Tuesday, February 28, 2012



Four years ago gasoline prices rose to $2 per gallon. The press including the Palm Beach Post raged against the Bush and Cheney Administration, the evil, greedy oil men occupying the White House. Now as gasoline approaches $5 the mom driving her kids to soccer practice can only dream of the good old days of affordable gasoline. 
Enter Obama and the radical leftist environmentalists. The press now makes excuses and defends the Democrat's energy killing policies and blames speculators on Wall Street not the Democrat Party which has blocked construction of oil refineries, oil wells, nuclear power, coal production and even the Keystone Pipe line. 
President Obama’s only energy plan is to pay off political supporters in the green industry and stifle domestic production of gasoline, oil and coal, intentionally causing fuel and electricity prices to “skyrocket”! The link below shows candidate Obama describing his plan to the San Francisco Chronicle when he was campaigning for president.

Barack Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (January 2008)

Now, three years into Obama’s presidency Americans have suffered under the crushing high cost of energy. Why are we surprised that under Obama the cost of gasoline has skyrocketed from $1.84 per gallon to nearly $4.00 per gallon. Four years ago, Obama promised that he would make this happen. Incredibly, if given four more years, Obama envisions $12 per gallon gasoline in the future!

            The following link is Obama describing how he is glad that energy prices are rising but would rather see the increases happen gradually instead of rapidly.

Obama was asked; “As difficult as this is for consumers right now, is, in fact, high gas prices what we need to let the market work, a line incentive so that we do shift to alternative means of energy?” 

”….could these high prices help us?” 

Sen. OBAMA: “I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing.”

His candid honesty is shocking! To Obama, manipulating the American people is like boiling a frog in a pot of water. If you throw the frog into hot water it will jump out but if you put it in warm water and gradually increase the temperature the happy frog will cook before it realizes it’s fate.

Obama admits his intention to continue to cause oil prices to skyrocket in order to force the American people into renewable energy. The government will make the private sector submit to green energy projects by making conventional sources of energy unaffordable. If bankrupting the nation and forcing citizens into government dependency is a consequence of the governments energy policies, so be it; the end justifies the means.

Obama has continued drilling moratoriums in our country while giving billions of dollars to Brazil to do deep water drilling. Obama has stopped the Keystone Pipeline Project and continues to make resource rich America ever more dependent on foreign sources of energy.
The left has been telling us of their Cap and Trade schemes for years, so why are we surprised by the current cost of gasoline? If you voted for Obama in 2008 how can you be surprised at the high price of energy? Obama warned us of his plan to fundamentally transform the country and to destroy the economy long before a vote was cast. The Democrat media made this deception possible in 2008 and they are trying to dupe the American people again.

If you like a jobless economy with skyrocketing energy costs then vote to re-elect Obama in 2012. If you have a brain cell functioning then vote for anybody other than Barrack Obama.

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