Tuesday, November 27, 2012


JOSEPH GOEBBELS (Nazi Party propagandist)
RANDY SCHULTZ (Democrat Party propagandist)

       On Sunday, Nov. 25th 2012, Randy Schultz, editor of the propaganda pages of the Palm Beach post, published another racist attack on local war hero and Congressman Col. Allen West. Schultz and the Democrat Palm Beach Post have been conducting a two-year propaganda assault on Col. West using the power of the press to discredit the congressman with dishonest, biased and outright libelous attacks.
On Sunday, Randy Schultz not only attacked West in his sleazy hit piece, but he even insulted nearly half of the voters in District 18. The weasely, little editor wrote; “For nearly two weeks after voting ended in the U.S. House District 18 race, the focus was on St. Lucie County. Aging bikers and other devotees of the one term congressman with the $17.5 million campaign budget squawked at what a West fund raising email compared to 2000…”
 Two years of negative publicity directed at Allen West from the Democrat media, the Democrat Party and the Democrat Palm Beach Post must have been worth at least 50 million dollars to the campaign of challenger Pat Murphy!
COL. WEST (War Hero)
Patrick Murphy’s wealthy daddy ran what is widely recognized as one of the most racist political ads ever run in America. Patrick Murphy did not denounce the ad and little was heard about it from the media. The Palm Beach Post’s African American reporter, Rhonda Swan, a huge Allen West critic found little harm in Murphy’s racist ad, which depicted a laughing Allen West beating people, including elderly white women, and stealing money from his victims. West is depicted laughing as he conducts the muggings, a large gold front tooth sparkles. West does not have a gold front tooth, Murphy used a stereotypical inner-city ghetto/pimp cartoon image of West; the vision of how the Murphy's probably view all black people.   
      Can any honest person believe that Schultz, Rhonda Swan and The Palm Beach Post have credibility in journalism? That racist ad was not seen much outside of south Florida, but outside of the robotic left who populate Palm Beach County and beyond Rhonda Swan's front porch view, it is considered the most overtly racist political ad ever run against and African American. I expect the NAACP- that rejected Allen West -will greet white racist Democrat Pat Murphy with open arms; once again proving that leftist are not pro minorities, they only care about big government liberalism and will destroy all who get in their way, especially minorities.
           Patrick Murphy, a racist, rich kid Republican turned Democrat, whose daddy helped fund his campaign, won the election by only one half of one percent of the voters. By describing the nearly 50% of the voters in Dist. 18 who voted for West as old bikers, Randy Schultz once again exposed his snobby, elitist personae and his intolerance for people that do not look and think like Mr. Schultz.
         The media showed almost no interest in questionable election official’s activities in the Democrat dominated county of St. Lucie where Murphy suddenly pulled ahead in the wee hours of election night and a 140% voter turn out was laughably explained away as caused by two page ballots, the same multiple page ballot used in almost every county. See this link.

 Unlike the 2000 election, The Palm Beach Post showed little interest in the 2012 voter fraud because it benefitted the Democrat.

I have a new slogan for Randy Schultz- an opponent of voter ID and thus pro-voter fraud. “Vote early and vote often, just vote Democrat!”

         Randy Schultz also said the following about Col. West. “In the last two years, when he could have been earning his salary, Rep. West has made demagoguery against Democrats his priority.”  In my opinion, that is code language. The translation goes like this; “Allen West is an angry, lazy black man who does not earn his pay.” Randy Schultz dog whistle racism continues, here is my interpretation; “Allen West is an uppity, outspoken conservative black man who needs to know his place, sit down, shut up and collect his pay check not confront the liberal media or our Democrat Party with opposing ideas.”

Democrat Party boss, Debbie Wasserman –Schultz, who can do no wrong in the eyes of The Palm Beach Post, has been far more divisive and confrontational against West and the congressional Republicans. Her constant attacks on Col. West earned her a promotion to the head of the DNC and instigated West and others in Congress to label her as the vilest member of Congress. Randy Schultz has no problem with this behavior when coming from a liberal white woman and not an angry black man.
Even fellow Democrats are astounded at Debbie’s ability to lie with faux sincerity on national TV even as sympathetic, leftist reporters play video evidence refuting everything coming out of her mouth. I have witnessed many interviews where Democrat allies offer up softball questions to Wasserman-Schultz, attempting to guide her into plausible explanations and allow her to correct her misstatements and lies, but she will have no part of it! She is pathological, having no moral compass! To psychologists, the woman must be mesmerizing watch!
The following are links exposing her as she lies repeatedly to Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Chuck Todd, Stuart Varney and others. These videos are a fraction of what is available and are only some of the recent Wasserman- Schultz lies that go unchallenged by the propagandists at the Palm Beach Post. 
Viewer discretion advised, these videos might cause viewers to wrap duct tape around their heads to keep their skulls from exploding. 

If you watch the next one you will definitely need a full bottle of Advil. This blabbering woman's incessant child like reasoning and lying is nauseating! 

Randy Schultz must have a tingle going up his thigh as he witnesses a liar even more shameless and adroit than he and his staff combined!

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Herbert Spencer: “We all decry prejudice, yet are all prejudiced”.

This Week: Must Read.  The kindle version is about $3!
A Missing Link in Leadership: The Trial of LTC Allen West [Paperback]
Richard Berry (Author)

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