The Associated Press reports “The Obama administration restructured a $500 million dollar federal loan to a troubled solar energy company in such a way that private investors – including a fund-raiser for President Obama – moved in ahead of taxpayers for repayment in case of a default.”
In other words, once again this administration has screwed the taxpayers to take care of the Obamanistas and the Democrat party. The A.P. report is entitled “Administration reworked loan to solar firm to favor donors”.
The restructuring of the loan was done after it was clear that Solyndra would go bankrupt and put the taxpayer behind Obama’s cronies, in violation of federal law, yet the Democrat tools who edit The Palm Beach Post chose to bury this scandal on page 21A of Sunday’s 9/18/2011 edition. Those involved in the loan restructure reach high into the White House and the donors have ties to Michele Obama. The scandalous misuse, by Obama, of taxpayer funds to reward his political supporters is apparently ignored or condoned by the horde of leftists at the Post just as the huge Fast and Furious cover-up has been.
One would think that the self-proclaimed fiscally conservative Palm Beach Post would print this possibly criminal scam and waste of taxpayer money above the fold on page one. This possibly illegal waste of stimulus is big news right? No, not to the Obama butt boys at the Palm Beach Post. One must flip past front-page propaganda pieces about “Health costs devouring income”, (hello Obama care?) or the class warfare piece “The Great Economic Divide” (tax the rich), or “Familiar fear for Social Security” (scare the elderly) and “Perry on the Hot Seat”(another Texas dunder head) all reported on page one. Wow, apparently the Palm Beach Post’s pro-Democrat 2012 political campaign is already underway. They crammed all the key Democrat talking points onto page one! Beyond the front page, one must then suffer through twenty more pages of mediocrity and slanted gruel disguised as news-reports, including obituaries, before finding the most important story of the day; yet another huge Obama scandal at the bottom of page 21A!
The Palm Beach Post recently opined on how the stimulus bill has been a great success even as more and more details emerge on how our national treasure has been looted by this corrupt administration and used to pay off corporate cronies, private and public service union allies and enlarges a political campaign slush fund. The post defends this debacle called stimulus spending even as the economy tanks and Obama plans to waste 10 billion more hard earned tax dollars before the stimulus program expires.
EddieOlsen: "The love of unearned money is the ideology and idiocy of the Left."
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