Wednesday, September 5, 2012




Are the radical Palm Beach Post editors politically left of Democrat extremist’s and corruptocrat’s Barney Frank and Chris Dodd? Readers must ask that question after perusing an editorial by Jac Versteeg, in the leftwing “Palm Beach Post”. Versteeg wrote the following:

“Editorial: Fannie, Freddie become more necessary than evil
By Jac Versteeg
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Two cheers for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. OK, maybe it’s just one-and-a-half cheers.
Fannie and Freddie owned or guaranteed more than half of all the mortgages in America. Their policy role was to increase the pool of money available for mortgages. Like their completely private cousins, though, Fannie and Freddie were influenced by greed to set disastrously low lending standards”.        

Can Jac Versteeg actually believe that Fannie and Freddie as well as numerous private banks desire to loan money to people that they know have no ability to repay the loan? Does this idiot believe that bankers like to lose money, not make a profit by being repaid the loan principle, plus interest?  My God, morons have taken over our media!
Informed people, worldwide, know that the cause of the global financial collapse was government meddling. The utopian, social engineering was led by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the Democrat Party and driven by a goal to achieve social justice. How did this happen? Our Congress threatened lending institutions with prosecution for discrimination against minorities. They were accused of “redlining mortgages”, civil rights violations and accusations of racism for not lending to low-income people who had poor credit ratings. The fact is that banks began being forced to issue subprime mortgages against their will. The evidence is well documented and readily available.
I suspect that Jac Versteeg is aware of these facts and knows the truth but is a willing participant and player for the Democrat Party, propaganda and lie machine that is known as the mainstream media. As Versteeg continues to lie to hide the truth about the consequences of intrusive government activity, over two years ago Barney Frank had come to accept the failure of the Fannie and Freddie.
Frank said the GSE’s should be abolished! Here is what Barney Frank, a staunch supporter of Fannie and Freddie for many years and a key figure in the United States Congress’ involvement in the destruction of the U.S. and world economies has come to realize; in 2010 Frank said the following:

After years of defending the corrupt government sponsored enterprise (GSE) institutions and blocking any attempt to audit or regulate Fannie and Freddie, Barney Frank was asked in 2010 if we need Fannie and Freddie. His response was: “Oh, absolutely not, I think they should be abolished.” Attention Post readers, Jac Versteeg is a bigger government socialist than even Barney Frank; Ouch!


         Versteeg thinks that Wall Street greed was the cause of the housing bubble. Wall Street simply joined a feeding frenzy of corruption and cronyism incited by utopian ideology, Mr. Versteeg! The institutions holding the toxic “hot potato” of bogus subprime loans- forced upon them by the Democrats in congress- was packaged, bundled and then sent to Wall Street and sold off internationally; marketed as sound real-estate backed investments. Fannie and Freddie knew the investments were toxic. The banks left holding the “hot potato’s” when the music stopped got burned and the taxpayers were sent the bill by our government as worldwide markets began to collapse. The utopian, socialist, Democrat Party ideologs were the cause and ironically, with the help of a corrupt media, the only ones to ultimately benefit. Obama was involved in suing Citibank, forcing them to make subprime loans and after the meltdown Obama received enormous contributions from the banks and Wall Street, far more than any other politician.

         I have written and documented the whole sequence of events that started in the 1970’s under Jimmy Carter in past blog posts, but I found an excellent YouTube video that explains in detail the root cause and the events that led to our dilemma.
Below is a link to the real story that Jac Versteeg and the Democrats do not want you to discover. This is a ten-minute video that does a great job of chronologically explaining how the Democrats used the CRA legislation of Jimmy Carter to advance utopian social engineering ideals under Bill Clinton and how Frank and Dodd then blocked efforts by Bush, McCain and the Republicans to avert the impending financial disaster.
 Click this link: Watch the whole thing before they take it down!

         DESPITE WHAT YOU JUST SAW, JAC VERSTEEG SUPPORTS FANNIE AND FREDDIE! If you doubt that this is true research the issue, it's true!

Last year I wrote this post on my blog site. If people like me can easily discover this information and verify it’s accuracy, how can professional journalist remain ignorant?


            Former president Bill Clinton is making the rounds promoting his new book entitled “Back to Work”. The irony of this is that a new report has just come out proving that Bill Clinton was one of the politicians most responsible for the Global Economic Collapse and the resultant loss of jobs worldwide.

It has been discovered that on April 15th 1994 Clinton’s Task Force On Fair Lending entered into the Federal Registry, a 20-page report entitled Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending. Ten federal agencies were used by Clinton to issue harrowing ultimatums to banks and mortgage lenders to start issuing loans to lower income minorities or face investigations of discrimination, adverse publicity and denial of access to the secondary mortgage market.
This blows up the argument that a lack of regulation led to our economic situation. The fact that the federal government had regulation authority is the very tool that enabled politicians to control banker’s behavior. Bad and over regulation is what Bill Clinton conducted from the executive branch with the help of Chris Dodd from the Senate and Barney Frank from the House. They set in motion the subprime mortgage meltdown and the eventual destruction of the global economy. Of course The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission and the Democrat Media have not reported any of the facts, which incriminate Democrat politicians.”

Don’t’ expect the corrupt Pro-Democrat Party leftists at the Palm Beach Post to tell the truth! Do your own research and then expose the lies of the propagandists in the media.
In his latest editorial posted: 4:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, Versteeg wrote the following; “Effects of the real estate crash that irresponsible Wall Streeters triggered haven’t worn off yet.” Repeating yet again the myth and Democrat talking point, Versteeg’s simplistic, sophomoric conclusions about what our problems are and what caused them is not credible. With the resources at Versteeg’s disposal, the man must have a deeper vision into this and many other issues. In my opinion Jac is intentionally misleading and spread the tired old talking points of the “National Socialist Democrat Party”.

That’s Why The Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Daniel J. Boorstin;
Truth has been displaced by “believability” as the test of the statements which dominate our lives.”

This week, must read:
Author Mark R. Levin’s “LIBERTY and TYRANNY”
IBSN # 1-4165-6285-0

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