Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fast And Furious? Look Over Here.


            Hey people, nothing to see here, move along now, nothing to see here. Never heard of it sir. The Fast and what? No one’s furious here sir, move along now, nothing to see here.

            Right on cue, the Democrat tools at the Palm Beach Post, who call themselves reporters, have started an investigation through Wiki Leaks about possible gun violations. See The Palm Beach Post, 9/11/2011, Wiki Leaks Florida First in an Occasional Series by LaForgia and Playford. If you assumed this investigation would involve the huge and growing scandal being investigated by Congress and involving the ATF and connections reaching high into the Obama Administration you would be wrong. No Woodard and Bernstein here.
 Incredibly, the Palm Beach Post is focused like a laser on an obscure Canadian company called Century International Arms which conducts business in Delray Beach Florida. The accusation is that Century might have obtained vintage World War II era rifles from Guatemala via an Israeli broker.  A violation of an agreement through the Military Assistance Program circa 1956, which did not permit Guatemala to resell the weapons without permission is at issue. As a non-lawyer spokesperson it is obvious to me that the only possible illegality was when Guatemala sold the weapons to the Israeli broker. After Century obtained these obsolete weapons as a third party, they apparently intended to market them to gun collectors.
 The documented illegal transfer of modern automatic weapons like AK 47’s to drug lords in Mexico by our own government and under the control of the Obama Administration is not even newsworthy, at the Palm Beach Post, even as they kill American citizens! Could the lack of interest possibly be because the Democrats are in control of both the media and our government? Recently the only coverage I have noticed by the Post was a political cartoon, which trivialized the dumping of more than 2,000 automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican gangs and drug lords.
 Even as the guns continue to show up at murder and other crime scenes across the U.S. and Mexico and as more involvement of our government officials come to light; as the accused are fired, resign or inexplicitly promoted by the Obama Administration, the main stream media attempts to protect them as did Josh Horowitz in the Huffington Post. His feeble, convoluted attempt to denigrate the N.R.A. was embarrassing.
The Palm Beach Post’s laughable investigative report concerning Century International, when closely analyzed actually puts past company actions in a positive light. The report tells how in 1999 the Delray beach dealer was not interested in buying 3,000 AK 47’s and that instead the Israeli broker, Zoller, sold them to a middle man who then routed the weapons to “AUC, a right-wing paramilitary group whose heavily armed death squads have terrorized Columbia”. (Hey, that sounds like what is happening at the U.S., Mexican border.) From that deal, Century was only interested in buying 9,000 bayonets (probably to sell to collectors, who else would want them?) One must wonder had Century International purchased the AK47’s might they have been kept out of AUC’S hands?  
To make long story short, the Post starts out seemingly to vilify Century International Arms, a Canadian company founded in 1961, but their report consistently identifies the company as the most responsible party in each case! What an ambiguous mess of innuendo and an obvious attempt to smear. Like a movie with terrible screenwriters, the Palm Beach Posts report doesn’t work.  

Fast and Furious
While the Democrats at the Palm Beach Post chase windmills, let me an Independent voter and private citizen, report what I can find on the Internet.
The debacle now dubbed the Fast and Furious was originally an operation by the ATF that was supposed to be a sting type operation to track illegal weapons up the chain of gunrunners to catch the leaders. The sting was run in such an unprofessional and corrupt manner as to be not believable and not possibly a legitimate law enforcement endeavor. The extent of the corruption involved and the subsequent cover up has lead to widespread speculation about our government’s motives.
The ATF operation began late in 2009, the Obama administrations first year. The LA Times reported on 8/17/2011 that a source close to the controversy said; “that as early as January 2010, just after the operation began, weapons had turned up at crime scenes in Phoenix, Nogales, Douglas and Glendale in Arizona, and in El Paso”. Two weapons from the operation were found at the murder scene of American border agent Brian Terry. Up to 2000 high-powered weapons were illegally allowed to find their way to drug cartel and criminal elements inside America and in Mexico. Americans and many Mexicans have been slaughtered with high powered weapons provided by the American government under the Obama Administration, this much is not even disputed!
The Huffington Post reports 8/30/2011 “The operation has resulted in charges against 20 people and more my be charged.” Heritage.org reports that ATF special agent Bill Newell during the House Oversight Hearings lead by Rep. Darrell Issa of (R-Ca) claims to have reported concerns about Fast and Furious to National Security Director for North America, Kevin O’Reilly as early as September, 2010. “Newell’s admission is the first indication that White House officials were aware of the Fast and Furious program while it was ongoing” reports Heritage.     
 Across cyberspace, Operation Gunrunner has been determined in many quarters to be beyond belief and the theory has emerged that the leftist Department of Justice run by the radical Eric Holder began to intentionally use the operation to cause chaos and violence. One theory is that Fast and Furious morphed into a direct assault on the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution by the anti-gun Obama Administration. By flooding the border areas in the Southwest with illegal guns the Administration might turn the public opinion against the right to bear arms.
At this point, these theories are obviously far out there in coo-coo land, but the recent actions taken by the government has turned heads again. Kenneth Melson the Chief of the ATF and directly responsible for this tragedy has not been fired or arrested, he has been transferred to the Justice Departments Office of Legal Policy run by Eric Holder! Three key ATF agents were not fired but transferred to administrative roles.
The Huffington Post reports “Also leaving was Dennis Burke, U.S. attorney in Arizona, whose office was deeply involved in Operation Fast and Furious”. His top assistant, Ann Scheel, will replace him. The theory of the Obama Administrations acquiescence if not direct support of Fast and Furious are fortified by the recent promotion of three ATF agents who were intimately involved in devising and then pushing forward the operation even as it spiraled out of control! If not collusive on the first hand, has this administration lost its collective mind in its response in the aftermath?
Any journalist with a functioning cell of gray matter remaining in a brain washed numb by leftist ideology and with a thread of professional ethics has got to be intrigued by this story. The obstruction and lack of co-operation by our current administration in investigating this national tragedy has become as large as the original operation. The Fast and Furious cover-up could easily make Watergate look like an insignificant special report found in the back pages of the Palm Beach Post.

Douglass Cater:             “The reporter is one who each twenty-four hours dictates a first draft of history.”

Wake up media. Make history, tell the truth!

That’s why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

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