The president of the
United States had no hesitation when in a speech in San Francisco he mocked a
group of American, conservative, Christians as people bitterly clinging to
their guns and bibles! Does our brilliant, constitutional law professor
president not believe that the “bitter
clingers” have every right to peacefully exercise their first and second amendment
Obama readily
belittled Christians as uneducated yokels clinging to guns and bibles but still
refers to the Ft. Hood massacre committed by radicalized, Muslim, Army
psychiatrist, Nidal Hassan as an act of workplace violence even though he shouted “Allah Akbar!” as he shot our unarmed
troops. All the evidence shows that Hassan was a radical Islamist committing jihad in the name of Allah. How can his Administration remain
credible with the American people? How can we defend ourselves against the
threat that our own government cowardly refuses to correctly identify?
Obama have the cojones to call this man a bitter clinger?
Since the 9/11-terror
attack not much has changed; we are still at war with radical Islamofascists’
who are conducting jihad. The Boston bombers were radicalized Muslims living in
Boston, one of the most liberal cities in America. Boston has some of the
strictest gun laws in our nation. This did not prevent the two losers from
obtaining guns and making bombs. The pair enjoyed freedom, free education,
illegal drugs, illegal weapons and OVER $100,000 of welfare payments, all
funded with the money of hard working Bostonian taxpayers who were rewarded by
being blown up!
If I see one more asinine report on NBC or CNN telling us
what attractive and sweet young men these scumbags were, I might puke! That
description belongs to Martin Richard!
brothers posted YouTube videos showing imams exhorting the establishment of a
caliphate and the genocide of all Christians and Jews.
Probably due to political correctness, the members of the Democrat Party and
anti-American leftist’s working at the “New York Times” have already concluded
that the Tsarnaev brothers were self-radicalized on the Internet, not by
Islamic radicals living here or abroad. (Those
talking points sound similar to Benghazi where the attack was blamed on an
obscure YouTube video) The lefties deny that a segment of the Islamic
community is actively catechizing intolerance and violence and are responsible
for instigating terror attacks. All the
evidence says radical Islam is the threat. DUH!
“USA Today” has investigated
the Boston mosque that the brothers attended “The Islamic Society of Boston”
(ISB). USA Today has discovered that several ISB members have been suspected or
convicted of terrorism. The mosques
founder, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was sentenced to 23 years in Federal prison for
plotting terrorism and being Al-Qaida’s top fundraiser in America.
Click the following link to see a report
of the USA story:
A sister mosque in Boston is also accused of
spreading hate and intolerance. The following quote is from the above story.
“Its sister mosque in Boston, known as the
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, has invited guests who have defended
terrorism suspects. A former trustee
appears in a series of videos in which he advocates treating gays as criminals,
says husbands should sometimes beat their wives and calls on Allah (God) to
kill Zionists and Jews, according to Americans for Peace and Tolerance, an
interfaith group that has investigated the mosques.”
On Sunday, Democrat
Representative Keith Ellison appeared on Meet The Depressed and said; “We don’t
have enough law enforcement resources to just go after one community”. In
typical progressive “idiocracy”, Ellison claims that since we have limited
resources we need not focus on a single community, we must not scrutinize the
people who have overtly declared war on us, oh no, better we should spread our
resources thin by look at all groups. Maybe we should concentrate resources on
Mennonites, Amish; Hindus, students of Gandhi and of course any and all
Members of the Islamic
community have declared war on western culture and promised “to wipe Israel off the face of the earth”. Nearly
all of the attacks on America since 9/11 have come from radical Islamists, the
underwear and shoe bombers, the Fort Hood massacre, the Times Square attempt
and many other foiled plots all lead directly back to Islamofascist teachings.
Egyptian president,
Mohamed Morsi is on record as calling Jews descendents of apes and pigs. This
has not stopped Obama from completing a delivery of advanced fighter jets and
tanks to Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood, all paid for with your precious tax
See this report from
“Last Friday, the sitting
president of Egypt – the world’s 15th most populous nation — was exposed
for calling Jews “apes and pigs.” And he did it in a TV interview (in Arabic)
in 2010, less than two years before he took office.”
this link for more:
Despite these facts
most of the media and the Obama Administration refuse to label the source of
the anti-American hatred as Islamic jihadist activity spawned in the Muslim
communities. However the evidence is now so clear and overwhelming that even
some in the radical left of the Democrat Party are abandoning Obama’s PC positions.
Here are some of the defectors:
Newsweek’s Howard
Kurtz is tired of “too much sensitivity”
on what he calls “Islamic jihad”.
Barney Frank was seen
on TV saying that he is confused by Obama’s refusal to label the Boston
Marathon bombings as jihad.
Democrat activist Bob
Beckel called for a halt to student visa’s for Muslims.
A reporter at he New
York Times has asked; “What is going on
in your community?”.
As long as the Obama
Administration is in denial domestic “terror factories” like the Islamic Society of Boston will openly
function in this country churning out Islamofascist killers and putting all
Americans in danger.
As Bostonians bury the
dead and heal shattered bodies, Tamerlan Tsarnaev must be enjoying his 72
virgins. Hopefully it is in hell and they are all
400lb gay sumo wrestlers that practice poor personal hygiene!
The people of south Florida must never forget
that the editor of “The Palm Beach Post’, Randy
Schultz, wrote in an editorial that dead 8yr old Martin Richard and 2 other
innocent people were nothing more than “collateral damage to the greater cause”!
Maybe some resources should be devoted to monitoring the lunatic,
anti-American editors of The Palm Beach Post.
why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!
Heaven and hell are within us.”
This weeks “must read”: “The Quran”. Free
download from Amazon on Kindle.
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