Friday, December 9, 2011


Photo by Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
Is the Obama Administration the most corrupt or simply the most incompetent administration in our countries history?

It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is!

Eric Holder has been caught lying to Congress. Two U.S. senators, 53 U.S. congressmen, state governors, presidential candidates and thousands of American citizens are demanding the immediate resignation of the corrupt Attorney General. Obama stands behind his point man in the leftist’s war to destroy the United States Constitution.
Because the mass media, such as the Democrat Palm Beach Post, barely mentions this mega story involving Democrat corruption, many Americans have no understanding of the national atrocity! In his attempt to undermine the 2nd Amendment, our right of gun ownership, the Obama Administration forced licensed gun dealers to illegally flood the southwest border areas of the country with military grade weapons. The best customers were Mexican drug cartel. The government’s defense is that this was a sting to track the guns back to the drug lords; that is a proven lie. No method of tracking was  ever planned. The chief law enforcer in the country intended the unimpeded deluge of highly regulated weapons onto the streets! They were attempting to turn public opinion against gun ownership and not only directed the legal gun dealers to make the sales but also even sent the buyers to their stores! Gangs used these weapons to murder. As a result, Holder and Obama are accomplices in these murders committed with Fast and Furious weapons. 300 people in Mexico as well as U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry are known victims of Fast and Furious weapons that have been recovered. How many unknown victims have been slaughtered with Holders guns. How many more will be killed by all the weapons yet to be recovered.
That’s why we have gun laws in America Mr. Holder! Protect our gun rights and our free elections through law enforcement! We deserve to be free of voter intimidation by any group, including the Black Panthers and free from terror assaults by gangs with AK47S!  
If Barack Obama does not hold his administration accountable for corruption, then those acts become his personal responsibility. When the president acquiesces to criminal or incompetent behavior resulting in the murder and terrorizing of North Americans, then Obama becomes a participant. His administration works at his pleasure and under his authority. When they lie to Congress and the American people Obama must correct the situation or Obama himself becomes the prevaricator.
Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer have both admitted that when the Attorney Generals Office sent a letter on February 4th 2011 to Sen. Grassley it contained false information. That letter was a blatant lie, stating, “Guns were never allowed to walk.” Caught in the lie, when the truth about the gun scam was exposed, the D.O.J. backed off this claim.  
Holder claimed that the letter was withdrawn because of inaccurate information.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner asked Holder, “Tell me what the difference is between lying and misleading Congress in this context?”

Holder answered, “If you want to have this legal conversation, it all has to do with your state of mind, and whether or not you had the requisite intent to come up with something that can be considered perjury or a lie,” Holder said. “The information that was provided in that February 4th letter was gleaned by the people who drafted the letter after they interacted with people who they thought were in the best position to have the information.”
So, Eric Holder who is charged with enforcing the countries laws says that you can lie under oath as long as you latter say that you didn't intend to lie. I suspect that this defense will only be accepted as legitimate when used by a Democrat.
I 'm reminded of the Clinton era. Every time I see the laughing stock of the world, Bill Clinton, on TV hawking his new book and being treated like a legitimate statesman by the Democrat press corps, I can’t help recalling these phrases.
“I did not have sex with that woman!” It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is.” Etc. etc. Bill, your semen is on the chubby kids dress!
Once caught committing perjury, Clinton simply redefined the definition of sex. In Clintonese, what constitutes sex no longer includes oral sex. The presidents new definition continues to delight millions of junior high schoolers and thousands of pedophiles.
The current Obama regime, just like all the past Democrat regimes, can do no wrong in the media’s opinion. Reporters would rather spend time lynching Herman Cain with unproven rumors. Or dig up classified nasty Nancy Pelosi files on Newt Gingrich. To Pallinize and Bork any conservative is the medias highest priority. 
The mountain of proven scandals and scams of the Democrat Party are ignored at the Palm Beach Post! John Corzine just gave George Soros a billion dollars of investors’ money. Not a problem, Corzine is no Bernie Maddoff, he is a Wall Street left wing Democrat. (By the way, Wall Street Occupiers, most Wall Street fat cats are Democrats you morons!) The hypocrite, Obama, supports you because you are useful idiots for his class warfare campaign! Obama’s administration is loaded with former Wall Street Executives who have pocketed our tax dollars! Take your 99% stench and park it outside the White House where the greedy1% resides.

Yesterday Jon Corzine sat before Congress and testified that he had no idea where over a billion dollars of funds under his guardianship at MF Global had gone!  "I simply do not know where the money is." testified Corzine. Try checking George Soros' bank account you stooge!
Corzine, the former head of Goldman Sacks and Democrat Senator and Governor from New Jersey, is MF Global top executive officer.
Before Jon Corzine’s latest scandal came to light, the Obama Administration touted Corzine as the top candidate to become the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Is his skill of thievery his qualification for a position at Obama’s treasury department? My God, doesn’t Obama have enough corrupt Wall Street executives in his sleazy administration! Obama’s lack of judgment demonstrates the incompetency of Obama’s leadership and provides a glimpse into how since 2008 the nations wealth has been stolen by the government and distributed to cronies of the Democrat Party. 
        Wake up America! The PALM BEACH POST  and the mass media will never tell you the truth. Find it yourself and tell your neighbors before we get another 4 years of corrupt stooges in the White House!

        Sojourner Truth:  "The rich rob the poor and the poor rob each other."


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