Tuesday, January 22, 2013



            Just when you think that the lefties could not possibly act with less common sense, ABC News reports this incident at a Pennsylvania Public School! Click the following link for the whole story.

This is the transcript from the ABC report of the Hello Kitty Bubble Gun 5-year-old terrorist!

“Now to the kindergarten student branded a terrorist. She was expelled for threatening to shoot another kid. The weapon this hello kitty bubble gun.
Get joe benitez is here with the story. Welcome to weekends. You brought a prop.
One like this one. You know, Dan, the school took it so seriously administrators ordered she receive a psychological evaluation all for talking about a bubble gun like this one. This Mor family plans to sue the school to get this all off the child's permanent record.
Was this the weapon of choice for a new kind of terrorist? Terror by bubbles. The small pink hello kitty toy gun is an automatic bubble blower but just days ago when a 5-year-old girl said she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles, the school calls it a terrorist threat.
I think people know how harmless a bubble is. It doesn't hurt. It's just bubbles.
It can't harm anybody. It's only a bubble gun. For a 5-year-old.
Reporter: Administrators at Mt. Carmel area in Pennsylvania took action suspending the girl for ten days.”

The parents tried to transfer the child to a school where the lunatics are not in charge of the asylum, but the 5 year old has now been labeled as a terrorist threat and is unable to transfer!

There can no longer be any doubt where the radical lunatics, those living on the fringes of our society reside; in the Democrat Party of Barrack Obama!

Recently, several self-defense, “stand your ground” incidents have occurred across the country. The anti-gun media including the pathetic rag “The Palm Beach Post”, (whose Democrat editors have made the Trevon Martin killing by George Zimmerman a major issue and have all but convicted Zimmerman of murder on the pages of the rag despite all the emerging evidence proving that Zimmerman’s life was in jeopardy) have done very little reporting of the many justified “Stand your ground” incidents such as the one that follows:

12/31/12, on New Year’s Eve, an Oklahoma mother proved she was anything but defenseless after she shot and killed an intruder who was breaking into her home.

Click this link for more:

Randy Schultz, the progressive lunatic editor of “The Palm Beach Post” posted an editorial: “Obama’s proposals do not ‘undermine’ the Second Amendment.” Schultz covers all the predictable Democrat talking points in the boring editorial but midway through offers a staggering demonstration of the absolute inability of a progressive to reason or think logically.
Schultz wrote the following; “The president has ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to study the causes of gun violence, but there is no violence without the gun.”
That is a direct quote from the editor of the Palm Beach Post!
Does Schultz believe that guns are the only weapon that can be used to commit violence and that federal laws will keep guns out of the hands of law breakers?
The street drug crystal meth is illegal. Criminals buy and sell meth. Meth can be found in our schools. Laws prohibiting meth has not stopped the abuse or prevalence of meth.
How can these anti-gun idiots believe that the banning of guns would lead to a different result? Criminals will have guns and law-abiding people will be disarmed and helpless.

Below, Wikipedia describes the largest massacre of school children in U.S. history; it did not involve a firearm.

The Bath School disaster is the historical name of the violent attacks perpetrated by Andrew Kehoe on May 18, 1927 in Bath Township, Michigan that killed 38 elementary school children and six adults, and injured at least 58 other people.[Note 1] Kehoe first killed his wife, fire-bombed his farm and set off a major explosion in the Bath Consolidated School, before committing suicide by detonating a final explosion in his truck. It is the deadliest mass murder in a school in United States history.[1]”

If Schultz could sprinkle magic, Democrat, utopian fairy dust and instantly guns ceased to exist, don’t you think that a sick lunatic might figure out how to drive a truck containing a homemade fertilizer bomb or stolen explosives into a school. Timothy McVeigh did not use a gun in the deadly Oklahoma City bombing yet the attack killed 168 people and injured over 800?  Could an argument be made that guns are not only needed for personal self defense and to protect the citizens from a tyrannical government as stated by the 2nd Amendment, but that they also are a deterrent against lunatics attempting even more devastating bombing attacks?
 Moreover, until Democrat, utopian, pixie dust is discovered, guns will exist even if banned. Commonsense says “put good guys with guns where our children gather instead of leaving them defenseless and unprotected”.
The FBI says that blunt objects are used in murders more often than any other weapon. Do we ban baseball bats? Is Schultz unaware that O.J. used a knife, another weapon that is often used to commit violence?  I guess not, it was he who said; “… but there is no violence without the gun.” A thinking person would say; there is no gun violence without the violent person intent on committing murder pulling the trigger of that gun.

I do not believe that a moron could reach the position of editor of the Palm Beach Post. That means that Randy Schultz is most likely a clever, fulsome, propagandist for the Left and the Democrat Party and not the simple idiot that he appears to be.

JOSEPH GOEBBELS: Propagandist Nazi National Socialist Party

RANDY SCHULTZ: Socialist Propagandist Democrat Party 

Now, shamelessly President Obama has exploited the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut and used the death of the children to advance gun control measures on law-abiding citizens. As Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former White House Chief of Staff, told the Washington Post; “No crisis should go to waste’.
Taking that advice, Obama has signed 23 executive anti-gun owner orders. Once again, just like when he signed Obama-care, Obama used children as props for the TV cameras as he signed the papers. Three children who had written letters to him concerning the recent violence were displayed.
The following is a letter that a different child might have written, a child who's parents actually want to protect children from violence not just advance leftwing, progressive, governmental controls and policies to subjugate the populace.
 Here is my letter from the fictional child, Kitty Hello of Georgia.


Dear Mr. Pwesodent Boma,
Please do not take my Mommy’s gun. Bad peoples tried to hurt our neighbor wady but she shot him five times before he tried to run home. Her wittle children cried. The bad man might coulda killed the wittle children before the polease man come.
 Mommy says you and the Dumb-o-crats might take our bullets and two bad men might come to our house and Mommy will not have enough bullets. Pwease wet my Mommy potect our house Mr. Pwesodent, I do not have guards wike your pwetty daughters.
Also pwease wet my school have a good man with a gun to pwotec all the wittle children from the bad man with the gun.
     Thank you Mr. Pwesident Boma. It is ok that you spent all the childwen’s money to get we-elected. You need the money more than us wittle kids so you can give government workers a pay waise. Mommy says I owe $51,000 alwedy. 
(Bypassing Congressional authority, King Obama through executive decree has given government workers, who already make higher salaries with better benefits than the public that they serve, a pay raise even as every American now has $51,000 of national debt on their heads!)
 That's Ok Mr, Boma. I wove you and our pubick school teachers teach us sing songs how much we wove you Pwesident Boma! Have a nice nogaraytion day! I wove you!
Wove Kitty Hello.”

The true story of the mother living in Georgia is below. Click this link to The NY Daily News report:

This is what was reported.
 Today, Jan. 04,2013, a young mother living in Georgia, shot and wounded an intruder who broke into her house.
The incident happened when a woman, working in her upstairs office, spotted a strange man outside her home. She grabbed her 9-year-old twins and hid in a crawlspace as the man broke in to the house using a crowbar.
She called her husband who instructed her to hide and to shoot if necessary as he called 911. The woman shot the intruder five times but even that did not kill him. If he had accomplice's and she faced multiple intruders but was limited by law to a seven shot clip- as the left proposes- would she and her children be alive today?

More stories abound.

"A 12-year-old girl defended herself and family home by grabbing a shotgun and hiding in the closet. Only when no other choice was presented did she shoot the intruder, effectively defending herself.
While the girl was home alone, an intruder rang the front doorbell then went around to the back door and kicked it in. The girl called her mom who told her to grab the shotgun and hide in a closet and call 911.
The girl shot the man when he tried to open the closet she was hiding in."
Yet another report follows.

A 14 year old Arizona boy shoots and seriously wounds an intruder in his home.
"The teen was watching his younger siblings when a woman first rang the doorbell, then began pounding on the door. He realized something was not right and ran upstairs where a gun was stored. As he returned a male intruder kicked down the door and entered with gun in hand. The teen shot at and hit the intruder. Police say his quick actions may have saved this family."
Gun ownership and stand your ground laws are under attack by the left even as Obama and Holder cover-up the “Fast and Furious” gun running scandal and the death of our border agent!
“This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe,” Obama said during an emotional ceremony in an auditorium next to the White House. “This is how we will be judged.”
         Yes, the left will be judged by their attempt to disarm law abiding people while not enforcing the nations existing gun laws as the criminals run wild in D.C. , Chicago and elsewhere.

Our imperial president, King Barrack Hussein Obama, signed 23 executive actions that took effect immediately and did not require congressional approval.

         I know of no one that does not agree that we must find a way to protect our citizens and especially our children from violence. Being naïve and stupid is not an effective strategy!
Our culture has digressed into one where violence is portrayed so often that reality blurs into fantasy, especially for the young and the mentally unstable. The lines between “right and wrong- good and bad” are blurred by relativism; after all, who are we to judge?

          Many on the Left believe that anyone who owns a gun is a paranoid nut case; a deranged rightwing lunatic, while many on the right believe that with the strict government limitations on guns it is more likely that criminals who have no regard for law will prey upon the disarmed, defenseless law abiding citizens.

In this post I will attempt to find the facts of this matter and identify which group, the Obama Democrats vs the NRA, is the most radical and misinformed group.  

The truth is that every year in the United States, thousands of people defend themselves from those who are attempting to hurt them. As I have stated, few of those stories are ever told on the evening news or in the Palm Beach Post.

 I’m a registered Independent, but I’m thankful for the Republicans in Congress who are the only ones slowing down the leftist juggernaut and preventing the Democrats from trashing the Constitution. Florida Senator Marco Rubio said the following;
“Nothing the president is proposing would have stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook. President Obama is targeting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens instead of seriously addressing the real underlying causes of such violence.”
Rubio is correct.

         Worldwide, all the evidence shows that gun laws do not prevent the lawless from getting guns. This is a fact that Randy Schultz and his ilk cannot grasp.
         The evidence is overwhelming!
Last year a shooting near Oslo, Norway where guns are banned, killed 69 people and injured 110. Due to gun law, there were no armed citizens and not an armed official within miles as the slaughter continued unabated.
Germany, a country with some of the strictest gun control in the world has been the site of three of the worst multiple-victim, K-12 public school shootings in the world, all in the past decade.  Examples of attacks in countries with strict gun control, like in Austria, Britain, France, Finland and Italy are numerous.
Guns used for the attacks in Germany and Norway were obtained illegally. It is virtually impossible to stop criminals from getting whatever weapons they want, lets not deny the lawful person his ability to self-defense.

With just a single exception, the attack in Tucson last year, every public shooting in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed since at least 1950 has occurred in a place where citizens are not allowed to carry their own firearms.

While the Obama administration is busy trying to erode our second Amendment rights, citizens across the country rely on guns to protect their very lives. The progressive Democrat media has no interest in reporting these stories of self-defense and survival. David Gregory’s children, along with all the other children of the elite left, are protect by armed guards, yet they consider it absurd to offer the same for our children.

Click on the NRA video at this link:

The left has gone berserk over that ad! Can you find anything inaccurate about it? It clearly does not attack the Presidents children, it simply reports that they like all the children of the Washington elites enjoy armed protection. Democrats whine that the ad crosses the line because children of public figures are off limits. I wonder if V.P. Candidate Sarah Palin believes that the Left gave her daughters that courtesy. Can you imaging Bill Maher, Letterman, Stewart, SNL and all the MSNBC trash talking scumbags saying about the Obama girls what they said about the Palin girls! I bet that would get the leftwing media hypocrites like Randy Schultz and the politico's like the fat hags at N.O.W. off their asses!

Obama and Holder will not rest until America is disarmed and the citizen’s powerless subjects under the jackboot of big government control! The leftist media and the Palm Beach Post will cheer the Democrat thugs on.

That’s why the Palm Beach Post sucks!

Walter Cronkite: “There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are free or you are not.”

This week; Must Read:

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