Thursday, July 12, 2012



For 3 ½ years, President Obama did nothing for illegal immigrants other than deport them. For a full 2 years Obama had control of the entire government including a filibuster proof, super majority in the Senate and accomplished no immigration reform. Now, just months before the election, Obama for political gain has granted waivers to a million illegal immigrants.

 Sunday, July 8th, 2012, The Palm Beach Post ran a report by staff writer Carlos Frias pertaining to President Obama’s “decree” granting a million illegal immigrants under the age of 30 drivers licenses and work permits and how that policy will affect the lives of a family living in Greenacres, Florida.
         Because the Frias report documents a series of illegal activities in which the family has been involved, activities that continue to this day, I will not mention their full names. Fifteen-year-old Deivi and eighteen-year-old Hugo are described as fine, young, hard workingmen. Hugo graduated High School with a 3.2 grade average and hopes to attend college. Mr. Frias wrote the following concerning Hugo’s education:
This is why she (Hugo’s mother) made them work so hard for A’s and B’s in high school even though there was never a possibility of a college education for children born in Mexico.”
Frias is saying that before Obama’s decree, illegal immigrants have been banned from our universities! What country is Mr. Frias referring to? Surely not the United States where a great debate is currently underway concerning giving illegal immigrants in state, resident, college tuition rates even though they and their parents have not paid most taxes other than state sales tax. (As an American taxpayer for over 45 years, I was required to pay out of state tuition for my child who attended college in California while her illegal immigrant class mates paid 50% less, the California resident tuition rate!) Is Mr. Frias committing standard “Palm Beach Post Propaganda” via lies and misinformation or is he truly- like most journalist- ignorant of the facts about the issues that they report?
 Illegal’s have been educated free of charge, K-12, at the American taxpayer’s expense and are now being given low cost resident college tuition rates while American citizens from out of state pay 100% more!

The “Orlando Sentinel” reported the following:

But Rep. Joe Pickens, R-Palatka, said Monday that he favors another approach. Pickens spoke during a meeting of the Central Florida Public School Boards Coalition, a group of area school board members and superintendents that meets monthly to discuss education issues.
Pickens said he favors giving Florida’s community colleges the option of waiving out of state tuition charges for more students. Let community college waive out of state costs for illegal immigrants, too, if they choose, he suggested.”

So not only can illegals attend our colleges, they even get tuition discounts! Is the reporter Carlos Frias a moron? I doubt that, he seems to be educated. That means he must be a typical Palm Beach Post Propagandist.
In California, illegals are not only welcome in our universities they even receive preferred treatment. Since 2011, despite being bankrupt, California has mandated that the American taxpayer provided special assistance to illegal immigrant students! The following is a report from ABC News:

Oct. 9, 2011

Illegal immigrants will be able to apply for financial aid and merit-based scholarships to help pay their way through California's public colleges and universities, now that Gov. Jerry Brown this weekend signed the state's groundbreaking and controversial Dream Act, which ramps up existing allowances for the students in question.”

You can see the whole story by clicking the following link:

What is Frias thinking? Is it possible that Obama’s minions, his butt boys, the reporters who wander the halls of the Palm Beach Post really think that a child born in Mexico and living in the U.S. is banned from attending college in this country?

         Mr. Frias describes how Hugo works illegally at a shop painting cars for $6 an hour and does side jobs painting cars at his rented home where he lives with his parents. This means Hugo is being exploited; paid below minimum wage for his labor. He and his employer are breaking the law. This means that the employer need not hire an American citizen at minimum wage and can avoid paying all the other related business expenses required of employers such as workman’s comp, S.S. Insurance, unemployment insurance, health benefits etc. to conduct his business.
When Hugo paints a car at home he takes business from a legal, licensed shop in the area. The businesses that employ legal workers and pay heavy taxes are required to adhere to strict government regulations. The EPA heavily regulates and monitors auto body repair and painting businesses to prevent environmental harm. The auto body industry uses environmentally hazardous paints and chemicals to repair, prep, prime and paint vehicles. The facilities must protect its workers under OSHA laws and Florida’s environment, the air and ground water under EPA laws. Frias describes Hugo as sweat soaked in a tee-shirt, his hands covered in blue paint. Is Hugo endangering his health by not wearing protective clothing and a respirator or mask? Is the Greenacres, Fl. environment at risk from the paint and chemicals Hugo is using? If a child running a lemonade stand is a threat to a neighborhood how can Hugo’s painting services not cause a problem?(Has anyone seen video of kids with lemonade stands getting shut down by the police and the local government?)   
         While Hugo illegally paints cars outside, Frias reports that Hugo’s mother runs a bread bakery out of her kitchen to make money for the family.  Hugo’s neighbors come to the door to purchase her homemade loaves of bread. Her illegal activity steals business from local stores and licensed, inspected, taxpaying “mom and pop” bakeries. The legal businesses are once again stuck with paying the local, state and federal business taxes and required to adhere to government regulations but lose business to illegal activities.

         Frias also reported that on Monday Hugo will start a job with a Miami contractor and will help gut a building. Now Hugo will be exploited again and has taken away another legal workers construction job. The contractor will avoid paying at least minimum wage plus all the other “legal worker expenses” that produces tax revenue for both the state and the federal government. Similarly, Hugo’s father has affected the legal American worker and the taxpayers by working illegally in this country for many years.

         Frias reports that Hugo’s parents have been driving illegally without a driver’s license. They even took a family trip to Disney World. Hopefully, they have not had an accident, because they would be unable to buy insurance. That means that all the legal drivers have paid money to protect themselves from Hugo’s parents by buying un-insured driver protection insurance. If the family had a serious accident while driving to Disney the taxpayer would have been stuck with the medical bills since they don’t pay for PIP insurance. Insurance rates for legal drivers’ skyrocket and illegal’s continue to drive free of charge.

         Hugo and his brother Deivi have been educated- K-12- by the American taxpayers. The average cost per student in palm Beach County Florida is reported below:

 says that the Palm Beach County spends:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Florida Average
District Revenue / Student
Hugo’s family, because they rent, pay no property tax to fund our schools. That means that Hugo and his brother have been given a free education by the Florida taxpayers. The cost can be estimated.

12 years times $13,722= $164,664 for Hugo’s education. When Deivi graduates we can double that figure.
2X $164,664= $329,328 was spent by legally employed taxpayers and businesses on Hugo and Deivi’s free education.

         Now with Obama’s decree, illegal alien Hugo can get a taxpayer subsidized college education and then compete with a legal American citizen- who’s families sweat and labor has paid for a lifetime of services and amenities including healthcare for Hugo’s family. Now with 1 million new young workers the chance of an American citizen finding a job will decrease in this jobless Obama economy.

         Here is another story. The story is fiction, but I have no doubt that such events have and will continue to occur. The story of how Obama’s decree might affect a young African American, a group that suffers with a 39.3% unemployment rate!
Lebron was an honor student and athlete living in Chicago, Ill. His parents both work hard and own a small house in a poor neighborhood. They have paid income, property and sales taxes their entire lives just as their parents, grandparents and great grandparents have done for nearly 200 years. Lebron rose above becoming involved in the neighborhood crime; he resisted peer pressure to join a gang. Lebron concentrated on basketball and his studies, earning a partial scholarship at an Indiana University. He was required to pay out of state tuition but even with a partial scholarship and a student loan he struggled financially to attend the school. Eventually Lebron had to drop out of college because he could not find summer work with the local contractor, baker or auto body shops because illegal immigrants had taken what few jobs existed. He was offered a lawn service job for cash “off the books” the going rate since so many illegal’s’ are working for slave-labor wages and the existing immigration and labor laws are not enforced by the government. The money was not enough.
Lebron left school and returned home to live with his parents but still could not find a job. Disillusioned and disheartened, Lebron with no sense of a future joined the gang. He was shot and killed on a hot Saturday night in July. His parents paid for a funeral buried their only child and went back to work praying that they would not be laid off since they had co-signed on Lebrons $10,000 student loan. Lebron’s father worked as a roofer for 30 years and as he aged became less productive. In recent years he had trouble communicating with his fellow workers who spoke only Spanish. Illegal immigrants have been replacing the legal workers by “working off the books” for low wages. One day the boss took Lebron’s father aside and said; "It’s not personal, you’ve been a great employee, but I can hire two 20 year old bi-lingual Mexicans for what I pay you, business is slow, I need to pinch every penny, sorry, it’s just business".

Carlos Frias did Hugo and his family a great disservice by running his story documenting all the illegal activities and “free riding” that they have been involved in for many years. It is disturbing that he revealed their names and location complete with pictures. Does Frias believe that Obama’s decree has made this entire family immune from existing state and federal laws?
The New York Times has reported that 11.2 million illegal immigrants are living in the U.S. Multiply the effect of Hugo’s family; the cost to taxpayers in dollars and in jobs and it’s effect on the unemployment rate in our country by a factor of 11.2 million. Even though Hugo seems to be a fine young man, our country at this moment in history cannot absorb 1 million more illegal’s and surely not 11.2 million people demanding services with no ability to pay income or property taxes. Mr. Frias’s heart wrenching report does not change that fact.
Anyone who thinks President Obama’s Dream Act Decree was anything but a crass political move just months before the election is naïve. Obama has no empathy for Hugo or he would have acted 3 ½  years ago, he just wants Hispanic votes.
 That’s why the Palm Beach Post sucks!

Arthur Goldberg: Law not served by power is an illusion, but power not ruled by law is a menace.”

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