The world is in chaos. Europe is having an economic melt down. People are being slaughtered in Syria. The Muslim Brotherhood is taking over much of the Middle East. In our country energy costs are hammering the middle class and jobs are scarce. Iran threatens to block the Straight of Hormuz as Obama blocks the Key Stone Pipe Line. Gasoline prices approach 5$ per gallon as Obama exhausts himself with multiple vacations and fundraiser parties. Obama’s lack of leadership in the world has brought humanity to the precipice as Israel and Iran faceoff. Israel is only months away from bombing Iran. Obama’s inability to intelligently address each crisis has made America a follower, no longer a leader. Obama’s failed presidency is a great threat to world peace and his re-election. So what has been troubling Randy Schultz’s estimable mind?
On Friday March 2nd 2012, Democrat propagandist and Obama cheerleader, Randy Schultz editor of the Palm Beach Post, ignored all of these critical issues and chose to continue to distract readers of the Post by helping the Democrats incite false fears that some sort of anti-birth control laws are being proposed. Randy’s diversion follows the Democrat Parties tactic; misrepresent the legitimate public outrage against unconstitutional government mandates as an attack on women’s ability to obtain healthcare. This is an obvious attempt by Schultz to help the Democrat Party scare women and gain political advantage over opponents by lying about the birth control issue. Schultz nearly admits to his strategy when he states; “With the economy improving for now, the GOP line of attack against Mr. Obama is gas prices and birth control.”; thus Mr. Schultz’s’ misrepresentation and propagandizing in support of the Democrats.
There is no attempt to take away access to birth control. If Schultz is featherbrained to the extent that he believes this rhetoric, I must ask:
Randy Schultz has a long history of misusing his position and power in the mainstream press to spread the distortions and lies of the Democrats and the political left. Palm Beach County is populated by limousine liberals, relocated liberal elites from the North East who believe they are enlightened and intellectual superiors to us. They view themselves as progressive and hip but 9 out of ten can’t even intelligently discuss a political or social issue with out getting into name calling and stereotyping. So, possibly Schultz is playing to his snobby, misinformed audience to sell his News Paper or maybe he’s actually a fool.
Surely Debbie Wasserman –Schultz and Randy Schultz are political allies but are they well intentioned village idiots, or power hungry socialists? I believe that they know no one is trying to take away contraceptives. The true issue is that unconstitutional government mandates are being imposed on citizens and private institutions, but they don’t’ care. They apparently have no respect for the Constitution of the United States.
In his editorial Schultz wrote the following:
“Imagine, for example, the 125 employees who work for a woman who believes that childhood vaccines cause autism. If the Blunt amendment were law, it wouldn't matter that research has shown the claim to be bogus. If the Blunt amendment were law, the employees' rights to protect their children wouldn't matter. One person's misguided "moral conviction" would matter.”
Randy, Randy Randy, even in this analogy, no one is denying any child vaccinations! Although not covered under this policy, the vaccinations would be legal and available to all the children. Children of low-income parents would be provided vaccinations free of charge, as you know! What you just wrote is a strong argument against “Obamacare”, such a program has no reasonable limits of care.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the Schultz’s are mental midgets. Obviously in this case the parents could get the child the vaccinations elsewhere and pay out of pocket or go to a free clinic. Many people pay for numerous medical services that their insurance policies do not cover. Others buy comprehensive coverage and pay little out of pocket. This is called freedom of choice and personal responsibility. The socialists would like everyone to have the government provide extensive healthcare for free, to all, even birth control. This sounds wonderful until one does a reality check on past government run institutions.
Obama has squandered our countries wealth and resources by escalating the wars, giving payola to his cronies in the green industry and bailing out Fannie, Freddie and Wall Street buddies. I would love to have government tooth fairies provide all Americans with dental health care. I would love to have flying government unicorns provide renewable, clean energy transportation, but we are already broke and I hate to disappoint you Mr. Schultz but the tooth fairy and a Socialist Utopia has never existed and is simply a figment of your imagination.
I continue to be convinced on a daily basis that anyone registered as a Democrat is necessarily either mentally challenged or a disingenuous, politically motivated, pathological liar.
Randy Schultz is obviously a Democrat, so by that definition is he a complete moron or a clever Palm Beach Post propagandist?
What do you think?
J.A.C. Brown: “The essence of propaganda is the presentation of one side of the picture only.”
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