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. “If you’ve
got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” That is what President Obama recently declared in Roanoke,
Virginia. Obama supporters claim that his remark is taken out of context. If you listen to the entire speech, the
context is much worse than that single sentence! There can no longer be any
doubt that Barrack Hussein Obama does not understand what makes America unique
and a beacon to so many people worldwide. Obama opposes America’s free market
capitalist system. He appears to embrace socialism at best and apparently even prefers
is a link from YouTube; Obama speaking on a c-span report:
My experience in
creating a business was drastically different than Mr. Obama’s analysis. The
following is the true story of my personal experience. I had to fight the local
and federal government every inch of the way to open a small business. We built our business in spite of the
government! The only thing that
government did for us was to put obstacles in our path! Government almost
caused us to give up our dream; government did not help us succeed!
In the year 1994, I
left the healthcare field where I had worked for twenty years in medical
imaging and healthcare administration. Two years prior to leaving, in 1992, we
literally “bought the farm” in
Florida, a small ten acre plot of land. Our family created a plant nursery on
that land and later, with great difficulty, an equestrian facility.
was 1992 in an area of south Florida that is designated as an “equestrian
area”, that we bought a mostly undeveloped property. Other than a dilapidated
old farmhouse situated in a small clearing, the land was an overgrown tangled
jungle of invasive vegetation intertwined and wrapped tight by thick vines. To
walk the property you needed to cut a path with a machete. For over a year after
moving to the farm, I continued working at the imaging center where I was
employed. I alternated my time off between remodeled the existing old farmhouse
(shack) and clearing Brazilian pepper trees, thick vines, acacia trees and
Australian pines from the land. I did most of the land clearing by hand in the
morning or evening to avoid the heat. Over the years, I wore out numerous
chainsaws and a few machetes. I put in fencing by digging the holes by hand with
a fence pole digger and I built a floating dock for our large, crystal clear
pond. My home remodeling projects were accomplished in the evenings by
following the directions in my “Time Life” do-it-yourself book series. Soon our
jungle of “weed trees” and vines was transformed into a beautiful, heavily
wooded ten-acre paradise and our old farmhouse became inhabitable.
With the land and
house now manageable, we began propagating fruit trees and plants. For a couple
of years we sold the trees, plants and fruit at the Green Market on the
weekends. I obtained an Agricultural Department permit to ship trees and plants
out of Florida. People from Boston to Arizona bought our rare plants. We were inspected annually by the
Department of Agriculture without any problems. This initial phase of my
experience with local and state government regulation in the early 1990’s was
not a bad experience. The downside to the endeavor was that the amount of labor
vs. the financial return of this business was not desirable. As a matter of principle, I refused to hire illegal immigrants to obtain cheap “off the books” labor a common practice at most nurseries.
As my young children
became older, they developed an interest in horseback riding and took riding
lessons at near-by equestrian facilities. Eventually, I left the medical field
for good and talked to my wife about starting a business that the whole family
might enjoy, an equestrian business. We could build a barn and open an
equestrian facility, I said. Our location was ideal for a horse business and
the whole family would be involved in the operation.
After some research I
decided to build a small six stall barn with an office, tack room, adjoining paddocks
and a riding arena. I hired a contractor that specialized in pole barn
construction who had done business in Florida for many years, albeit mostly on
the west coast. This is when I was first introduced to the nightmare of
government clerks, codes and bizarre government regulations.
Nearly a year after
the first permit was filed, and after much additional expense, the construction
of the modest, little, pole barn was finally completed. My contractor said he
had never dealt with such an anti-business county government in any state over
the 30yrs that he had conducted his business.
Before the county
would issue a certificate of occupancy they told my contractor he would have to
disassemble the barn, pull out the poles, and wrap the ends that were
underground in a material saturated with a pesticide even though the code
inspectors had approved each phase of the barns construction. Even though the
materials used were clearly marked as pressure treated, the lumber provider had
to send to the county proof that all the pressure treated lumber met the
requirements of the county. The company that made the arsenic based pesticide
had to submit a chemical description of the pesticide or my contractor would need
to wrap the poles as described. After great inconvenience, we were finally able to satisfy the
government clerks, for the time being.
The next hurdle was
when the government clerks required an elaborate electrical grounding system
for the barn (a new regulation that had been passed in the county six months
earlier). By now we were well over budget thanks to the county government and
unable to receive income from our business. Under direction of the contractor
and sub-contractors I began doing much of the remaining labor. I had to use a
sledge hammer to drive 24 six foot long copper rods arranged in a fan shape
into the ground at both the front and rear entrances to the little barn. Then
an electrician was hired to wire the rods together and connect them to rebar in
the center aisle concrete barn floor. I
was unaware at the time these costly delays were only a prelude to the utter
Hell of government regulation that was about to rain down on our little family
barn business!
With the government
clerks apparently out of ideas on how to impede us, our little equestrian
center was finished and it was beautiful. We obtained a private stable license
that permitted us to board up to four horses. Quickly the barn was full and we
had a waiting list for clients, then we purchased two horses for our family. In
order to legally board more than 4 horses and to legally participate in other
activities such as, training or selling horses, giving riding lessons, running
summer camps and conducting clinics- all the things necessary to increase
profitability- we were told we needed a commercial stable license.
One sunny morning,
after completing a few hours of landscaping work, I drove fifteen miles to the
location of the county permitting offices where people obtain the information
and applications to get a commercial stable license. A woman there asked me who
would be handling my licensing process. When I told her that I was doing it
myself she laughed until she realized I was serious, then she examined me
closer, probably trying to figure out if I was an eccentric, genius lawyer
dressed like a sweaty farmer or a complete idiot that had no idea what he was
doing. She must have realized that I was the latter because she seemed to
become sympathetic to my predicament. Her business like demeanor changed, she
began treating me with pity, like a man being lead to the gallows. She pulled forms and papers from cubbyholes that
covered an entire wall and spoke slowly to me, seemingly so I could understand the
purpose for each multipage application. I wondered if she would ever stop
pulling papers out of those boxes when she was finally finished. A pile of
paper work resembling the 2,700 page Obama healthcare bill was stacked neatly
on the counter. She smiled sympathetically as she handed me her business card and
said slowly as if speaking to a special needs person, “Call me if you don’t understand something” she said.
That evening I started
to review the mountain of applications and realized that the poor woman and I
had a misunderstanding. She did not realize that I was only applying to open a
small six-stall horse barn on just 10 acres. She obviously was under the impression that I was applying for a
1000-acre, 100 horse equestrian facility complete with Olympic style
jumping-stadium, a clubhouse, gift shops, restaurants, hotel, health spa and a veterinary
hospital. The next morning I called her back and after about an hour of
being disconnected, misdirected and placed on hold I was able to inform her of
our misunderstanding.
“There is no misunderstanding sir… those are the minimum requirements to
obtain a commercial license… let me give you the phone numbers of companies
that can help you with the licensing process” she explained again in a
voice that an adult might use while speaking to a young child.
I hired a well known
local company owned by an affable fellow named George. He specialized in
permitting development projects and told me the cost would run about $5,000. I
had no choice if I wanted to run my business; I needed George’s service.
The following are some
of the local government requirements that we were required to complete at our
expense in order to open our little, six-stall horse stable:
Provide the county with a study by a
licensed traffic engineer to estimate the impact of the increased vehicle
traffic in the area of the business.
Devise a plan for the traffic flow into
and out of the property. In the parking area of the stable provide drawings showing
where to place signs and arrows directing the traffic flow on the U shaped
driveway in front of the barn.
Provide a study by a water control engineer
to provide drainage plans and the impact of water runoff on the area.
Have an environmental engineer provide a
report on the topography with a survey and aerial photo’s showing all
elevations on the property and any wetlands on the property for the EPA.
Catalog all the trees and vegetation on
the property to provide for mitigation expenses for any trees and plants that
might be harmed or removed by the project for the EPA.
Do soil evaluations including drilled core samples into the
land and have a geological engineer give reports on the results.
Provide a water analysis of water samples taken from the
Attach 6 foot copper rods arranged in a
fan shape and spaced 2 feet apart and driven into the ground at the front and
rear entrances to the barn for electrical grounding.
Add a $2,000 pump lift station and macerator to the proposed
septic tank system.
Remove the existing pressure treated
poles supporting the pole barn and wrap the timbers with extra pest resistant
pesticide soaked wrapping materials. (This demand was waived after we proved we
exceeded the code requirements)
Cap and fill with concrete the existing
well and drill a new well 5 feet further away from the pond in order to have it
permitted as potable water.
are some of the issues that I recall, I’m sure there are many that I have
forgotten even though I spent many sleepless nights contemplating them.
into our commercial licensing process, I received a frantic call from George’s
office asking if I could come in for an emergency meeting. George’s company
despite many years of experience licensing and permitting county projects and
having done extensive work for major builders and developers such as “Toll
Brothers” had encountered a big problem concerning my little barn project.
The southern border of
my L shaped property measured 500 ft. and fronted an access road. The irregular
shaped property measured only 166 ft. on the North side that fronted what was
described as the main “feeder road”. George was aware that throughout the
county 150 ft of road frontage was required for any commercial facility. George
was aware that my property with 166 ft. conformed to the countywide requirement
until a surprising call came from the county zoning office. They had found in
the massive, mountain of regulations an addendum, an old requirement that pertained
only to my neighborhood and nowhere else in the county. The addendum stated
that in my sector 300 ft of road
frontage on a main feeder road was required. George tried to have the 500
ft. south border accepted but the county said no! It was not the main access
“feeder road”. George said that
our only option was to apply for a variance, a process that would take up to a
year at additional expense and with no guarantee of being granted!
I said “George, tell the mealy mouthed little clerks and the county
commissioners to shove my application up their ass!”
now knew what the barn builder had discovered; this county was flagrantly
anti-business development. So Mr. Obama,
for me the government did not build my business, the government with regulation
limited my ability to earn a living while simultaneously drastically raising my
living costs through skyrocketing property taxes, intangible property taxes and
hitting me with fees and licensure costs. The kick in the teeth was that my
blood, sweat, labor and money invested led to the government receiving more tax
revenue to pay their army of anti-business government employees.
As a result we were forced to operate
our small business as a private stable. As
far as Obama’s claim that the public roads make businesses profitable, the
county came in and paved all the dirt roads in our designated equestrian
community despite strong opposition from the horse community, and then billed
us for the cost! Their reason?- to reduce county maintenance costs on dirt
I cleared the ten
acres of overgrown land that seeded the surrounding area spreading unwanted
invasive plants. I transformed a derelict property that the previous owner owed
back taxes on and which was not contributing tax revenue to the community into
a valuable asset. I cleared and improved the site putting it onto the county
tax rolls. The government rewarded my family and me by throwing up roadblock
after roadblock, increasing our taxes and operating costs, and stifling our
business dream with government regulations. The overall consequence was that our
earning potential was greatly reduced and because of that, the county lost additional tax revenue that could have been used to pay
their horde of sniveling little pencil pushers that sit behind government desks
and seem to take enjoyment from wielding their power of government regulation
over the interests of hard working citizens in the private sector.
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“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.
Somebody else made that happen.” Obama said!
No offense Mr.
President, but you are an out of touch moron with no idea of what the business
community must deal with because of big government interference. You are an idiot,
sir. You and your socialist comrades didn’t build this country you feed off all
the hard work of the private sector, the taxpaying American. You are parasites.
You enjoy government jobs because you are funded by the American system of
capitalism and the hard work of the American business in the private sector.
The following is from
YouTube, Obama in full context:
As Col. Allen West recognizes, the Democrat Party is full of communist
leaning socialists led by the CONGRESSIONAL
PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS and the Obama administration.
Elizabeth Warren must have had a Pow-Wow with Obama in the
presidential Wig-Wahm! She sounds just as anti-business as Mr. Obama.
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Below is a
transcript of Warren’s remarks, the video is posted on YouTube:
“I hear all this, you know, ‘Well, this is class warfare, this
is whatever. No. There is nobody in this
country who got rich on his own — nobody.
“You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be
clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us
paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and
fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that
marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire
someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did.
“Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something
terrific, or a great idea. God bless — keep a big hunk of it. But part of the
underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward
for the next kid who comes
Ms. Warren, just get out of the way and the next kid who comes
along might have a chance to succeed and escape the government dependency that
you and the Democrat Party have designed for all us little people!
Democrat politicians and their minions at the Palm Beach Post have
no concept of the business world and how it works.
why the Democrat Party and the propagandists at the Palm Beach Post suck!
What an amazing story! Makes one wonder how many small business ventures have gone by the wayside before they even started!
ReplyDeleteMany dreams of small business people have been shattered by unjust, unneeded government regulation. On my blog, I have a post about a woman baking donuts forced to by a grease tank the size of the titanic! Many others are turned into lawbreakers, forced to operate illegally to survive financially. Big developers pay off the corrupt gov. workers and maintain personal relationships with them; the good old boy system!