Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Tyrant: “An absolute ruler who governs arbitrarily without constitutional or other restrictions”. That is the definition of tyranny and an accurate description of the Obama administrations conduct over the past five years.

In Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein”, Dr. Frankenstein created a monster that eventually killed him. The adoring media took an unqualified, inexperienced, ill-prepared,  community organizer and through press hyperbole manufactured a Democrat, messianic presidential candidate. The presses creation may well destroy them.
“The Palm Beach Post” (PBP) and most of the media has stood down and watched silently as The Obama Administration has trampled the rights of Americans and of political opponents for 5 years.

1) In 2008 New Black Panthers wearing Para-military uniforms stood at the entrance to a Philadelphia polling place wielding nightsticks and intimidated white voters. After victory, Eric Holder became Obama’s Attorney General and dismissed charges of voter suppression and civil rights violations brought by the DOJ against the Panthers by stating that voter intimidation by members of the New Black Panther Party “was different than the historic intimidation experienced by “my people. The media showed no outrage to this racially biased application of law and did not demand the protection of the rights of all voters.
2) Early on in 2009, Obama began a strategy of circumventing Congressional approval by decreeing through executive order a shadow government composed of czars. Obama hand picked several far left radicals and appointed them as czars of healthcare; energy, climate, urban affairs and technology just to name a few. The Congress’ constitutional right of consent was circumvented. The PBP and the media showed no outrage and did not protect our constitutional separation and balance of power.

         3) Attorney General Holder then was caught gun running in Arizona and withheld or blacked out nearly all the documents requested by the Congressional oversight committees. The media showed no outrage and did not defend the victims of violence in Arizona and Mexico killed and injured by the illegal Fast and Furious weapons.

         4) Obama gave over half a billion-tax payer dollars to Solyndra lining the pockets of a campaign mega-donor, CEO despite the knowledge that the company was failing. The PBP and the media showed little outrage.

         5) Hillary Clinton stood next to the remains of Americans that were murdered by Al Qaeda terrorists in Benghazi, Libya and told their grieving parents that she would prosecute the people responsible for the massacre; the producer of an obscure YouTube video. Hillary hugged Pat Smith, the mother of slain Sean Smith. Mrs. Smith was heart broken and outraged by Hillary’s lie. Hillary, Obama and Rice repeated the lies for a month. Obama went on Letterman and continued to lie to the American people on national TV and then he went before the U.N. and lied to the world. Obama spent tens of thousands of dollars on a public service ad in Pakistan apologizing for the YouTube video that no one had been aware of until the our genius president publicized it! 
See Pat Smith’s interview by Huckabee by clicking this link;

The PBP and the media have painted this administration cover-up as a Republican witch-hunt proving that Mrs. Smith is correct; to Obama and the media, the American people and the truth are unimportant.
This morning, ABC News reported that Hillary’s top aide at the State Department changed the CIA’s original report twelve times to fit a narrative that a planned terror attack had not happened and that a protest against a anti-Muslim video was the actual cause. These lies were all an attempt to help Obama win re-election. If they will lie just for PR purposes, imagine what they are capable of to cover illegality!

6) The IRS is part of Obama’s Department of Treasury. It is now known that in May of 2012 leading up to the presidential election, Steven Miller director of the IRS knew of the targeting of conservatives by the agency. The IRS has denied allegations of persecuting conservatives but it is now known that they have been compiling an enemy’s list since 2010! The PBP and the media have called claims of IRS harassment as the delusion of paranoid Tea Party kooks. Here is Jac “ass” Versteeg’s take.

“By Jac Versteeg
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Just as more Americans were relegating tea party groups to the political fringes, the Internal Revenue Service validates their paranoia. The IRS really was out to get them.”
 Jac Versteeg apparently does not know the definition of paranoia yet apparently suffers from it. You are not paranoid when what you recognize as reality is actually real. Versteeg as well as all the editors of The Palm Beach Post have long suffered from “Republican derangement syndrome”. They have no credibility or the ability to provide an intellectual opinion concerning any conservative politician or political issue.

Friday 5/10/2013, the IRS has finally admitted that the charges of an enemies list was true and that they have even been targeting people and organizations that advocate such benign issues as balancing the federal budget.
The Democrat liberals unwavering agenda is to enlarge federal government and control the lives of the American people in every facet. The left uses government as a weapon against those who oppose them with little regard for constitutional protections. The media including Palm Beach Post editor Randy Schultz acquiesce by rationalizing that it is all for the greater good.
 In Nazi Germany the media looked the other way as Jews were persecuted. They looked away when political opposition was persecuted. They finally paid attention when the tyrant Joseph Goebbels and the National Socialist Party (Nazis) began focusing on them. At that point it was to late and the media in Germany either cooperated or was annihilated.

When The Obama Administration smashed down the wall protecting voter’s rights, the media was complicit.
When Obama crumbled the Constitutional wall of Congressional consent and oversight by appointing czars, the media was complicit.
  When Obama looted the taxpayer money by paying off political supporters (Solyndra) and practicing crony capitalism, the media was complicit.
When Obama changed the CIA report on Benghazi and lied to the American people for political advantage the media blamed Republicans and when the truth came out, the media was complicit.
When the IRS admitted to using its power as a weapon against opponents of Obama, the media finally started to come out of its Obama-zombie trance.
When Obama prosecuted in just 5 years more government whistleblowers than all the presidents in U.S. history combined, the media was complicit.
Now the AP and other media have awakened to find the ugly face of Obama tyranny focused directly upon them. LOL!

Yesterday, late Monday afternoon, it was reported that Eric Holder and the DOJ have been wire-tapping and eaves dropping on over 100 reporters of the Associated Press for over two months. LOL! The enablers in the media have now felt the sharp bite of the dog that they adopted and have been feeding for 5 years. Ouch!

No one deserves to suffer tyranny more than the Obama apologists at the Palm Beach Post, BUT THOSE OBAMA LAP DOGS NEED NOT FEAR!


 John Locke; “Wherever Law ends Tyranny begins.”

Must read;

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