Wednesday, November 7, 2012



We at the W.T.P.B.P.S. apologize for our missed call of the election. Our team of highly skilled pollsters and political scientists have discovered a flaw in our algorithm; we only polled eligible voters.
The America that many citizens have known will cease to exist if the Republicans in the House of Representatives fail to block Obama’s radical leftist agenda that will be rammed “Forward” by czars, regulators, and the omnipotent decree of our imperial president. The radical left, with control of the corrupt media and with Obama as the progressive leader, has fundamentally transformed America into a nation of people looking to a big government nanny state with open hands, whining for free stuff. We now have over 50% of the population asking; “What can my country do for me?” not “What can I do for my country?”

         After decades of a public education system that works only for the bosses of the teachers unions and the inept educators that they enable and protect -as they fire young competent teachers- the American electorate has been dumbed down, becoming a horde of helpless idiots; under and misinformed by a corrupt leftist media and unable to think for themselves. Grown adults have admitted to me that they get their news and current events- when not playing video games- from the likes of Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert! This is the know-nothing electorate that suits the Democrat Party. An electorate that gladly exchanges their vote for “free stuff”.

          But every dark cloud has a silver lining. Here are some of the social benefits that might come from Obama’s re-election.

1)         We can all cancel our expensive cell phones and get us a free Obama phone! Click this link to find out how!

2)         Staten Island can get the power back by attaching jumper cables to Chris Matthews’s crotch and tap into that electric tingle running up his thigh.

3)         Golf courses nation wide will avoid the recession as Obama has four more years to golf incessantly as soldiers die, the jobless cry and the economy collapses!

4)         Elizabeth Warren’s election will free up a position for an actual Native American professor at Penn.

5)         By utilizing the protection of religious freedom of expression, Elizabeth Warren might pass legislation legalizing marijuana when smoked through a peace pipe.

 6)         Upon becoming enervated by the munchies after smoking the peace pipe with Republicans, Warren might bring both sides of the aisle together for a tea party and coerce them to cooperate with a bribe of “all you can eat” snacks.

7)         The terrorists who are setting the Middle East ablaze can relax as Obama focuses his hit list on American people and corporations that opposed his election; fulfilling his promise of getting revenge through the election.

8)         Valarie Jarret promised that any opponents of Obama would have Hell to pay. The vindictive little woman might not have time to push Obamacare down our throats as she implements her evil little schemes.

9)         Debbie Wasserman-Schultz might hire that out of work, uppity, former black congressman Allen West as her butler if he can find spare time from the demands of chauffeuring Palm Beach Post journalist Rhonda Swan from the Post’s front porch to Uncle Tom’s cabin.

10)         Our new congressman, the over privileged 1%er, Patrick Murphy might receive from his rich, big developer, Daddy a gift of a dozen undocumented, low wage workers to use as servants to clean his office toilets.

  11)         After legalizing gay marriage in N.J., Gov. Chris Christie might announce his divorce from his current wife and his engagement to Bruce Springsteen. Barney Frank would be proud to stand as the handsome couples maid of honor.

12)         Springsteen might rewrite the lyrics to “Born in the USA” and perform the new rendition at Obama’s inauguration ceremony. Donald Trump providing the vocals could sing the retitled song “Born Down Kenya Way!”

13)         The Palm Beach Post might win the Joseph Goebbels excellence in propaganda award from the Chinese and Russian governments.

14)         Obama might show the  flexibility he promised Putin after the election as he gives all US nuclear missiles to Russia, Iran and the United Nations security forces.

15)         After Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fulfills his promise and incinerates all the Jews, the U.N. might rename Israel “Fire Island” and in a mass exodus the Muslim Brotherhood could exile all gay Muslims to the Sinai Peninsula.

16)         Obama might borrow more money from China and institute a dozen new stimulus bills providing even more "payola" to his big campaign donors while causing the US dollar to have no value. Elizabeth Warren could solve this currency problem by proposing we conduct trade in seashells; a currency that she claims has long worked for her native American people.

See... Cheer up, we have four more years of fun unless the progressive tyrants running the government shut down the Internet and toss their opposition in jail (like they did to Alan Roberts the anti-Muslim film director) or put us all in re-education camps.

Now that the Palm Beach Post no longer has Romney or West to attack will they continue to blame House Republicans even when the Obama administration has threatened revenge and Hell to pay for them?
Will Obama’s cheerleaders in the press continue to blame George Bush even 5 to 8 years into the Obama nightmare as we go off the fiscal cliff? 
Will the press shield Obama from investigation of Benghazi-gate?


Sadly 50% of the American people, those who voted for Obama, deserve what suffering is to come, the other 50% of us will have to suffer along with the Democrat Party fools.

Prepare yourself for the big Nanny government mandates that will take charge of your life!

 Thank the Democrat jackasses!

Thomas Fuller: “The Fool is busy in everyone’s business but his own.”

This week; “Must read”.
Stealing Elections by John Fund.

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