Wednesday, August 29, 2012



 Friday, August 24, 2012, The Palm Beach Post ran a front-page story by Laura Green entitled “Medicare Truth Eludes Both Sides”. As usual the report is a mess, a piece that is so unintelligible that it will drive any reader with a functioning brain cell to either laugh or cry at the poor state of professional journalism.
         Ms. Green concluded that both Obama’s claims and Romney’s claims, concerning their opponents Medicare plan, are false. This is what Laura Green reported.
         President Obama robbed Medicare of $716 billion and cut seniors benefits to pay for the Affordable Care Act.”

Ms. Green says that Romney’s claim is false and then explains Obama’s actual plan as follows:
 “Obama’s Plan:
*Essentially, is the Affordable Care Plan” (Obamacare)

*“ Savings: $716 billion mainly from cuts to doctors, hospitals; crackdown on fraud.”

*Where the money goes: To pay for provisions of law

*”Affects: Doctors, hospitals, other providers now.”

         Green refutes Romney’s claim that Obama robbed Medicare of $716 billion to pay for the Affordable Care Act by saying that “Obama’s Plan Essentially, IS the Affordable Care Act.” What The Hell? She just affirmed what Romney claimed!

The insanity continued. To refute Romney’s claim that Obamacare cuts current benefits to seniors, Ms. Green reported that the $716 billion taken from Medicare would come from cuts to the payments made to doctors, hospitals and other providers now. What The Hell? She just did it again! She admits that the $716 billion that Obama took from Medicare health providers will pay for provisions of law”(Obamacare).
In other words Ms Green reports that $716  billion of your Medicare funds will be taken from your doctors, hospitals, nursing homes and care providers and given to lawyers, accountants, IRS agents, auditors and administrators of his monstrous healthcare plan!

         Is it possible that this woman is so stupid that she thinks that by not paying healthcare providers our benefits and services will be unaffected? That’s beyond belief! Current seniors are guaranteed to experience lower quality, reduced medical services and long waiting times thanks to Obamacare and his raid on the Medicare fund!  

         If Ms. Green is not simply advancing propaganda for the Democrat Party she must live in a make-believe world, not the real world where actions have consequences. In Green’s utopian world, cutting payments would have no consequence on service:

 1) Your boss might call a meeting and announce that the company’s downsizing. He assures the workers that no jobs or health benefits will be cut but that the company will simply no longer pay salaries or insurance premiums.  

2) You tell your kids they can use the cell phone as often as they please but you only pay for 10 minutes. When they complain, you tell them you are not cutting phone benefits you are simply reducing the payment to Verizon.

3) To appease the angry children you take them to the state fair and announce that they have permission to ride as much as they wish; but then you hand them each two ride tickets. When they protest because each ride requires at least 3 tickets, you tell them that you are not cutting privileges or benefits, your simply reducing payments to the Carnies.

          Can the Democrats be so stupid that they actually believe that after cutting payments to Medicare healthcare providers our healthcare services will be unaffected? Maybe they will cure people with magic pixie-dust

         Finally, Ms. Green reported that Obamacare will “affect providers now”.

         Worse than her unbelievable and laughable analysis of Obamacare, she told blatant lies denigrating Romney’s plan. Ms. Green wrote the following about Romney’s plan; “Affects: People over 55-65 the most.” That is a lie. Romney’s plan keeps Medicare unchanged for people over 54 yrs old.

Mitt Romney’s plan explicitly guarantees that the reformed program must offer at least the same benefits that Medicare does today. And the reforms would only affect those younger than 55. People under 55 will get a choice of plans similar to what members of congress receive.

To Ms. Green’s credit, she debunks the Democrat lie that the Romney’s plan will increase cost to seniors by $6,400. She correctly reported that the cost increase provision was part of Paul Ryan’s original plan, not Romney’s current plan.
Under the Romney and Wyden-Ryan plans, seniors would not pay anything extra to gain access to the benefits they now enjoy. The CBO estimated a $6,400 cost increase for an out-of-date and different plan that Paul Ryan proposed in 2011.

The Obama campaign is running a Mediscare television ad repeating the $6,400 cost increase Mediscare lie to scare seniors. Even Ms. Green reported that “PolitiFact” has dubbed Obama’s Mediscare commercial it’s “LIE OF THE CENTURY”.

         Without reform Medicare will fail. Mitt Romney has the solution to save Medicare. We need the leadership of an astute businessman who is able to work with the opposition and get things done, not divide our nation. Mitt Romney is that man.
            Surely the Democrats working at the Palm Beach Post will endorse Obama and his failed administration. The federal government can never be large enough or too intrusive for the mainstream media leftwing nut cases that pretend to be journalists.
 Why the Palm Beach Post Sucks” officially endorses the Romney-Ryan ticket in the 2012 election.


Thomas Fuller; “Health is not valued until sickness comes.”


ISBN 0-226-32055-3

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Thanks for the information and education.
