Saturday, April 20, 2013


Terror Brothers

         April 16th, 2013, David Sirota published the following article on

“TUESDAY, APR 16, 2013 07:24 PM EDT
There is a double standard: White terrorists are dealt with as lone wolves, Islamists are existential threats

            Well, Sirota got part of his wish. The terrorists are Caucasians but are Russian born Muslims.
Why would any educated, ethical, American citizen, especially a journalist hope to gain ideological or political advantage from the murder of innocent men, women and children by any hate group? The leftist piece of human feculence posing as a journalist, David Sirota, makes such an attempt by making the following assertion: “…privilege tends to determine: 1) which groups are — and are not — collectively denigrated or targeted for the unlawful actions of individuals; and 2) how big and politically game-changing the overall reaction ends up being.”
Not to be outdone, Randy Schultz of the Palm Beach Post offered a similar piece the following day that is discussed later.
How much more hypocritical can the left become? The day a Tea Party Patriot (or a progressive Occupy Wall Street loser impersonating one) commits an act of violence, I guarantee that the media and the Democrat party will label all Tea Party members as dangerous and violent! They will call for the investigation of all members and push for legislation to persecute patriotic people like Col. Allen West. If a Christian commits terror, all religion with the exception of Islam will come under attack. The cowards in the media and the secular left fear Islam but will readily attack Christians with even more fury and hate. Ask Salman Rushdie who crossed the PC line by expanding his criticism of religion beyond Judeo-Christian by bashing Islam in his book “Satanic Verses”.
 Death threats were made against Rushdie. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, issued a fatwa on 14 February 1989 against Rushdie. Ask yourself, what would the media do if the Pope issued a death sentence on a journalist? It is obvious which group is being granted a pass and offered a “double standard” by the sniveling cowards Randy Schultz, David Sirota as well as most of the media, it is Islam.
         As to privilege, the terrorist Chechen brothers escaped poverty by being granted visas to America. The 19-year-old jihadist was given a high school education and granted a scholarship for college. The older brother pursued a dream of becoming an Olympic boxer and studied to be an engineer at Bunker Hill College. None of this could have been possible in Kazakhstan. These men were well privileged! Osama Bin laden was over privileged! The one thing all these terrorists’ had in common was privilege and the luxury of not being persecuted by an intolerant society. What they also had in common was that they were intolerant, misogynist, gay hating, anti-west Muslim bigots worshipping at the altar of radical Islamofascism!

         As to David Sirota’s attack on radio host Laura Ingraham for questioning the countries immigration laws, here is what NBC News has discovered:
An official also suggested that a foreign government had expressed terrorism concerns about the elder Tsarnaev to the FBI two years ago.”
Yes, Tsarnaev was labeled a possible threat two years ago. It has also been reported that he left America and spent 6 months outside the country, which is not permitted for visa holders but was still allowed to return. Allegations are that he was training with terrorist overseas. See the following:

NBC News learned that counterterrorism officials were examining possible links between the brothers and the Islamic Jihad Union of central Asia, a terrorist group.”

Why should our open borders and selective enforcement of weak immigration laws by a corrupt federal government not be of concern to Ingraham?

Bodies Falling Just Collateral damage?

         Here is what Randy Schultz of the Palm Beach Post has to say:

Posted: 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 17, 2013

“Editorial: Obama right: We must ‘refuse to be terrorized.’

The person, persons and/or group behind the bombing likely hates a government, be it local, state or federal. The person, persons or group wants that government to change, which is unlikely. So the person, persons and/or group resorts to terrorism — the political element distinguishing it from mass murder, such as Aurora and Sandy Hook — in an attempt to even the odds. The innocents, including an 8-year-old boy from Boston, become collateral damage to the greater cause.”

Collateral Damage or Murdered Child?

As usual, Randy Schultz the mental midget of journalism has just boggled our minds! He stated that the Marathon Bombers and the 9/11 terrorists are not mass murderers because their motives involve a political element of protest. Somehow if you kill over 3,000 innocent people out of frustration, leftist believe that you are not a mass murderer, your victims are nothing more than collateral damage! If the 8yr. old boy was collateral damage, what was the primary target? The nearby trash bin? I can only assume that the anti-American, jackass Democrat, Randy Schultz like most progressives believes America deserves to be terrorized.

What Difference Does It Make Randy?

To paraphrase another hapless leftwing Democrat Party hack, Hillary Clinton, as she deflected her responsibility in the Benghazi cover-up; “What difference does it make at this point if it was just two guys out walking around or a planned terror attack?” Learn from Hillary Mr. Schultz; learn to be more creative in your political exploitation of our murdered citizens while ignoring those killed overseas (collateral damage) by Obama drones.

Sorry to disappoint you Randy Schultz and David Sirota, the Marathon bombers were not white Americans. The  Tsarnaev brothers were not one of the over privileged, anti-government, terrorsit rich kids that are so admired by the media and academia. Neither Obama's buddy domestic terrorist Bill Ayers nor new Columbia U. professor and murderess Kathy Boudin nor any other member of the radical domestic terror group once known as the "Weather Underground" had involvement. Sorry guys!

If left up to the editors of The Palm Beach Post,  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would probably be acquitted on technicalities and then be granted tenure at an Ivy League college to teach young Americans about tolerance of foreign cultures. Maybe Hollywood will glorify Tsarnev's bloody slaughter of innocents with a movie starring the misguided Hollywood leftist actor Robert Redford.

That's Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

The uncle of the terrorists;
“What I think was behind it: Being losers,” he said. “Of course we’re ashamed.”

I think the uncle is correct; Islamofascism seems to be a magnet, attracting losers to join the jihad, swelling the ranks of the mass murders that hide behind the façade of religion to commit vile acts of intolerance and destruction.

Columbia University might suggest that Dzhokhar be granted honorary lifetime membership in the "Weather Underground" and further his training under the tutelage of professor Kathy Boudin and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. 

Why are there not more people of Islam speaking out like the uncle? Why are the vast majority of Muslims not outraged and ashamed of the Islamofacism? Why does the left in this country coddle the groups who have sworn to destroy us? Is Salman Rushdie the only journalist/ writer with a spine?

Are We Doomed As A Nation Of Cowards? Speak out against all Terror!

Portugese Saying: “The coward is always in danger.”

This weeks must read; Salman Rusdie.

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