Tuesday, September 27, 2011



         In Obama’s Oligarchy Administration, all men are not created equal. All men are no longer treated equally before the law. Justice is not blind.
  There is no longer a level playing field in this fundamentally transformed country. Those who have the most cash and are willing to line the pockets of the Democrat Party and Obama’s campaign slush fund are granted special exemptions from the governments stifling regulations. Those that pay to play are granted huge loans of taxpayer money while their competitors are punished and attacked by the same regulators and auditors.
            Even while the crooks of Solyndra take the fifth before Congressional Investigators who are trying to find out what happened to over half a billion-tax dollars, even the leftwing pro-Democrat Daily Beast reports another Obama scandal, LightSquared.
The Beast reports that Obama regulators at the FCC intervened on behalf of a big Obama donor, hedge fund billionaire Philip Falcone, whose company LightSquared was granted one of Obama’s infamous and coveted waivers from existing law.
 To make matters worse, Four Star Air Force General, William Shelton has said that the White House pressured him to change his testimony to make it more favorable to the Obama cronies. The Daily Beast confirmed these accusations through interviews with administration officials. Reports place top, senior Obama aide Valerie Jarret at the center of the Solyndra controversy and the LightSquared scandal has also has been directly connected to White House Officials.
So now we have The Fast and Furious, Solyndra, and LightSquared scandals layered upon the waste of tax dollars by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mack (they only need an additional 100 billion!), the Failed Stimulus, Auto and Wall Street Bailouts and the escalation of the Bush wars with the addition of the Libya intervention; all of this and in the Sunday edition of the Palm Beach Post not a word of criticism can be found.  The only place reporting these new scandals seems to be Fox News and both the left and the right on the Internet. No wonder the newsprint rags are dinosaurs.
Not only do the Democrats, Obama’s butt boys, at the Palm Beach Post not report these scandals but also the brilliant Randy Schultz calls for higher taxes and the need for additional federal revenue.
 Until both Barney Frank and Chris Dodd is perp walked in handcuffs out of the Capital and the Chicago thug politicians are voted out of the White House I say not a penny of additional revenue should go to the crooked politicians in D.C.

That’s why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

John Locke:  “Wherever Law ends Tyranny begins”

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