democrat propaganda on the pages of the Palm Beach Post. Then again, as a typical “low information Democrat” Jac may simply be another incompetent idiot. You decide.
Below you will find the truth. Versteeg may be uninformed and unaware of what occurred before the invasion of Iraq you need not be. You will learn that the Democrats started accusing Saddam Hussein of hording WMD’s as early as 1998 under President Bill Clinton and later in 2002 Congress was nearly unanimous in that opinion as they voted in favor of the invasion. Democrat revisionist historians chant Bush lied people died, but as usual they demonstrate their ignorance. Democrats including Hillary led the charge to war!

Click this link:

As you see, Bill Clinton was saying Hussein had WMD in 1998, years before Bush was even elected.  In 2002, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, Bill, Joe Biden and others repeated the conventional wisdom; Condoleezza Rice did not make up or repeat dishonest Bush talking points. Unlike Susan Rice, Condoleezza Rice believed what she was saying.

That link just proved that Hillary Clinton was in agreement with multiple worldwide intelligence agencies and Condoleezza Rice when she voted to invade Iraq.

Will Jac Versteeg now question Hillary’s fitness?

Here is what Nancy Pelosi said in 1998 and still believed in 2002 as reported by John Hawkins on March 3, 2012:

“”As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.” — Nancy Pelosi, December 16, 1998”

Need more? Here is what was reported in the Daily KOS:

WED NOV 28, 2012 AT 11:41 AM PST
“Assistant secretary of state in the Clinton administration, Rice has been a prominent foreign policy spokesperson for the Obama campaign. Here are some of her claims shortly before the invasion of Iraq:
“I think he has proved that Iraq has these weapons and is hiding them, and I don’t think many informed people doubted that.” (NPR, Feb. 6, 2003)
“We need to be ready for the possibility that the attack against the U.S. could come in some form against the homeland, not necessarily on the battlefield against our forces. And I think there, too, is an area where the American people need to be better prepared by our leadership. … It’s clear that Iraq poses a major threat. It’s clear that its weapons of mass destruction need to be dealt with forcefully, and that’s the path we’re on. I think the question becomes whether we can keep the diplomatic balls in the air and not drop any, even as we move forward, as we must, on the military side.” (NPR, Dec. 20, 2002)
“I think the United States government has been clear since the first Bush administration about the threat that Iraq and Saddam Hussein poses. The United States policy has been regime change for many, many years, going well back into the Clinton administration. So it’s a question of timing and tactics. … We do not necessarily need a further Council resolution before we can enforce this and previous resolutions. (NPR, Nov. 11, 2002)”

So as you see, just when I thought there might be hope for the editors of the Palm Beach Post, Jac (ASS) Versteeg continues to commit Pro-Democrat Party propaganda.

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

(That seems too high to me!)
P.S. LoL!       Is a high tech social network expression that means “ Laughing Out Loud!       :-)

Charles Baudelaire: “I’m unable to understand how a man of honor can take a newspaper in his hands without a shudder of disgust.”

This week; Must Read:

         The Democrat medias love affair with Obama.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


JOSEPH GOEBBELS (Nazi Party propagandist)
RANDY SCHULTZ (Democrat Party propagandist)

       On Sunday, Nov. 25th 2012, Randy Schultz, editor of the propaganda pages of the Palm Beach post, published another racist attack on local war hero and Congressman Col. Allen West. Schultz and the Democrat Palm Beach Post have been conducting a two-year propaganda assault on Col. West using the power of the press to discredit the congressman with dishonest, biased and outright libelous attacks.
On Sunday, Randy Schultz not only attacked West in his sleazy hit piece, but he even insulted nearly half of the voters in District 18. The weasely, little editor wrote; “For nearly two weeks after voting ended in the U.S. House District 18 race, the focus was on St. Lucie County. Aging bikers and other devotees of the one term congressman with the $17.5 million campaign budget squawked at what a West fund raising email compared to 2000…”
 Two years of negative publicity directed at Allen West from the Democrat media, the Democrat Party and the Democrat Palm Beach Post must have been worth at least 50 million dollars to the campaign of challenger Pat Murphy!
COL. WEST (War Hero)
Patrick Murphy’s wealthy daddy ran what is widely recognized as one of the most racist political ads ever run in America. Patrick Murphy did not denounce the ad and little was heard about it from the media. The Palm Beach Post’s African American reporter, Rhonda Swan, a huge Allen West critic found little harm in Murphy’s racist ad, which depicted a laughing Allen West beating people, including elderly white women, and stealing money from his victims. West is depicted laughing as he conducts the muggings, a large gold front tooth sparkles. West does not have a gold front tooth, Murphy used a stereotypical inner-city ghetto/pimp cartoon image of West; the vision of how the Murphy's probably view all black people.   
      Can any honest person believe that Schultz, Rhonda Swan and The Palm Beach Post have credibility in journalism? That racist ad was not seen much outside of south Florida, but outside of the robotic left who populate Palm Beach County and beyond Rhonda Swan's front porch view, it is considered the most overtly racist political ad ever run against and African American. I expect the NAACP- that rejected Allen West -will greet white racist Democrat Pat Murphy with open arms; once again proving that leftist are not pro minorities, they only care about big government liberalism and will destroy all who get in their way, especially minorities.
           Patrick Murphy, a racist, rich kid Republican turned Democrat, whose daddy helped fund his campaign, won the election by only one half of one percent of the voters. By describing the nearly 50% of the voters in Dist. 18 who voted for West as old bikers, Randy Schultz once again exposed his snobby, elitist personae and his intolerance for people that do not look and think like Mr. Schultz.
         The media showed almost no interest in questionable election official’s activities in the Democrat dominated county of St. Lucie where Murphy suddenly pulled ahead in the wee hours of election night and a 140% voter turn out was laughably explained away as caused by two page ballots, the same multiple page ballot used in almost every county. See this link.

 Unlike the 2000 election, The Palm Beach Post showed little interest in the 2012 voter fraud because it benefitted the Democrat.

I have a new slogan for Randy Schultz- an opponent of voter ID and thus pro-voter fraud. “Vote early and vote often, just vote Democrat!”

         Randy Schultz also said the following about Col. West. “In the last two years, when he could have been earning his salary, Rep. West has made demagoguery against Democrats his priority.”  In my opinion, that is code language. The translation goes like this; “Allen West is an angry, lazy black man who does not earn his pay.” Randy Schultz dog whistle racism continues, here is my interpretation; “Allen West is an uppity, outspoken conservative black man who needs to know his place, sit down, shut up and collect his pay check not confront the liberal media or our Democrat Party with opposing ideas.”

Democrat Party boss, Debbie Wasserman –Schultz, who can do no wrong in the eyes of The Palm Beach Post, has been far more divisive and confrontational against West and the congressional Republicans. Her constant attacks on Col. West earned her a promotion to the head of the DNC and instigated West and others in Congress to label her as the vilest member of Congress. Randy Schultz has no problem with this behavior when coming from a liberal white woman and not an angry black man.
Even fellow Democrats are astounded at Debbie’s ability to lie with faux sincerity on national TV even as sympathetic, leftist reporters play video evidence refuting everything coming out of her mouth. I have witnessed many interviews where Democrat allies offer up softball questions to Wasserman-Schultz, attempting to guide her into plausible explanations and allow her to correct her misstatements and lies, but she will have no part of it! She is pathological, having no moral compass! To psychologists, the woman must be mesmerizing watch!
The following are links exposing her as she lies repeatedly to Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Chuck Todd, Stuart Varney and others. These videos are a fraction of what is available and are only some of the recent Wasserman- Schultz lies that go unchallenged by the propagandists at the Palm Beach Post. 
Viewer discretion advised, these videos might cause viewers to wrap duct tape around their heads to keep their skulls from exploding. 

If you watch the next one you will definitely need a full bottle of Advil. This blabbering woman's incessant child like reasoning and lying is nauseating! 

Randy Schultz must have a tingle going up his thigh as he witnesses a liar even more shameless and adroit than he and his staff combined!

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Herbert Spencer: “We all decry prejudice, yet are all prejudiced”.

This Week: Must Read.  The kindle version is about $3!
A Missing Link in Leadership: The Trial of LTC Allen West [Paperback]
Richard Berry (Author)

Monday, November 19, 2012



In the first two weeks of the second Obamination, the stock market has crashed, the Middle East is on the verge of WWIII and a new holocaust is at hand. Unemployment has spiked and nervous business owners are downsizing or closing doors in the face of Obamacare. The lies and corruption of the Obama Administration are even being criticized by leftist elites like Maureen Dowd of the N.Y. Times! 

With the fiscal cliff at hand and thousands of North-easterners suffering without food and power, Obama tours Asia and Hillary Clinton does a wine tasting tour of Australia. Back home, in corrupt "Minnesota-Al Franken style" voter fraud, St. Lucie County, Florida election officials- backed by George Soros' money - have stolen Congressman Col. Allen West's seat. With the help of the Democrat media including the "sucky", corrupt, Democrat, Palm Beach Post, these events were all very predictable and must be accepted as reality by all the honest non-Democrat voters; but what cannot be accepted by honorable Americans are the Big Labor Union Bosses putting the final nail in the coffin of the Hostess Bakery company! The following is a reprint of my post from January which sadly is even more relevant today.




            Hostess Brands recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This decision means that millions of Twinkie addicts around the world will soon be without their daily, delicious, vanilla filled, golden sponge cake fix! The loss of this dietary icon cannot be allowed to happen in our free society! Citizens need to rally and demand a government bailout of Hostess in order to save the Twinkies!
     I first tasted the extraordinary Twinkie at about age 10, after my family moved from Kentucky to Pennsauken, N.J. The only thing that kept me from Twinkie addiction was my lust for other Hostess products such as the chocolate vanilla filled cup cakes with chocolate icing and the squiggly lines of white icing on top. I saw many of my elementary school peers succumb to Twinkie addiction. These poor souls were easily identified, returning to school each year ever fatter and fatter. Twinkie addicts are known to have a sixth sense, the ability to identifying one another in a crowd. From 4 aisles apart in the grocery store, if they make eye contact, they just nod, maybe give a little salute or a thumbs up, somehow knowing that they are fellow Twinkie addicts.
     When I moved from Kentucky to N.J., I experienced culture shock. My every day attire consisted of a white undershirt and blue jeans “to long”, rolled up above brown, leather work-boots. My blonde hair was buzz cut and kids were fascinated by my southern drawl. They would form a circle around me and ask me to repeat words like wire, fire and pillow. The girls liked me but the bullies picked on me and said I looked like a horses ass. They finally left me alone after I defeated the neighborhood tough guy in a little scrap when he tried to take my baseball mitt. After that some cool teenagers started letting me hang around with them. I think they only did this because they found out I had 4 older sisters. I was an excuse for them to drop by my house and flirt with my sisters.
     These guys had hair slicked back on their heads and dressed like James Dean's character in Rebel Without a Cause. They had a hangout in the basement of one fellow’s house. He had very little parental supervision. They would listen to music, smoke cigarettes and sometimes get some beers and talk about the girls at the Junior High School. They had cases of dry goods down there, stuff like Campbell’s canned soup, laundry detergents and soap. I found out that they would go to the rail yards and steal stuff from the boxcars and then sell it cheap or give it away to people like old lady Lavish who had a brood of ornery kids.They thought of themselves as a modern day Butch Cassidy or Robin Hood and probably went on to become real gangsters, lawyers or maybe politicians. I had no desire to get involved with the train heists as they called it and luckily they didn’t ask me to help.
You might be wondering what this has to do with Twinkies. Well one summer I went to the hangout and the guys were hooting and hollering down there. They had just scored a butt load of Hostess Twinkies from a boxcar heist and in the process had nearly been caught by the rail yard Bulls. They gave me a whole case of Twinkies and said to share them with my sisters. Instead, I hid it in my closet at home. I guess I was now guilty of something by possessing stolen goods, but I knew I was not the first to break bad, falling to the allure of the addictive Twinkie.
I now could have Twinkies day or night and with such a large supply, I was able to experiment with the incredible Hostess Twinkie. One afternoon I boiled water to have tea with Twinkies and the steam burned my hand. It hurt badly, so I instinctively mashed a Twinkie onto my hand and was astounded at how it soothed and eased the pain! Could these things have medicinal powers? 
In the spring I pulled out my bike to ride to school and had trouble pedaling. I stopped about a block from home and found the chain and sprocket was rusty. I took a Twinkie out of my lunch box and smeared that vanilla filling on the sprocket and chain and in short order I was pedaling freely. Converted to an aerosol spray, the Twinkie might prove superior to WD 40! That same week my teacher gave us an assignment. We were asked to design packaging for the inside of a shoebox that would protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a stepladder. Twinkies helped me earn an A+ grade. I was one of two students who solved the problem correctly. My solution was to surrounding the egg with 6 Twinkies! Could Twinkies replace those Styrofoam packing peanuts as a more desirable and recyclable, edible alternative?
When I went to middle school the Twinkie played a huge role in any cafeteria food fight. When placed on the hard surface of a table occupied by a group of mean girls, a hammer fist blow could deliver a spray of yellow cake and filling, showering the screaming, offensive, little snobs with goo. That action would usually get the party started, then to avoid all the flying mashed potatoes and pizza slices one could retreat to the perimeter and nail adversaries from a safe distance. With a bit of practice, Twinkies can be thrown with a perfect spiral and used to knock off eyeglass or can simply be bounced off the heads of fleeing victims. The gym teachers would eventually arrive, charging in to round up the usual suspects, the known troublemakers, who would be in the middle of the fray. I and my fellow Twinkie bombardiers, twenty yards away, could just feign disgust at the vulgarity of the unruly students and one time we were even falsely recognized by the peacekeeping teachers as good examples for the others. Because of the Twinkies versatility, it could be smeared in an adversaries face during hand to hand combat or hurled long distance, no other snack food came close to the Twinkie in a heated food fight.          
     I began to be impressed by the miracle that was the Hostess Twinkie. One night as I opened a pack before bedtime, I found an old MR. Potato Head Toy in my dresser drawer. I had played with that stupid toy many years. I would get a potato and then stick eyes, ears, nose, legs and arms onto the potato to make a character. After about a week the potato would start oozing and emit hideous odors. That night out of shear boredom,or some other reason unknown, I took a Twinkie and put legs on it and it stood upright. I added a cowboy hat, a face and arms and it looked cool, better than that picture on the box. The Twinkie cowboy stood tall and slim like a character out of a Pixar Movie. That Twinkie Cowboy sat on my nightstand for about six months and never oozed or rotted. Twinkies were incredible; unlike a potato they seemingly would last forever! I finally got rid of it when ants swarmed over it.
Months after I finally ran out of my Twinkie stash, I found one lone straggler unwrapped and buried under a pile of dirty underwear in the back of my closet. I examined it and it looked and smelled fine. I must have been going through Twinkie withdrawl because I ate it and it tasted as fresh as if I had just removed it from it’s wrapper. Twinkies are amazing! They had some type of mystical powers of preservation! 

When I graduated high school and went to college I can’t tell you how many times I witnessed students eating Twinkies and drinking original Coca Cola to get a mega sugar boost for late night cramming. How many people would have failed college without the benefit of a Twinkie-Coke rush?
Twinkies have been around since 1930. They have survived the great depression, WW II, Korean War, racial integration, the Great Society, Vietnam and the Gulf Wars, fueling our troops and citizens alike, helping America to find common ground and to preserve freedom. If the government is willing to bailout Wall Street, the auto industries and mega banks, they can surely save the beloved Hostess Company and our Twinkies. Hostess, a brand name recognized across America since the 1930’s should be a much higher priority for government loans, grants and bailouts than the boondoggle government investments in companies like Solyndra or GM.
You must now realize that Twinkies truly are to good to fail! Who would want to live in a Twinkie less America? Before being banished to the back selfs and discredited by the health food Nazi's, Twinkies were once displayed proudly near grocery store entrances.  Boxes were stacked high forming huge pyramids reaching toward the ceiling. This was an era when parents would allow kids to go outside and play all day without fearing for their safety not locked indoors playing endless video games. I believe that there is a direct link between the demise of the Twinkie and the demise of the wholesome American culture.
Michel Moore, the darling of the Occupy Movement and obviously a Twinkie addict, (no human could possibly get that fat without Twinkies) should use the Twinkie dilemma to rally the Occupiers around one central issue,Save The Twinkies. Congress could finally have an issue to unite behind, the Twinkie bailout. All Americans could come together once again as we did post 9/11.
Michelle Obama is an enemy of the Twinkie. Her healthy school lunch menu ends up in the school dumpster. Kids need Twinkies Mrs. Obama, not salads! We should march to the White House and demand that Michelle Obama add Twinkies to the school lunch program.
Because of the extraordinary shelf life, the government could stockpiled Twinkies in caves and hold a Twinkie reserve- much like the strategic oil reserves- to be used in case of a worldwide famine.
These actions would provide a stimulus to one of the few manufacturing jobs left in America, the Twinkie Industry. Many jobs would be saved and an American Icon preserved.

Samuel Johnson; “A cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out as good for nothing.”

Act now Mr. President; America needs Twinkies!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



We at the W.T.P.B.P.S. apologize for our missed call of the election. Our team of highly skilled pollsters and political scientists have discovered a flaw in our algorithm; we only polled eligible voters.
The America that many citizens have known will cease to exist if the Republicans in the House of Representatives fail to block Obama’s radical leftist agenda that will be rammed “Forward” by czars, regulators, and the omnipotent decree of our imperial president. The radical left, with control of the corrupt media and with Obama as the progressive leader, has fundamentally transformed America into a nation of people looking to a big government nanny state with open hands, whining for free stuff. We now have over 50% of the population asking; “What can my country do for me?” not “What can I do for my country?”

         After decades of a public education system that works only for the bosses of the teachers unions and the inept educators that they enable and protect -as they fire young competent teachers- the American electorate has been dumbed down, becoming a horde of helpless idiots; under and misinformed by a corrupt leftist media and unable to think for themselves. Grown adults have admitted to me that they get their news and current events- when not playing video games- from the likes of Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert! This is the know-nothing electorate that suits the Democrat Party. An electorate that gladly exchanges their vote for “free stuff”.

          But every dark cloud has a silver lining. Here are some of the social benefits that might come from Obama’s re-election.

1)         We can all cancel our expensive cell phones and get us a free Obama phone! Click this link to find out how!

2)         Staten Island can get the power back by attaching jumper cables to Chris Matthews’s crotch and tap into that electric tingle running up his thigh.

3)         Golf courses nation wide will avoid the recession as Obama has four more years to golf incessantly as soldiers die, the jobless cry and the economy collapses!

4)         Elizabeth Warren’s election will free up a position for an actual Native American professor at Penn.

5)         By utilizing the protection of religious freedom of expression, Elizabeth Warren might pass legislation legalizing marijuana when smoked through a peace pipe.

 6)         Upon becoming enervated by the munchies after smoking the peace pipe with Republicans, Warren might bring both sides of the aisle together for a tea party and coerce them to cooperate with a bribe of “all you can eat” snacks.

7)         The terrorists who are setting the Middle East ablaze can relax as Obama focuses his hit list on American people and corporations that opposed his election; fulfilling his promise of getting revenge through the election.

8)         Valarie Jarret promised that any opponents of Obama would have Hell to pay. The vindictive little woman might not have time to push Obamacare down our throats as she implements her evil little schemes.

9)         Debbie Wasserman-Schultz might hire that out of work, uppity, former black congressman Allen West as her butler if he can find spare time from the demands of chauffeuring Palm Beach Post journalist Rhonda Swan from the Post’s front porch to Uncle Tom’s cabin.

10)         Our new congressman, the over privileged 1%er, Patrick Murphy might receive from his rich, big developer, Daddy a gift of a dozen undocumented, low wage workers to use as servants to clean his office toilets.

  11)         After legalizing gay marriage in N.J., Gov. Chris Christie might announce his divorce from his current wife and his engagement to Bruce Springsteen. Barney Frank would be proud to stand as the handsome couples maid of honor.

12)         Springsteen might rewrite the lyrics to “Born in the USA” and perform the new rendition at Obama’s inauguration ceremony. Donald Trump providing the vocals could sing the retitled song “Born Down Kenya Way!”

13)         The Palm Beach Post might win the Joseph Goebbels excellence in propaganda award from the Chinese and Russian governments.

14)         Obama might show the  flexibility he promised Putin after the election as he gives all US nuclear missiles to Russia, Iran and the United Nations security forces.

15)         After Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fulfills his promise and incinerates all the Jews, the U.N. might rename Israel “Fire Island” and in a mass exodus the Muslim Brotherhood could exile all gay Muslims to the Sinai Peninsula.

16)         Obama might borrow more money from China and institute a dozen new stimulus bills providing even more "payola" to his big campaign donors while causing the US dollar to have no value. Elizabeth Warren could solve this currency problem by proposing we conduct trade in seashells; a currency that she claims has long worked for her native American people.

See... Cheer up, we have four more years of fun unless the progressive tyrants running the government shut down the Internet and toss their opposition in jail (like they did to Alan Roberts the anti-Muslim film director) or put us all in re-education camps.

Now that the Palm Beach Post no longer has Romney or West to attack will they continue to blame House Republicans even when the Obama administration has threatened revenge and Hell to pay for them?
Will Obama’s cheerleaders in the press continue to blame George Bush even 5 to 8 years into the Obama nightmare as we go off the fiscal cliff? 
Will the press shield Obama from investigation of Benghazi-gate?


Sadly 50% of the American people, those who voted for Obama, deserve what suffering is to come, the other 50% of us will have to suffer along with the Democrat Party fools.

Prepare yourself for the big Nanny government mandates that will take charge of your life!

 Thank the Democrat jackasses!

Thomas Fuller: “The Fool is busy in everyone’s business but his own.”

This week; “Must read”.
Stealing Elections by John Fund.