Behold the wrath radical environmentalists direct against any citizen or scientist who attempts to refute or even question the dogma of the lunatic left, “that global warming is manmade”! Their visceral contempt is the response one might expect from religious zealots of ancient theosophy against any contrarian view. As early as 330BC when heretics like Aristotle first proposed that the Earth was possibly a sphere and not flat, the demigods reacted violently. Questioning pious authority was heresy and not tolerated. Dissent was a threat to their dominance and the control of their subject’s wealth, lives and behavior at all levels of society. Today the pious self-anointed demigods, like Al Gore, pronounce that the debate is over! Manmade global warming is “settled science!” Only closed minded zealots with a religious like fanaticism, a cult, would declare that anything involving science is ever closed to investigation!
John Locke and Isaac Newton led the Age of Enlightenment around 1660. They among others promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in church and state. Enlightenment flourished until about 1790–1800 when Romanticism that emphasized emotion became a force against science. Romanticism was a backlash to the Industrial revolution. How history repeats! Romanticism a Counter-Enlightenment movement is back!
Jump forward from the 1800 era of Romanticism to the modern era of Romanticism, the year of the new Counter-Enlightenment, 2011. Behold the corrupt scientific new world order, the modern tenured scientific community currently infesting academia. They teach dogmatism molded from a smear of vanity, bad science, greed and leftist political ambition disguised as scientific investigation. Their creed is an axiom of anti-capitalist, pro socialist thought that uses environmental terrorism to experiment with social justice engineering. Disguised as scientist, the radical progressive promotes leftist agendas.
The mass media joins the Democrat Party to push a global movement led by Al Gore, radical environmentalist and the lunatic left. They refuse to examine and report the fortunes being made by the movements leaders and their political cronies as they line their pockets with American tax dollars. Al Gore’s conflict of interest is mindboggling! In the Goreian view, humanity is damaging the earth and only the leftist elites can save the planet by deciding the science-based solutions that must be impose on humanity. The largest investors in the companies and industries that will implement the green solutions are the Goreian movement leaders. Scientists that “play ball” will skyrocket to the top of their discipline; those that oppose will be destroyed. The political left and their minions in the media will stifle debate eventually leading to progressive control of all aspects of business, commerce and personal, human behavior through strict environmental regulation. What we drive, how we light and heat our homes, how and what we cook to eat and even where we live will be at the bequest of our overlords, the radical environmental left.
Without needing to converting the masses to one world religion, or defeating all opposition with military power or a one world government, the left will globally control hoards of little people by ruling their environment. As they proclaim to be saving us all from global destruction the New Romantics will rule humankind by decrees and regulation designed and imposed by the faux science of the elites.
Worldwide environmentalism practiced by a small group of lunatics could lead to untold wealth and power for the elite 1% and loss of personal and economic freedom for us the 99%! Any entity controlling access to the world’s energy supply would become omnipotent. Only monopolizing humankind's access to fresh water and food could exceed such absolute power and control of all humanity.
Science has recognized cyclical global climate change for a century. Fossils of subtropical, cold intolerant vegetation and reptilian dinosaurs such as T-Rex are found on the frozen tundra of Montana. The Little Ice Age as well of the period of Medieval Global Warming is well documented. Only recently, for obvious political motives, has the idea of manmade global warming become the faddish new issue coming out of the bastion of leftist thought, academia.
Despite Al Gores proclamation that manmade global warming is settled science, the debate over climate change is so unsettled that in 2010 seven hundred scientists and government officials participated in a meeting in Chicago. Strong scientific evidence revealing that the recent cycle of global warming has ended and a cycle of global cooling has begun over the last ten years was presented. Journalist Gene Koprowski reporting on the fourth International Conference of Climate Change 2010 in Chicago wrote the following report. Koprowski is quoting Dr. Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor Western Washington University and author of over 150 peer-reviewed papers.
“Rather than global warming at a rate of about 1 (degree) Fahrenheit per decade, records of past natural cycles indicate there may be global cooling for the first few decades of the 21st century to about 2030," Easterbrook said.
He spoke of natural cycles that have been occurring since the discovery of fire and mankind's first carbon emissions, long before the invention of the wheel and the SUV.
Easterbrook and the other scientists reported on sudden and natural climate fluctuations documented in the geologic record, all before 1945. Two big climate changes occurred in the past 15,000 years, and another 60 smaller changes in the last 5,000 years.
Another presenter, James M. Taylor, an environmental policy expert and a fellow at the Heartland Institute, said that global cooling is happening now.
He pointed to data provided by the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab showing snow records from the last 10 years exceeding the records set in the 1960s and 1970s.
Easterbrook said global temperatures rose and fell from 9 to 15 degrees in a single century or less, a natural phenomenon he called "astonishing."
“Yes, it's warmer today than it was a century ago, but it was even warmer when Eric the Red settled on Greenland in 986.
The climate there supported the Viking way of life based upon cattle, hay, grain and herring for about 300 years, predating the Industrial Revolution.
By 1100, a colony of about 3,000 was thriving there. But then came the Little Ice Age, and by 1400, average temperatures had declined by about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, and the advancing glaciers doomed the Viking colony in Greenland.
They were doomed by global cooling.
In testimony before Congress on May 6, Britain's Lord Monckton noted, "Neither global mean surface temperature nor its rates of change in recent decades have been exceptional, unusual, inexplicable, or unprecedented."
He also advised: "There are many urgent priorities that need the attention of Congress, and it is not for me as an invited guest in your country to say what they are. Yet I can say this much: On any view, 'global warming' is not one of them."
I did research and found literally thousands of scientists who have signed a petition stating that they disagree with the scientific conclusion that global warming is occurring and is man made. The list is so extensive that I cannot print it here. As far as I can tell, these men and women have no financial interest and indeed are belittled by the minority of their closed-minded peers who seem to benefit by joining the Warmers. The left likes to state that over 90% of climate scientists agree with man made global warming, their poll obviously doesn’t include opinions of thousands who disagree.
Follow the money. The motive? The scientist advancing the hoax of man caused global warming is in position to gain and share in the vast wealth which will be obtained by any group who can devise a scam to control the worlds energy supplies and the type of energy approved by government. Auto companies have invested billions to produce green cars. “Government Electric” G.E. and Obama’s buddy Jeff Imelt stand to make billions by shoving expensive (CFL) mercury filled fluorescent light bulbs down our throats. Farmers love ethanol subsidies. Do we need any more evidence than the Solyndra, Fisker, Sunpower or the deals George Soros makes with foreign governments continuing to increase his personal fortune at the expense of American interests. Soros made multimillion's with Brazil’s Petrobras Oil as the Obama Administration shackled domestic oil with drilling regulations. Then Obama proudly announced America’s eagerness to become Brazil's best oil customer! Is it surprising that lobbyists for all these vested interests can find a few corrupt scientists to buy and load on board the Warmer Wagon? The foot soldiers of a corrupt media will always march in lock step supporting the political left. The Democrat media is equivalent to a fourth branch of government, why should they not also desire more power by controlling public opinion with leftist propaganda?
It’s tiring to read editorials like Randy Schultz’s recent word upchuck entitled Climate change: No change. The only value extracted from the Schultz column was when he reminded me that Jon Huntsman believes in global warming. Any politician who believes in man caused climate change must be defeated. Such thought is not only unenlightened but puts into the hands of government a tool to gain total dominance of peoples lives, imperiling the freedom of mankind.
That’s Why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!
Sigmund Feud:
“The reason for so much bad science is not that talent is rare, not at all; what is rare is character.
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