The greatest heist in world history occurred on February 17th 2009 when Barrack Hussein Obama signed the economic stimulus package. The bill took money from all Americans including the poor and gave enormous amounts of cash to rich Obama supporters who then gave a billion dollars to Obama through his National Finance Committee re-election slush fund.
Randy Schultz and the Palm Beach Post along with the vast majority of the national media have been purveyors of the government’s propaganda praising the stimulus as a great success even as all the evidence contradicts their claim. They say that without the stimulus package the economy would be much worse, conjecture that can be neither proven nor disproven.
The signing of the stimulus package empowered Obama’s white-collar, Chicago thugs to loot the national treasury. The reverse Robin Hood, Obama, pillaged the American taxpayers hard earned money and gave it to his ultra-wealthy supporters. With one swish of his pen, Obama destroyed the countries credit rating and charged unimaginable debt to future generations of Americans while in the process bankrupting the country. The stimulus did not create jobs but actually caused economic uncertainty and disincentive for business to hire as 2 million jobs were lost and unemployment soared above 8.5%. Real unemployment and underemployment is estimated to be above 16%! A huge chunk of the loot the Democrats stole from the poor was redistributed to Obama’s rich supporters. Obama’s steal from the poor to give to the rich strategy is clearly evident in the energy-spending portion of the stimulus bill. The following stimulus spending was reported in Wikipedia;
Energy Infrastructure
Total: $21.5 billion[42][43]
▪ $4.5 billion for the Office of Electricity and Energy Reliability to modernize the nation's electrical grid and smart grid.
Energy efficiency and renewable energy research and investment
Loans and investments into green energy technology are a significant part of the final bill
Total: $27.2 billion
▪ $3.4 billion for carbon capture and low emission coal research
▪ $3.1 billion for the State Energy Program to help states invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy
▪ $602 million to support the use of energy efficient technologies in building and in industry
▪ $400 million for electric vehicle technologies (The Chevy volt is est. to have cost the taxpayers $250,000 per vehicle!)
▪ $300 million for state and local governments to purchase energy efficient vehicles
▪ $250 million to increase energy efficiency in low-income housing
▪ $190 million in funding for wind, hydro, and other renewable energy projects
▪ $110 million for the development of high efficiency vehicles
All of this money invested in failed green projects such as Solyndra in conjunction with Obama’s blocking of access to Americas vast natural energy resources has guaranteed that fuel prices will soar to more than $4 per gallon and heating oil costs will crush the budgets of millions of suffering Americans. Why would our leaders be so foolish?
Follow the money! Peter Schweizer in his book “Throw Them All Out” reports on page 100 and 101 charts showing that as of 9/15/2011 16.4 billion dollars of the stimulus went to Obama’s Bundlers, Large Donors and Supporters. On page 88 Schweizer outlines how smaller donors also received billions of our money to fund questionable green companies. See the following;
Bruce Heyman Congentix $90 million $76,167
David Heller First Solar $4.7 BILLION $65,600
Frank Clark Peco Energy $200 million $75.100
John Rogers $193,598
Dan Weiss Powerspan $100 million $20,857
Zeb Rice $12,712
Steve Westly Tesla $465 million $500
TOTAL $11.3 Billion $457,834 million
In quid pro quo fashion, Obama’s fund received nearly half a billion dollars from the CEO’s of companies that received over 11 billion of American Tax dollars.
Schweizer writes, “The list goes on and on. It would take a large team of investigative reporters to untangle every example of cronyism, and it will take more time to assess how many actual jobs these billions of dollars might help stimulate.”
But wait! In the past, Democrat shill Randy Schultz of the Palm Beach Post supported the stimulus and has reported the astounding success of the programs. After all, imagine how bad things would be if Obama’s supporters didn’t receive all that money to enable them to save our economy!
Schweizer continues; “The true short term effect has been to enrich cronies of the party in power. The only thing that many of these grants and loans appear to have in common is how they stimulated the wallets of the well-connected investors.”
Obama’s rob from the poor to give to the rich stimulus scam even gave tax dollars to one of the worlds richest and greediest inhabitants. Schweizer reports that George Soros got our tax dollars through his new green-tech investment fund headed by Cathy Zoi who under Obama oversaw the awarding of government grants to private companies and then went to work for George Soros!
Peter Schweizer has uncovered only the tip of the iceberg. The current Obama Administration and the Democrat Party are corrupt organizations. Without media oversight our liberties and freedoms are in peril.
Lord Bolingbroke: “Our liberty cannot be taken away unless the people are themselves accomplices.”
Wake up America. Demand a just Government and a just media! Since the media won’t do their job, we must find and then spread the truth.
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