Thursday, December 13, 2012



Susan Rice has come under intense scrutiny after appearing on national T.V.  to spread false Obama Administration talking points. Obama hopes to reward Rice’s blind loyalty and lack of ethics by appointing her as Secretary of State.
We are now learning much about the U.N. ambassador’s temperament. Apparently when under pressure, Rice has a tendency to boil over. LOL! If she can’t stand the heat she should get out of the kitchen and stay out of the cabinet. LOL! OK, I’m easily amused. LOL!

Prior to the November presidential election, Vice President Joe Biden campaigned across the country proudly boasting and reciting the Democrat campaign slogan, “Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive!”  Can any intelligent person deny that Biden’s slogan was inflammatory to radical Islamists and terrorists worldwide? Could a new attack on 9/11/2012 have possibly been premeditated? Gosh! That seems farfetched doesn’t it? LOL!

On 9/11/2012, the 11th anniversary of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, a “very much alive” cell of terrorists, in a well planned assault, murdered Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State must accept responsibility for lack of security! After the massacre of the nearly defenseless Americans, the buffoon, Vice President Joe Biden, finally shut his blowhole and to the relief of the Obama campaign dropped off the political radar screen.

Embarrassed by Al Qaeda’s reformation and strength across the Mid-East, Obama worried about the effect this situation might have on his pending presidential reelection. The administration decided to devise a smokescreen by blaming Middle East violence on a YouTube video. Hillary Clinton probably refused to jeopardize her career by propagating the Democrat Party lies, so Obama enlisted Susan Rice- yet another of his mind-numbed robot, Democrat Party hacks- to repeat on five national TV shows the obvious lie that the terror assault was a spontaneous uprising and riot of Muslim protesters. Their anger was reportedly caused by the obscure, anti-Muslim YouTube video. That claim was laughable; only low information voters- people comprising the Democrat party- as well as the armies of corrupt Democrat media members pretend to believe Obama’s smokescreen. Susan Rice’s intentional lies alone should disqualify her as secretary of state, but her crude, confrontational and aggressive personality makes her unacceptable as a statesman.
It is reported that as Assistant Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, Susan Rice appalled colleagues when she flipped her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a cabinet meeting. Her shouting matches and personal insults are legendary. Even a Russian foreign minister after quarreling with Rice over the Syrian situation proclaimed that her appointment as Secretary of State would make it difficult for Moscow to work with Washington.
The following is a link to a report by Dana Milbank:

Holbrooke Burned by Steamed Rice

Below is more evidence concerning Susan Rice’s temperament. The report is by Lloyd Grove in the Daily Beast:

"Susan Rice’s Personality 'Disorder'
Dec 12, 2012 7:45 AM EST

Brusque. Aggressive. Undiplomatic. The adjectives used to describe the ambassador aren’t kind. Lloyd Grove on Susan Rice’s polarizing temperament—and why that may matter more than Benghazi."

Even after the Libyan president and CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus both identified the Benghazi attackers as well organized terrorists, Obama went before the U.N. and repeated his ridiculous fairy tale. Now, Obama apologists claim that intelligence agencies removed the reference to Al Qaeda so that the terrorists would not know that we were on to them and we recognize their proclivity to try to commit terror! LOL! Democrats and Obama’s media allies actually are pushing this childlike, juvenile and beyond belief prevarication! Has the American electorate been dumbed down to this level?
Obama said if they want to go after Susan Rice, they should go after me! Will the media take up the Presidents challenge? Don’t count on it!

Nov. 22nd 2012 Jac Versteeg published in “The Palm Beach Post” an editorial titled: “Obama could doom second term by stonewalling on Benghazi”.   
Versteeg wrote, President Obama ought to be pestered until his administration provides both a full account of what happened and a plan to better protect diplomats.”
WOW! Reading criticism of Barrack Hussein Obama in the Democrat Rag, The Palm Beach Post was as startling as walking into a room to find a dog playing the piano! What the Hell!
Will Jac Versteeg lead the charge of investigative reporters and pester his beloved Democrat President until the truth comes out? I can guarantee you that will not happen anywhere in the mainstream media!
What Versteeg wrote later in his piece is evidence. Just when one thinks there may be an unbiased and professional journalist at the Post, the immature, Democrat cheerleader, Jac Versteeg, had to toss in his obligatory trashing of Republicans. Versteeg pondered the GOP’s opposition to Susan Rice’s appointment as secretary of State by writing:
“The fact that Sens. McCain and Graham never expressed similar qualms about Condoleezza Rice misleading the country on Iraq further undermines their credibility.”  Versteeg ignores all the evidence that shows that Condoleezza Rice believed what nearly all the Democrat’s, Republican’s and Independent’s in Congress believed in 2002; that Saddam Hussein had WMD’S. Condoleezza was giving the widely held and bi-partisan opinion at that time. In contrast Susan Rice was intentionally lying or is a completely incompetent puppet and mindless mouthpiece for her bosses.
Condoleezza Rice is a class act and a statesman. As you have learned, Susan Rice is confrontational and crude. Maybe this is why the guttersnipe has gained favor with the Administration that relies on Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod style lowlife Chicago politician and union thug techniques.

Jac Versteeg probably knows the facts but continues to publish dishonest, pro-Democrat propaganda on the pages of the Palm Beach Post. Then again, as a typical “low information Democrat” Jac may simply be another incompetent idiot. You decide.
Below you will find the truth. Versteeg may be uninformed and unaware of what occurred before the invasion of Iraq you need not be. You will learn that the Democrats started accusing Saddam Hussein of hording WMD’s as early as 1998 under President Bill Clinton and later in 2002 Congress was nearly unanimous in that opinion as they voted in favor of the invasion. Democrat revisionist historians chant Bush lied people died, but as usual they demonstrate their ignorance. Democrats including Hillary led the charge to war!

Click this link:

As you see, Bill Clinton was saying Hussein had WMD in 1998, years before Bush was even elected.  In 2002, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, Bill, Joe Biden and others repeated the conventional wisdom; Condoleezza Rice did not make up or repeat dishonest Bush talking points. Unlike Susan Rice, Condoleezza Rice believed what she was saying.

That link just proved that Hillary Clinton was in agreement with multiple worldwide intelligence agencies and Condoleezza Rice when she voted to invade Iraq.

Will Jac Versteeg now question Hillary’s fitness?

Here is what Nancy Pelosi said in 1998 and still believed in 2002 as reported by John Hawkins on March 3, 2012:

“”As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.” — Nancy Pelosi, December 16, 1998”

Need more? Here is what was reported in the Daily KOS:

WED NOV 28, 2012 AT 11:41 AM PST
“Assistant secretary of state in the Clinton administration, Rice has been a prominent foreign policy spokesperson for the Obama campaign. Here are some of her claims shortly before the invasion of Iraq:
“I think he has proved that Iraq has these weapons and is hiding them, and I don’t think many informed people doubted that.” (NPR, Feb. 6, 2003)
“We need to be ready for the possibility that the attack against the U.S. could come in some form against the homeland, not necessarily on the battlefield against our forces. And I think there, too, is an area where the American people need to be better prepared by our leadership. … It’s clear that Iraq poses a major threat. It’s clear that its weapons of mass destruction need to be dealt with forcefully, and that’s the path we’re on. I think the question becomes whether we can keep the diplomatic balls in the air and not drop any, even as we move forward, as we must, on the military side.” (NPR, Dec. 20, 2002)
“I think the United States government has been clear since the first Bush administration about the threat that Iraq and Saddam Hussein poses. The United States policy has been regime change for many, many years, going well back into the Clinton administration. So it’s a question of timing and tactics. … We do not necessarily need a further Council resolution before we can enforce this and previous resolutions. (NPR, Nov. 11, 2002)”

So as you see, just when I thought there might be hope for the editors of the Palm Beach Post, Jac (ASS) Versteeg continues to commit Pro-Democrat Party propaganda.

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

(That seems too high to me!)
P.S. LoL!       Is a high tech social network expression that means “ Laughing Out Loud!       :-)

Charles Baudelaire: “I’m unable to understand how a man of honor can take a newspaper in his hands without a shudder of disgust.”

This week; Must Read:

         The Democrat medias love affair with Obama.

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