Tamara Jacoby is president and CEO of Immigration Works, an organization that opposes deportation of illegal immigrants. In other words, Ms. Jacoby makes a living off of the exploitation of illegal immigrants by helping American business obtain and retain labor at slave wages. Her financial backers include the National Restaurants Association, the American Hotel and Lodging Association, Associated General Contractors and the American Meat Institute who all benefit from having a ready supply of desperate low wageworkers. This affiliation is reported in the Palm Beach Post in an editorial written by Randy Schultz and published on 9/04/2011 entitled I can’t believe I’m saying this’ about illegal immigrants
Mr. Schultz reports that Ms. Jacoby analyzed a focus group’s reaction to the issue of immigration. The reaction of the group was quite different when the distinction was made between legal and illegal immigration. This is an important distinction, which is commonly glossed over by the leftist media. Experts at playing the race card, Democrats in Congress and their tools in the media usually label any objection toward illegal immigration as being anti-immigrant and such views as racist, bigoted and intolerant.
“Ms. Jacoby believes Washington now sees immigration reform as a Democratic issue.” “So Republicans won’t pass it.” Reports Mr. Schultz.
Now we get to the real issue. To the Democrats, immigration reform is simply amnesty for possibly 20 million illegals. Republicans and independents want to stop illegal immigration and give legal immigrants a controlled path to citizenship.
We want an increase for highly educated and skilled immigrants holding H-1B visas. The current quota for such individuals is now only 65,000 down from 195,000 in 2001. These would be highly paid individuals who would make jobs and contribute high taxes to the treasury.
To the left, immigration reform simply means, make illegal’s, legal. Currently, there is immigration policy and law. People can legally immigrate. Illegal immigrants are violating immigration policies and the Democrat party and big businesses are in collaboration to encourage this lawlessness. They benefit if illegals are permitted to remain in the country. The motive for Democrats is to increase its low wage, government dependent voter base. The motive of business is to obtain labor at slave wages.
As a proponent of rewarding illegals with amnesty and citizenship, Ms. Jacoby and the Democrat Party must take responsibility for the tragedy and horrific consequences inflicted upon tens of thousands of people attempting to enter America illegally. The possibility of granting amnesty for the estimated 12 to 20 million illegals already here makes America even more of a magnet for continued illegal immigration. If blanket amnesty were enacted this would surely lead to a new tsunami of illegals.

Many people flood across Mexico’s southern border as they attempt to reach America. Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission reported that between September 2008 and February 2009, nine thousand seven hundred fifty eight people attempting this journey were kidnapped. Between April and September of 2010, drug cartel, corrupt officials and other criminals kidnapped an additional 11, 333. The victims are routinely forced into criminal activities, used as slave labor, raped, tortured and often killed. The Mexican Human Rights Commission estimates that currently 22, 000 illegal immigrants are kidnapped annually.
Why are so many people willing to take this risk? The answer is that Ms. Jacoby and her ilk along with greedy corporations have made America a magnet for illegals hoping for a shortcut to citizenship.
In 2006 Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderon, instituted a battle against transcontinental criminal organizations. That same year President Bush increased the United States efforts of border security. Since taking power, the Obama Administration’s policies including the Fast and Furious debacle have led to even more chaos and destruction.
In 2008, 390 bodies were recovered at the U.S. Mexican border. In 2009, the death toll increased to 417. These victims are lured by the hope of open borders and easy citizenship. Our government allows a porous and unprotected border even during the war on terror and with domestic unemployment and underemployment rates hovering near 16%.
The most crucial step to solve illegal immigration is to secure the border. DUH! Then, the U.S. should do nothing more and nothing less than what almost every other country on planet earth does. Don’t the anti-American lefties always look to other countries to demonstrate our inequities?
Let’s start with Mexico where the National Immigration Institute routinely arrested and repatriates illegals.
The Canadian Encyclopedia Website reports;
“The problem of illegal aliens, while not a new one, has in recent years become more awkward for the Canadian government to resolve, especially as the total number of persons entering Canada at border crossings and airports has grown. Once in Canada, illegal aliens may easily escape notice unless they try to acquire some public service, which would bring them to the attention of government authorities”.
How strange. Canadians don’t tolerate illegals obtaining tax-funded public services. Stingy bastards, Eh?
According to Wikipedia the French closely control the number and type of people immigrating and even require them to speak French! What bigots!
“ July 2006, President Sarkozy put into effect a law on immigration based upon the notion of “chosen immigration”,[73] which allows immigration into France to a restricted field of employment sectors, notably the hotel and restaurant industries, construction and seasonal employment. The following summer of 2007, President Sarkozy amended the law to also require the acquisition of the French language as a pre-condition”.
I could give example after example of sovereign, foreign governments protecting the interests and rights of its citizens through the implementation of border and immigration control.
World wide, the previous examples are two of the most liberal and tolerant countries when it comes to immigration policy. The entire world must think we American citizens are fools to let our politicians and big business interests teat us with such disdain and disrespect. As our ever more limited resources are drained by illegals, America has become an international joke! Shame on you Ms. Jacoby and your big business partners. As for you Mr. Schultz, why don’t’ you media tools of the left ask these questions?
Commonsense Immigration Reform
1) Secure the border. Use available technology and hire and train unemployed Americans who are currently being paid welfare, unemployment and government assistance (workfare). Close useless government agencies and retrain those workers for border patrol.
2) Fine the Employers of Illegals $5,000 per incident. Immigrants without jobs or taxpayer public services will return home. Hire Americans. We will do any job. We’re Americans!
3) Repatriate Illegals Who Break Any Law and those who are provided with public funded services if they cannot reimburse the American taxpayers. Give these people literature explaining the legal immigration process to take home with them. (In general institute policies similar to other nations like Canada.)
4) Impeach Government Officials or accept the resignations of those who refuse to enforce the laws of our country.
5) Increase legal Immigration. Also raise the quota for H-1B Visas.
6) Streamline the Green Card to Citizenship Transition.
Mohandas Gandi: Exploitation is the essence of violence.
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