8/9/2011 Randy Schultz, editor of the Palm Beach Post, published an editorial entitled Give us a AAA government. His main point seemed to be that Fridays downgrade was as much a downgrade of the U.S. government as it was of America’s enormous debt. I agree.
I also agree with his comment “ Meanwhile, Washington remains focused on dodging blame. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., referred to the “tea party downgrade” citing the intransigence of some House Republicans”.
Am I the only one who noticed that more Democrats (95) voted against the raising of the debt ceiling than Republicans (66)? Regardless the reason, aren’t all these Democrats intransigent, terrorist allies of the Republican tea baggers?
So Kerry blames the Republicans, who have only had control of one branch of government for seven months, and not the Democrats who had a two-year monopoly including a 60-vote super Senate majority. It was during those two years that the Democrats forced open the throats of the American people and rammed Obama care down our unwilling gullets, in the process killing any hope of private business adding jobs and thus resulting in the stifling of the American economy. Then came the appointment of a legion of unelected czars and the attacks on the Chamber of Commerce and the demands and regulations aimed at the business community. Geniuses like Schultz no doubt wonder, Where are the jobs? Evidence of this is his conclusion that the economy is a needless casualty of the gridlock. The gridlock is due to people with functioning brain cells attempting to stop the insanity of a mindless horde of anti-capitalist, progressive elites in Washington who are cheered on by a corrupt mass media.
Schultz continues by asking, “Lets review the past eight months”. Oh, how convenient; that’s when the republicans gained a small foothold of power for the first time in two years! Later he states “Washington is a creation of the electorate, which for the most part tells the parties to dig in and never yield”.
Duh! Mr. Schultz, that’s why our form of government is called constitutional republic, we send citizens to represent us in Congress. Congress better damn well do what the people they represent want or they will have short service. The freshman Republicans were sent to Washington in order to derail the Democrat, Obama bankruptcy train.
A consistent common thread in Mr. Schultz’s editorials always seems to be the same conclusion, blame and disdain of the American people. He says, “That downgrade of our political system includes the voters.”
Sadly, this time I must agree but I believe that the reason American voters in recent history have made poor choices comes from complacency, yes, but mostly from an onslaught of distorted and biased misinformation espoused by an ill willed propaganda media machine.
After the 2008 election, I recall two of Americas most prominent news anchors pondering Obama. To paraphrase, they asked the question; what do we really know about this new young president? Who is he really? They asked us! Wasn’t that their jobs!
America knew what the Republican vice presidential candidate wrote in seventh grade English class. An army of fair and balanced journalists (lol) descended like flies upon a rotting carcass and attempted to portray her as a clown. Sarah Pallin was torn to shreds by these truth seeking (lol) professional (lol) journalists, as they concentrated on learning everything about her and her family including the children, yet they knew nothing of the President elect other than he wrote an autobiography and voted present a hundred times as a senator! Or did they really know much more that they did not want us ignorant voters to learn. I recall people being accused of dirty tricks for mentioning candidate Obama’s middle name. God forbid you question his ties to Rev. Wright, Ayers or any number of radicals that he himself admitted to seeking out in his college years.
Hopefully our country, as we know it, will survive four years of the Obama, elite media and leftist Democrat juggernaut as it continues to mangle our economy.
So in the mean time I anticipate more shallow, disingenuous and sophomoric analysis to appear on the pages of the Palm Beach Post. The one trick pony, Mr. Schultz, will undoubtedly come to the same conclusion concerning any problem facing America; the cause is the stupidity of the American people.
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