Thursday, March 28, 2013



         The Palm Beach County Democrat Party works much like a malfunctioning cesspool, the odiferous, large chunks accumulate at the top.

Deandre Poole is one such piece on the rise. The Democrat activist, Mr. Poole, holds the rank of vice chairman of the Palm Beach County Democrat Party. While not out in the community spreading Democrat talking points of intolerance and hate, designed to incite the Democrat Party base, Poole works as a professor at Florida Atlantic University.
Yes, Mr. Poole is a doctor (PhD.) but I choose to refer to the man as Mr. not Dr. due to his gross malpractice at FAU; we at WTPBPS are suspending Dr. Poole’s license.
Mr. Poole’s job is to indoctrinate young students into the dark, Democrat, worldview of victimization, division, intolerance, hopelessness and hate. He is yet another pawn in the army of radical, progressive left professors infesting our universities. His brand of leftist propaganda is wide spread in academia while real Dr.’s like Dr. Benjamin Carson are censored, mocked and ridiculed by the student body. The intolerance of opposing opinion is encouraged by the liberal elites in charge of our universities and propagandists in mainstream media such as “The Palm Beach Post”.

         It is reported that Mr. Poole instructed his class to write the name Jesus on paper and then throw it on the floor and stomp on it. One student refused and was suspended. Here is the story as reported by Channel 12 News. Click this link.

FAU STUDENTS, TRANSFER TODAY! Don't support FAU intolerance!
As you saw, the University supports Poole and has punished the student for objecting. Would the FAU administrators react the same if Allah, Mohammad, Yahweh or Elohim had been used in this immature exercise being passed off as higher education? The media has not reported much about the pre-Easter torture and slaughter of Christians happening across Egypt as Obama sends millions of dollars worth of jet fighters and tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood! Students paying FAU’s exorbitant tuition fees do not need a jackass posing as a college professor to demonstrate intolerance of Christianity, they can just tune into BBC news.
How is it that the word Easter should be been banned by schools- so as to not insult non-Christians- but all students including Christians can be forced to desecrate the name of Jesus? Why should a student be bullied and punished for declining to participate in bigotry? Only a Democrat could consider this action to be justified morally or make sense as a lesson conducted at an institution of higher education.
The face of a bully?

The face of intolerance?
The following is from THE OFFICIAL FAU website:
“Deandre Poole teaches courses in intercultural communication, ethnicity and communication, leadership and communication, and organizational communication. His research focuses on the role mediated messages play in shaping individual attitudes and beliefs concerning issues of justice and inequality, and examines how leaders, organizations, and other influential authorities dominate and oppress marginalized groups of people. Currently, he is authoring the book, Obamamania: The Rise of a Mythical Hero, to be published by the Edwin Mellen Press. In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr. Poole is actively engaged in various community service projects throughout Palm Beach County.”
My interpretation of that introduction is that Mr. Poole is just another race baiting, intolerant, divider; a community organizer that assigns people labels, pitting individual groups against one another for self-empowerment. A community organizer with a PhD. in hate speech. If he loses his job at FAU, he could work in Chicago (the murder capital) continuing the work of his idol and “Mythical Hero” President Obama.
Republican Rick Scott has written a letter to Frank Brogan, chancellor of the state’s university system, saying, “I am deeply disappointed in the recent action of Florida Atlantic University faculty that raises significant questions over students rights and the lessons being taught in our classrooms.”
The letter from Gov. Scott said, “Whether the student was reprimanded or whether an apology was given is in many ways inconsequential to the larger issue of a professor’s poor judgment…  The professor’s lesson was offensive, and even intolerant, to Christians and those of all faiths who deserve to be respected as Americans entitled to religious freedom.”
         Can’t wait to see how Gov. Scott’s letter fires up Randy Schultz and the horde of Republican bashing pro-Democrat Party campaign propagandists at the “Palm Beach Post”.

Young people, especially minorities, should look to leaders who have overcome adversity; leaders like Dr. Benjamin Carson, Sen. Tim Scott, Col. Allen West, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Dr. Walt Williams, Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Ted Cruz, Gov. Bobby Jindal and Gov. Nicky Haley for inspiration and the acknowledgment of the abundance of opportunity we all enjoy as free people.

PS. Today, Rhonda Swan editor at the Post has responded to the stomping Jesus incident. To her credit she is critical of both Mr. Poole and FAU. But Predictably Swan also neglected to identify Poole as a leader of the Palm Beach County Democrats. Also, as usual the Post cannot resist attacking Gov. Scott or at least one Republican in every opinion piece. Swan wrote; “…Gov. Scott wouldn’t be sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.”
Swan also could not help but label the victimized student, she wrote: “A mouthy student who mistakenly believes that every college course should reinforce his beliefs is hardly a threat.”
It’s apparent Ms. Swann has been trained to sit down and shut up by her bosses at the Post.
As far as Scotts intervention, I disagree. Leaders need to lead. When the CEO of the state sees the University System persecuting defenseless students, he damn well better stick his nose in; God knows we have no credible media oversight of Democrats.
During the Allen West vs. Patrick Murphy, the Democrats ran what is now considered the most overtly racist attack ad ever seen in modern American Politics. West was shown laughing while beating white women and stealing money from a black family as a gold front tooth in his “ghetto grill” sparkled brightly.
View the astonishing Democrat ad here:
Rhonda Swann reported that she found that ad to not be racist! That’s why she cannot be considered a credible journalist or an overseer for minority rights; she is beholden to her Democrat Party bosses and the white elitist editors of the Palm Beach Post.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.: “We need education in the obvious more than investigation of the obscure.”

This week; Must read.

Dr. Ben Carson’s “America the Beautiful.” 

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