Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Et tu, Rhondte!

The Palm Beach Post’s Posse, the angry horde of liberal Democrat journalists led by editor Randy Schultz and Andrew Mara, has summoned fellow editorial writer Rhonda Swan from the “porch” to join them in the great chase; their attempt to capture and lynch in the media, black, conservative Congressman and “fugitive slave” Rep. Allen West.

In an editorial posted: 4:30a.m. Sunday, July 29, 2012, Ms. Swan figuratively inserted the knife in Allen West’s back by endorsing Sherriff Robert Crowder who is opposing Mr. West in the Republican primary election. Why would Ms. Rhonda Swan support a white Republican, Robert Crowder, - who Ms. Swan admits knows nothing about legislative issues- over black, Rep. Allen West, who during his first term co-sponsored and passed through the House important legislation?
Despite Swan’s belittling of Allen West’s legislative success, his achievements were not small accomplishments. The truth is, Rep. Allen West has been one of the most determined and hardest workers in Congress. He has tirelessly met with his constituents in person and has held many town halls. He is a man in touch with the people. Here is how one reader responded to Rhonda Swan’s false allegations, misrepresentations and lies about Allen West;

            “Posted by HankS at 8:13 a.m. Jul. 29, 2012
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No wonder Congressman Allen West continues as the number one target of the Democrats. He works harder than any representative in recent memory. A 99.9% voting record, 1396 votes cast, has held 700 meetings with constituents, and has conducted over 36 town halls. 
Congressman West represents all Americans, and will continue to fight for values that made our country great. Message to progressives and liberals: Get Over It. Go West!”

Thank you HankS for proving that not all the readers of the Palm Beach Post are un-informed, elites; Northeasterners that have re-located here after emerging from the incubator cesspool of liberal political corruption that's perpetuated by the Democrat Party Machine of New York and Massachusetts. Obtaining and retaining political power by oppressing people and by making them dependent, not self-sufficient, is their goal. The left propagates generation after generation of dependent minority “slaves” and then educates a select group of minorities who participate as slave bosses to serve the white masters. If any of the privileged, educated, minority "bosses" scorn the Left's ideology and attempts to leave the Democrat Parties liberal plantation system of oppression, they are destroyed by the media. Democrat progressives in the media and in Congress are the enforcers who will destroy minority citizens that attempt to escape the Democrat Party’s "dependence by design" schemes. The list of politically conservative minorities that have fallen victim to the hate-mongering progressives is long, Allen West is their most recent target.

Ms. Rhonda Swan has shown the people of South Florida that she is participating in the oppressive, progressive's scheme to destroy conservative minorities by endorsing Robert Crowder and attacking black, conservative Congressman Allen West.
Despite her admission that Crowder is ignorant of legislative issues, she still endorses him over West! The following is what Ms. Swan wrote:
Rep. West is right Sheriff Crowder should know more about legislative issues.”

That is astounding! Rhonda Swan endorses for Congress a man who she admits knows nothing about legislative issues! She endorses an unqualified white Republican to replace a sitting black Republican Congressman with two years experience! What the Hell? Can there be any reason other than, because Allen West has fled the Democrat plantation, he must be discredited; figuratively lynched? Does Ms. Swan believe that only white people should be Republicans?

Here is a reader’s response to Rhonda Swan’s idiocy;

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“Surprise, surprise! So the Post Editorial Board chooses Sheriff Crowder ? The man doesn't even have an opinion on Obamacare! The man doesn't even know who he is going to vote for for President in November! This man has shown that he is clueless! The man couldn't even round up enough signatures to get on the ballot, he had to waste his contributor's money to pay his way on to the ballot! He holds no town hall events but then he whines because Allen West won't debate him. Bob Crowder simply wants Allen West to draw his crouds for him. Bob Crowder is the worst possible candidate to be our Congressional Representative.
So now you whine that Allen West won't meet with you? Please be reminded of Congressman West's words; "I do not answer to self-appointed elitists so blinded by ideology they are incapable of an intellectually honest discussion. Furthermore, I am not going to provide an opportunity to play “gotcha” games where they misconstrue my words to advance their own political agenda." Meeting with you amounts to a total waste of a good man's time.”

Well-written, Macktheknife! Why would any conservative minority want to meet with the biased, lying jackals that pretend to be Palm Beach Post reporters but are transparently unprofessional, dishonest Pro-Democrat propagandists?
Swan continued to tighten the noose on Rep. West. She wrote that West has no legislative accomplishments and is ineffective, but then reported a random fact, “… he (West) has sponsored seven bills of little significance, only one which passed the House.”

Contrast Allen West’s efforts in the House with President Obama’s record in the U.S. Senate. Google Senator Barrack Hussein Obama’s embarrassing Senate voting record and you will see the drastic contrast in the character and work ethic of the two politicians. Obama was a joke as a U.S. Senator yet received Rhonda Swan’s strong support for president!

December 20, 2007, the liberal New York Times reported the following concerning Senator Obama;

“In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator.”
In the same article the Times reported;

“Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, his chief rival for the Democratic nomination, has seized on the present votes he cast on a series of anti-abortion bills to portray Mr. Obama as a “talker” rather than a “doer.”

Col. Allen West is a doer, Barrack Obama is a smooth talker and master of the teleprompter. Mr. Obama was trained in Ivy League classrooms, Mr. West in the killing fields or Iraq as a leader with the U.S. Army. Mr. Obama organized social workers in the streets of Chicago, Mr. West led men through terrorist’s gunfire in the streets of war torn Iraq. Mr. West fought and killed terrorists face to face at great personal risk; Mr. Obama ordered drone attacks from his kill list while sitting behind a desk in the White House, killing people including American citizens under the protection of an army of secret service bodyguards. The contrast between these two men is stark. Who do you admire?

Rhonda Swan prefers the smooth talker. I prefer the man of action, the doer, who gets the job done. Swan is a strong supporter of the weak leader, our do-nothing President Barrack Obama. Why? Does she consider Obama to be a skilled politician who works well with his Republican opponents (LOL!), a trait she claims Mr. West does not possess? Does she really think Obama has been effective in fulfilling his campaign promises? Does she not recognize Obama’s colossal failure of leadership, even while the president enjoyed complete Democrat Party domination of the government for over half of his four-year term? Obama did not even attend the NAACP convention. Why should he? He knows that he owns America’s black vote; he is their master, they his servants who will vote for Obama no matter how high black unemployment climbs.

Allen West is a natural leader and has proven it throughout his lifetime. Rhonda Swan apparently despises Allen West for being conservative and free of the victim mentality, something she apparently will not tolerate from any black person. West is a fugitive slave who has abandoned the Democrat Party. The elitists who make a living off the backs of minorities by keeping them oppressed and dependent on government handouts in exchange for Democrat votes must destroy Mr. West! A free, independent, successful and self-sufficient minority person is the greatest threat to the Democrat parties’ political power base and Ms Swan will do what she can to defeat any black who rejects her and her white plantation bosses influence. Swan and her white bosses will use the omnipotent power of the press to injure, destroy and defeat conservatives in our society, especially conservative minorities.
By endorsing Crowder an unqualified white man over the well-qualified and experienced incumbent black, conservative congressman, African-American, Rhonda Swan provides her white plantation boss, Randy Schultz and the Post, political cover from charges of racism in the incessant, dishonest attacks on Allen West. The cost to Ms. Swan’s reputation and integrity for running this political interference for her white bosses will be heavy. She has exposed herself as a leftwing, political biased journalist who is active in the plantation mentality of the Democrat Party

Here is a comment posted by another minority Post reader who has jumped the Democrat fence to escape the white, liberal plantation bosses who attempt to control him;  

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“If the PBP supports a candidate, then I will vote his opponent. Why do you think the subscription rate continues to plummet?”

I have practiced Tico’s “contra” strategy for years, when in doubt about an issue or a candidate, I find what position the Palm Beach Post endorses and then I vote the opposite; a foolproof method to get any issue right!
Shame on you Rhonda Swan, Col. Allen West is an American hero who has overcome the oppression of racism while growing up in the Deep South. He is an independent thinker, not a mindless robot controlled by the propaganda of the Democrat Parties plantation bosses. Col. Allen West has become successful through hard work, sacrifice and an optimistic approach to life. He rejects the victim mentality of the Democrats. He will not be taken for granted by the Left. West will not sit at Randy Schultz’s table begging for scraps. Allen West will not sit down and shut-up. He will not comply! He will not march mindlessly, goose-stepping to the Democrat National Socialist’s drumbeat. West will not be anyone’s slave just to have a prestigious job and gain the adulation of the Left. He will lead all American people, not divide them and reign over them as a slave boss; he will earn his own way in life.  

That’s why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

This weeks must read; “Blacklash” How Obama and the left are driving Americans to the government Plantation
by Deneen Borelli
pub. 2012 Threshold Editions
ISBN # 978-1-4516-4286-5

Me: “Bringing our country out of her darkest hour, the Republican Party led by Abraham Lincoln fought and defeated the southern Democrat plantation owners freeing the slaves. Isn’t it strange how things never change? The battle is not over.”

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