The Federal Direct Student Loan Program
When a sector of the American society or economy becomes dysfunctional it is likely that upon review of political history one will find that meddling by government was the cause. Government has a history of disrupting free markets resulting in a decrease of quality and a rise in costs. Evidence of such destructive, obtrusive, government activity can easily be found at the root of the housing crisis, the loss of American manufacturing, the rising cost of medical care and the banking collapse; just to name a few.
In 1964 the highest tuition for an Ivy League education was $1,700 at Columbia University. The following is a report from the Harvard Crimson news in 1964.
“Harvard will follow the lead of other Ivy League schools when it raises its tuition in the fall of 1964. This fall three Ivy League schools are hiking tuition rates and rates may go up at the other schools by the fall of 1964. This September Cornell and Columbia will both raise tuition to $1700, which will be the highest in the League next year. Dartmouth is planning an increase in tuition to $1675 for next fall, with an additional hike of $125 scheduled for September, 1964.”
Today, an Ivy League Education will cost over $52,000 per year! How did we get here from there? No, not by inflation. This rise is more than 600% above inflation! The reason is government meddling.
On November 8, 1965, as part of Democrat, Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society Program, The Higher Education Act of 1965 (Pub. Law 89-329) was passed. The law was intended to strengthen educational resources of colleges. It increased federal money given to universities and to loans and scholarships for students. The Act also created the National Teachers Corps.
On October 17, 1979, The United States Department of Education was created by (Public Law 96-88) and signed by Democrat President Jimmy Carter.
How did political interference and the flow of taxpayer money into higher education effect tuition cost? The answer can be found in the Harvard Crimson 1988;
“In 1977, an undergraduate paid $6525 for tuition, room and board. Student tuition made up 22.8 percent of the University income. Ten years later, each student paid $16,145 for a year at Harvard, and tuition paid 26.7 percent of total University expenses.”
In 1993 Democrat President Bill Clinton signed the Direct Student Loan Program who’s funding swelled to $7 billion by 2006.
In 2009, Democrat President Obama mandated that all new student loans would be issued through the Federal Direct Loan program.
What has all this Federal Government meddling done for higher education?
Financial Aid Rises, Tuition at Harvard College To Reach $52,650
Today an equivalent education will cost a student $52,000 per year, an increase of over 900%! Inflation rose 350% during this period meaning the cost of higher education outpaced the cost of living by over 600%! Why? WHY WOULD NOT ALL THIS TAXPAYER MONEY LOWER THE COST OF A COLLEGE DEGREE?
Students are told that to succeed in life, one must have a college education. The legitimacy of the high tuition cost is not questioned, it is just accepted. The student, desiring to be a productive citizen, is then offered a “low interest rate” and enticed to enter into a lifetime of crushing indebtedness to the government.
With Medicare, most patients have no idea of the true cost of medical procedures, usually they don’t’ even ask because they don’t’ write the check. Higher education is more transparent but the results are similar. Cost skyrockets and is not questioned.
After graduation, many students begin making loan payments and are shell shocked at the amount of incurred debt. Now the indebted, jobless, undereducated, idiots, outraged by their debt, march on the banks in protest of their plight; they occupy Wall Street! These Obamanista's are the Political Left's dream citizens, government dependent Democrat voters.
Now that the Obama Administration and the Federal Government have monopolized student loans, many graduates will leave college with enormous debt and no job prospects. Under government loans people will not have the ability to escape the crushing debt through bankruptcy protection, as they would have had with private bank loans. The result, millions of citizens instantly enslaved by their own government, people indentured to years of servitude to the politicians. The lunatic left desires, a dependent class of little people and they are creating them.
On Sunday, 11/13/2011 the editor of the Palm Beach Post, Randy Schultz, published an editorial entitled Cheer, cheer for old above average Florida. Mr. Schultz opposes splitting the University of South Florida into a 12th public university named USF Polytechnic and decries the meddling of state government.
News Flash! I agree with Randy Schultz of the Palm Beach Post! Schultz says, “ The universities need less political interference…”. I agree and I say Abolish the Department of Education Today!
Schultz’s lack of insight and intellectual desire to drill deeper into the issue of government intermingling with higher education leaves this Schultz reader with more questions than answers. Mr. Schultz, why no outrage at the gouging, fraud and corruption which is rampant across our nations university campuses?
In a previous post “The Heavy Price of Socialism” I discussed the scam of higher education. I wondered, “why do the media and the Wall Street Occupiers not ask the question “why did Universities increase tuitions at a rate of 900% since 1978?” That is not a misprint! The CPI rose 350% during this time period but tuition rose an astounding 900% without a peep from the media or the far left. Is the media’s silence due to the fact that they are mostly Liberal Democrats like Schultz? Could it be because the lunatic lefts agenda is to indoctrinate young minds to accept socialism as a superior form of government despite the glaring evidence that the further left we drift the worse off becomes the middle class and the greater the divide between rich and poor?
When the leftist elites pull up the ladder of opportunity, leaving the middle class without upward mobility, they alone will sit at the top mocking all the useful idiots who helped them destroy the American dream. They will have won; they will rule the penniless useful idiots that are churned out of our institutions of higher education.
With out opportunity Idiocracy reigns supreme!
Ambrose Bierce
Education: “That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.”
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